Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Reach Far Beyond the Obvious Of One Blinding Now to End Our Exctinction

We Can Learn to Balance Nature's Budget of Life's Productivity of Positives to Lift All Up to Light Now & Generations From Now 

....to Balance  Human Budgets of Private Self-Destructive Cash Consumption Sucking All Down Now Into Extinction?

How can public leaders of a public nation crush the many without our "public" nation defending it's self from Trump & GOP's war on America, a public nation of by for All, All Life on Earth?

Can America stop causing hell on earth 
enough to grow heaven on earth instead, 
to lift all up to light instead?

My religion taught me that every action causes an outcome....that positive actions cause positive outcomes very slowly far from the obvious to lift all up to light of the positive......and that negative actions cause negative outcomes to suck all down easy cheap quick.

I learned that often, many see only the obvious, the immediate, the private, emotional-driven, cash-driven dictated by rates of cash of our urban cities that limit our counts, values and religion to mechanical rates of private cash into private bank accounts of by for only one obvious now...lost in mazes of blinking red, green, yellow rates of stop lights controlling our lives,..blinding the many with glittery privatized cashflow floods of a cash-driven fossil fuel industry, war industry of by for fewer than only 1% that seized totalitarian control of my US Government in Election 2016.

As a blessing, my family lived in Oregon near the ocean and the mountains.....so I spent my youth learning that I did not need artificial human rates of cash to find fulfillment, happiness of any definition.

I learned that nature produces the critical but hidden flows & cycles of sunlight, free energy, air cycles, o2, water cycles, h2o, resich, organic topsoil and soil+maker production and productivity to grow green photosynthesis to lift all up to light.....filling me with uncountable fulfillment, satisfying basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of myself and many.

But cash-driven industries my values, chopping nurturing, satisfying but old growth productivity down into slash.....causing floods ..wd costs and pain downstream..while filling only one private bank account at my expense.

Humans have used human cash systems to build great human cities and great human civilizations for thousands of years....but the negative forces of privatizing human cashflow floods   easily crush and destroy the fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems, cell or self or nation or globe that want to reach up toward light of our sun to grow and produce enough to challenge negative forces pushing us down.

ILLUSTRATION * Corn growing in concrete

My father earned a Purple Heart and a Silver Star from my US Government fighting fascism in Europe in World War II....because he was captured and lost so much weight he was only 90 lbs when rescued at the end of the war.....having nightmares until he was more than 9m0 years old.....the war damaging him and his family and future generations.

My mother and faher both grew up in poverty during the lawless 1920s and the starving 1930s t become sucked into costs and consequences of war and deprivation caused by cash-driven few....at our public expense.....throwing un into war in the 1930s and 1940s 

So I learned to ask "Why?" to connect the dots.....to discover some amazing facts about life on earth.

I craved meaning hidden beyond the obvious.....because that is how I discovered amazing wonders of nature that lifted me up to light.

So I learned that every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system wants to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce enough critical flows & abundance enough for many unsuspecting consume enough.....to consume enough to produce enough...to produce enough to consume enough....to keep our human cities alive day to day and minute to minute....obvious to one private self now or not....counted in rates of private cash or not.

Can America learn to balance nature’s budget of critical but hidden productivity critical but uncountable flows and cycles of positives to lift all up to light of our sun to laugh with life……enough…...to balance cash-driven human budgets of consumption of deadly cashflow floods sucking all down?

I care about my children's future, my nation's future, my private future too.....but:

Privatizing, shortsighted, blinding crushing cashflow floods of a cash-driven fossil fuel industry of by for war continue crush nature’s abilities to grow heaven on earth now and for the last 150 years.

Prevention pays, however.

  • My Religion Taught Me to 
  • Reach Far Beyond the Obvious
  • Ego+Nomics Of By For Only One 
  • Private Shortsighted Blinding Now,
  • GOP Reaganomics
  • GOP Ego+Nomics
  • GOP Voodoonomics
  • Crushing US
  • Crushing Life on Earth



My religion taught me to count more than cash.

My religion taught me to value the invaluable impossible to count in cash......to reach far beyond the obvious to discover amazing wonders of nature to consume....
My religion taught me to learn from nature's wisdom enough to share free from want and fear.

My religion taught me to think about what my actions did to others around me, including living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems that need nature to nurture us to win.

My religion taught me that ......Every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system, cell or self or nation or globe wants to reach up toward light of our sun enough to 1) produce abundant riches to count in human terms, names or numbers...and also 2) to produce critical but uncountable flows, cycles, positive productivity enough to satisfy basic critical needs wants desires dreams of any living self, to fill in hungry voids freely, to lift all up to light of our sun enough to survive and thrive, obvious or not, counted in cash or not....

My religion taught me that every action causes an outcome....positive actions causing positive outcomes slowly to lift all up to light far beyond the obvious....negative actions causing negative outcomes to suck all down easy cheap quick.    Question those that say that "a negative times a negative equals a positive"

My religion taught me to reach far beyond the obvious, the private self, the immediate/shortsighted now counted in little more than mechanical rates of private cash of by for only one private self of now, stuck/confined in thick, dense, numbing, dumbing, dulling, nullifying walls and barriers of erroneous assumptions blinding me....to discover ironies far beyond the obvious impossible to understand in human terms.   Science also reaches far beyond the obvious to connect the dots into meaning for us.....to improve our "standard of living"....

My religion taught me to reach far beyond the obvious to connect with the many, the diverse continuums inalienable that connect the disconnected to activate hidden genetic potentials of by for any to thrive, to connect the non+same, with public, long-term, complex worlds difficult to manage.... enough to discover that all are alike and all are different enough to connect enough to activate hidden genetic potentials enough to produce enough to consume enough and to consume enough to produce enough to call "eco+nomic" and ecological economics, obvious or not, counted in cash or not....enough to build safe, affordable public infrastructure foundations enough for the many to find safe, affordable support to find strength, courage to produce "private prosperity" or private "profit" of any definition enough to lift all up to "public peace and prosperity" enough to win anything. 

My religion taught me that It was not until I was a young adult in graduate school that I need to reach far beyond thick walls and barriers and confines of standardized, walled human information systems of language and numbers and cash systems .....and that we need more than cubical, rectangular, stiff walled boxes to stuff our stuff into definitions confined by our standard systems of language and numbers.....into our cultural, linguistic, national, "eco+nomic" boxes of definitions and counts we use to exchange categories of things in what we call a "free market" confined by thick walls and barriers confining us......that life actually functions by consuming critical but uncountable flows of critical light, air, water, topsoil, green growing heseven on earth impossible to count in cash.   I learned that human cash systems are based on ego+nomic condescending assumptions of private superiority, racist segregation and crushing to divide to count, for the self to count the self....and little more.

My religion taught me to recognize that humans need safe, affordable access to safe, affordable public worlds of public infrastructure foundations to find safe affordable access to the critical but uncountable flows and cycles that nature's amazing web for all life produces far beyond the obvious enough to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.....and to enable the many to understand that humans need to protect nature's amazing but hidden, invaluable, priceless but quiet genetic potentials, genius in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil enough to grow a Garden for Eden for All to harvest.

My religion taught me to reach far beyond the obvious enough to discover nature's amazing wonders of by for life's hidden genetic potentials in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self wants to reach up toward light of my sun to grow upwards enough to produce positive productivity exponentially that we need to grow any positives enough to consume enough...to hold our fragile web for all life intact......obvious or not, counted in cash or not....and critical flows of by for life impossible to count in cash.... 

My religion taught me that "democracy" is modeled after life's infinitely intricate and vast abilities and will to grow positives far beyond the obvious, a model of two-way flows of moral reciprocity that we need to activate hidden genetic potentials in any living self enough to inspire that self to grow freely up toward light of our sun enough to produce 1) abundant riches to count in human terms and also to grow and produce 2) critical but uncountable flows and cycles and productivity and voice that all need to consume enough to produce enough and to produce enough to consume enough to hold our fragile web for all life intact, to nurture basic critical needs of human cities and all life, to satisfy basic critical needs of all enough to lift all up to light, peace, prosperity now and generations from now, free from want and fear enough to give so others can take....to find meaning enough to balance nature's budget enough to balance human consumption of cashflow floods crushing us.

My religion taught me to ask, "why?" and also "why not?"

My parenting taught me that......Prevention pays, obvious or not, counted in mechanical rates of private cash that crushes us or not....

I learned that
Our Privatizing, Deregulating, Immediate/Shortsighted, Obvious/Emotional-Button/Blinding/Obstructive, Cash-driven Numbers of Mechanical Rates of Private Cashflow Floods

Erecting Thick, Dense Walls, Barriers, Tollbooths to
Keep the Private Self in the Anaerobic
To Keep the Other out

 of by for Cash-Driven, Privatizing, Deregulating, Cost-shifting, Reaganomic$, Voodoonomics of the Last 40 Years 
has Blinded US and our Dumbed our GOP

has Blocked/Obstrcuted Critical Flows & Cycles 
We Need to Grow Life's Amazing Wonders.. Hidden but Critical Genetic Potentials, Genius, Logic, Riches of by for Positive Productivity In Each That Needs to Reach Up Freely For Light & Other Critical Flows of Energy/Synergy, Air Cycles O2, Water Cycles H2O, Rich, Organic Topsoil + Soil+maker Production & Productivity Enough to Grow Green Photosynthesis and O2 Enough to Satisfy Basic Critical Needs Wants Desires Dreams of Living Systems On Earth, Cell or Self or Globe Inalienable to Hold Our Fragile But Critical Web For All Life Intact Now
and Generations From Now With Laws of Moral Reciprocity Between any Generations....to Balance Nature's Budget Enough Of Positive Productivity of Critical but Ironically Fragile Flows Cycles Positive Productivity of by for Humans ....to Balance Human Budgets of Humans Consuming Mechanical Rates of Cash Crushing US.....

Far Beyond the Obvious/Thick/Dense/Privatizing/Blinding/Shortsighted Walls and Barriers that Block Critical Access for Many to Discover Nature's Wonders Far Beyond the Obvious....

Critical flows & Cycles & Positive Productivity of by for lifting Uncountable, Invaluable, Indivisible, InAlienable Life to Grow Upwards toward Light,

Satisfying Light of our Sun, 
Air Cycles Flows Filtration, Cooling, Healing, 
Water Cycles Flows Filtration, 

Rich Organic Topsoil and Soil+Makers 
Production & Productivity 
Enough to Grow 
Green Photosynthesis, 
Absorbent Green Watersheds 
Enough to Grow & Produce enough

Countable Food & Shelter
to Count in Human Words & Numbers 

to Fulfill Hungry Voids
Counted in Cash Or Not

to Keep Human Cities Alive Day to Day and 
Minute to Minute..or more

to Lift All Life Up to Light of Our Sun
Enough to Activate Every Living Cell,
Seed, Seedling, Soil, Self, Whole Living System
Enough to Produce Enough to Consume Enough,
to Consume Enough to Produce Enough
to Balance Nature's Budgets of Critical but Uncountable Flows 
of by for Life to Lift All Up to Light Enough to Laugh
Obvious to One Self or Not,
Countable In Rates of Human Cash or Not

Our cash-driven human cash system of by for our privatized fossil fuel fool  “representatives’s” fossil fuel cash-driven profiteering in Washington D.C. counts little more than mechanical rates, empty meaningless, numbing numbers of by for only one private bank account of by for fossil fuel fools, only one private self, only one immediate/shortsighted obvious/sensual/blinding bank account now of by for fewer than 1% ….crushing US now....blinding many to the outcomes of their actions:

But.....my religion taught me that .......

Every action causes an outcome.....positive actions causing positive outcomes slowly, growing positives enough to lift all up to light slowly, far beyond the obvious, counted in cash or not.....negative actions sucking all down easy, cheap, quick....

Some just don't get it, though..... and limit their counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of deadly, privatized, blinding cashflow floods into only one private bank account of by for only one obvious now.....crushing life and logic and love, crushing our ability to care about others, our neighbors, our family’s future, life on earth...or to see anything important of significance far beyond the obvious/immediate/self$now.....causing Climate911 while blaming my god erroneously.

Can criminals learn that positive actions cause positive outcomes to protect their own children's future from negatives?

I have discovered also that:

Our human cash system of deadly cashflow floods crush life and logic on earth, ironically….illogically crushing the self….

So tyrants cling to empty numbers of cashflow floods and ego+nomics to self-destruct every time:

Life vs $ ....
Human cash counting the most critical for life the least, 
the least critical stones & walls the most, the most deadly the most....
Ironically, Illogically

Ironically, our human cash system counts the most critical flows for life the least....and the least critical stones, structures, forces of war the most.....crushing life, logic, love on earth...illlogically…

Ironically, human cash counts the most critical and hidden flow for life, O2 the least....cash counting photosynthetic green oxygen as fragile O=O (for animals) the least....even though humans die within minutes without O2....illogically….

Ironically, human cash counts the next most critical and hidden flow for life, clear water as H2O the next least....even though humans die within days without H2O....illogically…

Ironically, human cash counts the next most critical and hidden flow for life, topsoil production the next least....cash counting rich organic topsoil and soil+maker production and productivity the next least...topsoil to grow green, absorbent watersheds, heaven on earth, topsoil to grow food ...even though humans die within months without food....illogically….

Ironically, human cash counts the least critical stones, structures the most, the most deadly forces and war the most.....even though deadly cashflow floods crush the ability of nature's fragile but critical seeds, seedlings, soils to reach up toward light of our sun enough to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.....illogically crushing us….crushing life, logic we need to think enough to survive.

Reach far beyond the obvious to win.


          Exxon Needed Cash-driven Reaganomics of the last 40 years in America.... & Conspired to Blind America of by for $ for Only One Private/Obvious/Shhortsighted Self   In Only One Obvious Now
With Deadly Cashflow Floods that
Crush Life & Logic & Light on Earth

George Bush Senior labeled "Reaganomics" as "voodoonomics" in his   debates with Reagan decades ago....but Cash-driven Trump and his Cash-driven Republican GOP still cling to  definition of "eco+nomics" that limits their counts, values and religion to mechanical rates of private cash into privatized bank accounts of by for only one obvious privatizing now segregated from life....at the top of less than 1% of a cash-driven pyramid scheme of scams and secrecy ....EGO+NOMICS crushing 1) vulnerable public worlds of the unsuspecting many and 2) our fragile but critical worlds of life the bottom of the pyramid schemes, scams secrecy ......assuming erroneously that the private self needs to ) take from the other toget for the private self 2) push the other down to lift the private self up and 3) assume erroneously that privatizing cash profiteering justifies all.....but it does not...and they are wrong, very, very wrong, wronescientifically, wrong mathematically, wrong eco+nomically, wrong eco+logically, wrong EGOw+NOMICALLY, wrong morally and often wrong legally...but still conspiring to rewrite human books of human history, human science, human law to deceive the many, to sell the immoral crushing us.....to fill private bank accounts of fossil fuel fools and war profiteers....at our expense ......now and generations from now.....crxushing their own children's futures criminally, crushing their own nations future treasonously, crushing their own private future stupidly.

Some assume erroneously that privatized cash profiteering of by for only one private bank account of by for only one obvious now justifies all....but it does not and they are wrong, very, very wrong, wrong scientifically, wrong mathematically, wrong eco+nomically, wrong ego+nomcially, wrong morally and often wrong legally....though still conspiring to rewrite human books and electrons of human history, human science, human law to sell the immoral of by for privatized cash profiteering to fill one private bank account of one private fossilized self of only one obvious now...at our expense.?

How could an entire nation fail so miserably to define our word "eco+nomic" to produce more positive outcomes for themany?

Some assume erroneously that they need to erect thick dense walls and barriers and toll booths to take tolls from the many for critical flows that nature has produced far from the obvious for free...

Humans have used human cash systems to build great human cities and great human civilizations for thousands of years.....but human cashflow floods of a cash-driven 1% can easily crush and destroy fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils of nature's hidden genetic potentials......

Fact:  Privatized Human Cashflow Floods Easily
Crush the Ability of Life to Grow Upwards Toward Light of Our Sun Enough to Produce Positive Outcomes Enough to Consume...

The evidence has become overwhelming:

Human cashflow floods of fewer than only 1% easily crush nature's hidden genetic potentials, genius, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, living whole systems, ecosystems of logical economies that want to grow up toward light of our sun enough to produce abundant positive riches and critical flows of by for life enough to grow heaven on earth instead.

But some assume erroneously that they need cashflow floods to win..."to control the world" as a playground bully stuck in erroneous assumptions blinding many:

Our Blinding, Cash-driven Shortsighted, Privatizing, Deregulating, Immediate/Shortsighted, Obvious/Emotional-Button/Blinding, Cash-driven Numbers of Mechanical Rates of Private CAshflow Floods of by for Reaganomics of the Last 40 Years has Blinded US and our GOP....threatening the future of our nation., our "national security"....

Before cash-driven Reaganomics seized control of America in 1980 and in 2016, America honored Republican GOP US General and US President Dwight D. Eisenhower who knew the importance of everyday family “bread & butter politics” to inspire many, our youth to help our nation become a leader in our world. 

But the cash-driven changed our word "home-economics" counting more than cashflow into "consumer science" instead as if we were consuming machines of mechanical rates of cash to fill private bank accounts with cashflow floods of by for fewer than only 1%..... as Reaganomics "supply-side economics" limits our counts to consumption of cashflow floods instead.....a huge lie.

Dwight also knew the dangers of our cash-driven “military-industrial complex” that has crushed too many lives since the privatization of our Federal Reserve in 1914 of by for oil and war profiteering of by for fewer than only 1%....cashflow floods of war, oil and plagues and hate that crush the abilities of Americans & life on earth to prosper and thrive as a whole.

Before 1980, US President Ronald Reagan and co-conspirators such as $-driven John Birch, the KKK, ALEC and others  such as Koch Brothers of by for Blinding US conspired to rip political and economic power from our naiton’s “bread & butter  politics” and give those powers and dollars to corporate CEOs and fossil fuel and war profiteers waiting at the trough in corporate and cash-driven board rooms of fossil fuel fools and war profiteer fools driven by raw rates of dollars…..at our expense.

Election 2016 sealed that pact between Reagan and his cash-driven privatizing, deregulating, cost/risk-shifting CEO "corporate" army of looters driven by the toxic fumes of a cash-driven cabal to seize totalitarian control of our nation to crush the many crushing our Constitutional democracy and Rule of Law we need to protect the innocent…..the cash-driven cabal asssuming erroneously in dumbed linear boxes that the private self needs to 1) take from the other to get for the private self, 2) push the other down to lift the private self up and 3) privatizing cashflow floods into one private bank account justifies all.....sucking all down with negatives.

I am amazed that Reagan and Trumps GOP assume that we can define "pro-life" on earth by stuffing whole earth continuums o f critical flows of light, energy, air, water, topsoil, green, positive productivity inalienable into mechanical cubical boxes of cashflow to stuff into gop warehouses in the bad side of town.

Did Reagan and his cash-driven GOP ever learn to garden?  No?

Do they know that earth breathes also....and needs resuscitation asap?

Do they assume they can win by crushing life while wrapped in "pro-life" stickers of red, white, blue hypocrisy?

Surprisingly, US GOP President George Bush Senior & CIA Director did label “Reaganomics” as “voodoonomics” in his debates with Reagan decades before. Those in charge of "national security" need vision enough to see beyond the private nose.

Republican GOP US President Ronald Reagan’s “Reaganomics”…  ,,,.voodoonomics of Privatizing our public worlds, Deregulating our Rule of Law, Shifting Explosive Risks&Costs onto the Many Unsuspecting to Crush futures for all…….Blinding US with Immediate/Shortsighted, Obvious/Emotional-Button Firestorms of Fear and Lust & Virtual Ilusion & Mirage & Biblical Lies of the Epic "Climate Deniers" in my US Congress House of Representatives "Science Committee" of science deniers crushing critical flows of critical information of NASA, NOAA and EPA we need to survive this holocaust.....nightmare..... of by for $ cashflow floods Consuming Our Upper Thinking Brains/Blinding, Cash-driven Rates of Mechanical Numbers of Mechanical Dumbing Rates of by for Causing Dirty Energy Wars of by for Privatized, Anaerobic CAshflow Floods of by for Reaganomics of the Last 40 Years has Blinded US and our GOP…pushing US off a cliff….

Trump's Bannon admitted he was "deconstructing" our U.S. administration, the public agencies our nation needs to survive us....our "civil government" and democracy.... as Trump et al Incorporated$ rips apart the civil government, democracy, Rule of Law, US Constitution, international laws and treaties, habeas corpus, Magna Charta, moral laws of reciprocity we need to balance our powers of government to write legal laws of logic to lift us up instead of crushing US.

But what of the virtual imagined power and the cashflow floods filling our ego of ego+nomics crushing us now?

The evidence has become overwhelming that America and our world need 3 different types of "public accounting" "financial accounting" to differentiate between the 

To Value the invaluable, Life, Logic Enough to 

Reach Far Beyond the Obvious Enough to Balance Public/Longterm/Complex Budgets difficult and impossible to count in cash

PRIVATE SHORTTERM OBVIOUS CASH-DRIVEN SELF-DESTRUCTIVE WORLDS private/obvious/shortsighted/blinding/cash-driven worlds that consume us with cash.....

To Value the invaluable, Life's Fragile But Critical Web of Inalienable, Indivisible, Uncountable Links, Nodes, Strands of Living Cells, Seeds, Seedlings, Selves, Whole Living Systems, Cell or Self or Globe Inalienable Producing Enough to Hold Life's Wholes Intact With Hidden Genetic Potentials/Genius/Logic/Creativity/Adaptability/Vision/Wisdom
Enough to 
Heal A Broken World to 

Hold our Fragile Web For All Life Intact?

PUBLIC LONGTERM COMPLEX WORLDS RANGING FROM SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, CASH-DRIVEN SELF-CONSUMPTIVE AUTHORITARIAN RULE .....TO MESSY BUT LASTING PRODUCTIVE DEMOCRACIES PRODUCING CRITICAL UNCOUNTABLE FLOWS FOR LIFE  the public/longterm/complex/difficultomanage worlds ranging between 2a) cash-driven pyramid schemes scams secrecy that crush the many for cash taking from the many....and 2b) a messy "democracy" and "constitution" for the rule of law and moral laws of reciprocity to balance nature's budget of productivity with human budgets of consumption of cash......and continuums in between...as the many hang on precariously...

Cashflow Floods Crushing US to
Stop Causing Hell on Earth &

Learn to Grow Heaven On Earth Instead?

LIFE'S FRAGILE BUT CRITICAL WEB FOR ALL LIFE INFINITELY INTRICATE AND VAST PRODUCING POSITIVE ABUNDANCE FREELY TO SHARE FREELY TO SATISFY BASIC CRITICAL NEEDS OF ALL LIVING CELLS AND SELVES ON EARTH TO LIFT ALL UP TO LIGHT life's fragile but critical web for all life that looks messy to private selves, but produces enough critical, positive flows and cycles of positive productivity exponentially to give and share freely with all enough to lift all up to light of the divine....

Each of these world interact nt inalienable continuums of critical but uncountable flows & cycles connecting all with the others....

1) Private/Obvious/Shortsighted/Cashdriven Worlds 
Crush Take to Get From Both Public and Lifeweb Worlds

2) Vulnerable Public Worlds/Public Infrastructure Foundations and  also

3) Fragile But Critical Uncountable Life web Worlds of the Infinitely Intricate and Vast Wonders of Nature Producing Much, Cash-driven Worlds Crushing the Abilities of Nature To Produce enough to Consume, to Consume enough to Produce...

Our Fragile but Critical Web for All Life
Produces Abundant Riches to Count for 1)Private/ and 2) Public Worlds to Consume 
While Private Worlds Crush the Ability of 
Nature to Produce Enough to 
Satisfy Basic Critical Needs, Wants, Desires, Dreams of both 1) Consumptive Private Worlds
and 2) Public Worlds that Either Become 
2a) Import Worlds Desperate or
2b) Export Worlds Giving, Productive, Creative

What happens if Private worlds crush and destroy the ability of nature to produce enough for private/public worlds?

Can we afford to crush nature's abilities to produce  enough for us to consume?


Can America Learn to Reach Far Beyond the Obvious/Blinding/Immediate/Shortsighted/Cash-driven/Artificial/Negative/Consumptive Privatized Worlds of
Cashflow Floods Crushing US to
Stop Causing Hell on Earth &
Learn to Grow Heaven On Earth Instead?

Can America Learn to Count & Value More than Private/Immediate/ObviousCashflowFloods of Mechanical Rates of Empty Human Numbers Crushing US

To Value the invaluable, Life, Logic Enough to 
Heal A Broken World?

Can America reach far beyond the obvious of our speeding, oil-driven impermeable walls and spheres that crash and crush vulnerable public infrastructures, that crash and crush through life’s fragile but critical web, ripping our amazing web for all life apart?

Can humans reach far beyond the thick, dense, linear, flat impermeable cash-driven walls and barriers of privatized public human cities that private selves erect to keep the other out and the private self in….blocking critical flows we need to keep human cities & nations alive day to day and minute to minute ironically, illogically.....in time enough to End Climate911 and our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene?

But some just don't get it and limit their counts, values, religion to mechanical private rates of deadly private cashflow floods into only one private bank account of by for only one obvious private now.....crushing life and logic and love on earth, crushing life on earth...erecting thick walls and barriers to keep the private self in the anaerobic and the other out...the cash-driven causing Climate911, our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene that Donald Trump’s Jerry Falwell wrongly labels “Armageddon” …the “Apocalypse” “Rapture” “Armageddon” and the “Second Coming of Christ”…for the fools..... while blaming my god erroneously…..stupidly…

My Religion Taught Me to 
Reach Far Beyond the Obvious to 
Discover Amazing Wonders of Nature 
Enough to Ask "Why?" to Connect the Dots
to Activate Hidden Genetic Potentials, Genius Enough to Produce More Positive Outcomes to Lift All up to Light....

Tell me why the stars do shine
Tell me why the ivy twines
Tell my why the sky's so blue
Tell me why I love you....

My religion taught me that ......Every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system, cell or self or nation or globe wants to reach up toward light of our sun enough to 

1) produce abundant riches to count in human terms, names or numbers...and also 

2) to produce critical but uncountable flows, cycles, positive productivity enough to satisfy basic critical needs wants desires dreams of any living self, to fill in hungry voids freely, to lift all up to light of our sun enough to survive and thrive, obvious or not, counted in cash or not....

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
Praise God Here Below...

My religion taught me that thousands of years ago Abraham noticed amazing patterns of structure and function in nature producing critical flows, cycles, productivity of life, of nature of critical supplies to satisfy critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of humans....enough to produce enough to lift all up...

Corporate explanations of Darwin's "Origin of Species" watered down to "Natural Selection" and "Survival of the Fittest" ....a corporate excuse in the early 20th century for industry to crush the many for manufacturing privatized cashflow floods for fewer than only 1%.....throwing deadly explosive costs and risks onto the futures of the many unsuspecting.

So Exxon knew they could get away with it....because humans had crushed public humans and naturepifor more than a century.


Exxon knew more than 40 years ago that fossil fuel emissions of industrial combustion and urban sprawl would cause "global warming".....as Exxon's own scientist(s) warned Exxon that they would be causing "global warming" that has now morphed into deadly, explosive, global climate and ocean heating, baking, drowning of epic grandeur highlighted by the spectacular hubris of the cash driven Republican GOP that seized totalitarian control of my US Government in Election 2016.....My US White House claiming Donald Trump is now US President, my US Congress, my US Judicial Branch...dressed in my American Flag while shredding my US Constitution, while crushing America, while declaring War On Americans instead of our common climate chaos.

Can we learn to value nature's amazing positive productivity of by for life on earth stop causing hell on earth, our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene?

Can we reach far beyond the obvious/blinding walls and barriers of one private, blinded self enough to discover amazing productive wonders of nature to nurture life and life’s hidden genetic potentials, genius instead to grow heaven on earth instead……enough to lift all up to light enough to laugh with wonder?

My religion taught me that nature produces critical but uncountable flows of by for moral laws of reciprocity enabling “liberty (from want and fear) and justice for All” enough for us to reach far beyond the obvious to discover nature’s amazing wonders of positive productivity to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute…cyling up again….that many call "faith" and "hope" and "love" ...(Ecclesiastes )

But some just don't get it and limit their counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of deadly private cashflow floods of by for sitting on top of deadly moronic assembly line pyramid schemes, scams, secrecy to crush the other to lift the private self up, to take from the other to get for only one private self, to assume erroneously that privatized cash profiteering of by for only one segregated private self at the top justifies all, hoarding deadly cashflow floods into only one private bank account of by for only one obvious now.....crushing life and logic and love on earth.....causing Climate911 and their own extinction …..while blaming my god erroneously.

I find it ironic that those that claim that "Evangelical Christians" that stick "pro-life" labels on their selves helped to put Donald Trump into our White House have conspired to crush life on earth.

Is that the definition of our word “criminal”?   Where are "liberty (from want and fear) and justice for all"?  Dead?

What if criminals opened their eyes to the outcomes of their actions instead of clinging blinsdly to cash-driven lies crushing us?

Prevention pays great positives dividends to lift all up to light..... if we look far beyond the obvious that blinds us enough to care enough to share ....to heal a whole world....

“Just End the Lies” of millions and billions of fossil fuel dollars, schemes, scams, secrecy of Tobacco and Fossilized lies thrown onto us to keep Americans addicted to fossil fuels and sprawl that crush us.

America Can Not Afford to Self-Destruct,
Obvious or Not,
Counted in Mechanical Rates of Human Cash Or Not

America can not afford to self-destruct.   

That is why founders of our nation understood that any system, cell or self or globe, living or not needs critical but uncountable tools such as “liberty and justice for all” inalienable, indivisible, uncountable in rates of cash .....as King George of one King claiming "divine rights"…. founders knowing that any functional system needs critical but uncountable flows & cycles, identity, logic, vision, wisdom, caring enough to produce enough for the self and many to consume enough, to consume enough for the many to produce enough to balance nature's budget enough to balance our own..... to nurture health and life and critical values impossible to count in cash such as both private and public health, “life, liberty (from want and fear) and the pursuit of happiness” impossible to count in cash…..vision, wisdom, scientific literacy, caring for life enough to balance critical but hidden flows and cycles of nature’s productivity enough to balance human budgets that consume mechanical rates of private cashflow floods and ego+nomics crushing us, empty numbers of human cashflow floods crushing us.

I can cut an apple into 1000 uniform pieces….but it is still only one apple linguistically, legally, logically.   

Humans and earth and life need more than mechanical rates of force chopping wholes into dysfunctional parts to die, privatizing, segregating us. 

Either-or-Absolutes of sharp, extreme cliffs of hate and obstruction blocking flows do not heal us.  ....but hurt us.

Either-or-Absolutes of either-black-or-white of thick, dense boxes of walls and barriers obstructing critical access of the diverse many crush and destroy the fragile but critical potentials we need to interact, integrate, share critical ideas to light our way damn it.

Humans need nature's fragile but critical, hidden genetic potentials, genius and logic and caring and selfless giving to produce enough critical flows and cyles of light, energy, air o2, water h2o, topsoil, green productivity far beyond the obvious to nurture us and to heal the wounds of self-destruction, of cashflow floods crushing us and our world.

Humans need nature to produce enough critical flows and cycles to balance the budget and also moral laws of reciprocity.

Humans need light and enlightenment to find their way.

Humans need smart teamwork between diverse, non+same of the many to win......not idiots crushing the many to count meaningless parts of stupid symbols of status or hate.

Humans need to harvest free, infinite, critical flows of nature's wonders, of free, infinite energy, gifts of the sun and wind to us that we waste if we don't harvest it now....to leave dirty dinosaurs and hell in the ground where it belongs damn it.

But some just don't get it...and limit their counts to mechanical rates, empty numbers of deadly cashflow floods crushing logic.

But some limit their counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of empty numbered boxes of artificial walls and thick barriers of the anaerobic knowing that glittery but deadly cashflow floods will hypnotize the many with numbing, dumbing, dulling, nullifying empty numbers enough to seize totalitarian control crushing us.

When I was in college, I learned that I need more than square cubical boxes of thick dense boundaries to define words, life and values of critical but uncountable flows and cycles and logic, hidden genetic potentials, genius that flow through every living cell on earth….to find links and flows between opposites connected by continuous continuums impossible to break to crush without crushing life.  Life’s critical but uncountable flows & cycles connect the disconnected opposites enough to activate hidden genetic potentials, genius in each.

I learned that every living cell, seed, seedling, soil wants to grow upwards toward light of our sun, to filter critical flows of by for life, to clean up human messes enough to survive and to thrive now and generations from now ….and beyond.

But some limit their counts  to mechanical rates of private cashflow floods crushing life and critical continuums of life's critical flows for life and gray areas of critical decision making to decide what are facts and which aren't on earth.

We need more than that to end, level, stabilize, reverse the Biblical disruption of critical whole earth systems that a cash-driven fossil fuel industry has caused in the last 40 years, the last 150 years of cash-driven industrialization and urban sprawl crushing us:


#ExxonKnew and other fossil fuel industries knew more than 40 years ago that their fossil fuel combustion & climate carbon emissions would cause "global warming"....melting polar regions,....rising seas.....heating causing more intense and frequent megastores and chaos.....disruption and chaotic whole earth systems of uncountable inalienable indivisible whole ocean and land and climate currents inalienable indivisible invaluable, ocean currents, integrated fragile life web currents and critical flows, cycles, whole functional systems impossible to count in human rates of private cashflow floods or numbers of hate that crush life and logic on earth.   ….causing mass migrations and extinction blinding us....and more and more.    Hold them accountable.  




We need Exxon and other Fossil Fuel Industry Expertise to Help Grow Heaven On Earth Instead Now

The fossil fuel industries can choose to help their own children and families to convert dying fossil fuel ego+nomics ....to harvest free, infinite, immediate, safe, affordable 100% Renewable Energy, (+Efficiency, Storage) instead, 100% doable by 2030 (IRENA 2016), by 2050 (100.org, Jacobson 2015)...or before....if fossil fuel fools would help US to save their own children’s futures. ....to lift all up to light instead of causing hell on earth.  

Why aren’t many parents protecting their own children’s future? (Our Childrens' Trust, 2016)

Fossil fuel industry expertise can easily help America to end our dying fossil fuel ego+nomic failure of deadly cashflow floods, to leave deadly dinosaurs in the ground at all costs…to redefine our word “eco+nomic” as more than mechanical rates of private cash that crush us….enough to build and grow and harvest free, infinite, immediate positive flows of free, infinite, safe, affordable, renewing 100% Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Storage, Smarter, Greener Cities and Grid(s) enough to lift all up to positives, to grow a100% Renewable Energy Economic Renaissance as the Guttenberg Press sparked an economic Renaissance several hundred years ago….as our electric web of ideas lifts us up to amazing potentials for our common futures.

A Blinded Self Can Reach Beyond the Obvious:

Reach Far Beyond the Obvious to Learn to
Grow Positives Instead

The key to ending/leveling/minimizing our Climate911/6th Extinction/Antropocene/Armageddon hides in hidden molecules, levels of artificial climate carbons as carbon dioxide as CO2 and also infinite ranges of variations of pollutants as CxyzLOG*%#)_$&*#$  in our air far from the obvious.

Humans need green plants, photosynthesis to produce fragile but critical green, living oxygen as O2, as O=O broken easily by rogue molecules such as artificial climate carbons of fossil fuel combustion of the last 150 years and cash-driven Reaganomics of the last 40 years.

However, many humans do not understand this, likely because fragile but critical green/blue O2 molecules of photosynthesis hide so far from the obvious as critical H2O molecules & cycles in our climate....and molecules of by for life hide so far from the obvious….far from thick, dense, linear walls and barriers that private selves erect to keep the private self in and the other out.

Can humans learn to reach far beyond the obvious of thick, dense, impermeable walls, barriers of segregating definitions enough to discover nature’s amazing wonders and productivity hidden far beyond the obvious/private/immediate/shortsighted/blinding private worlds of walls enough to discover vision, wisdom, wonder enough to ask “why?”…to learn patience, freedom from want, fear, electric obsessions, enough to learn scientific literacy enough to grow a more positive future of by for all to share?

Stop Causing Hell On Earth 
While Blaming My God Erroneously…..
And Grow Heaven On Earth Instead, Damn It

We need to grow photosynthetic, green, absorbent watersheds for nature to nurture us, to heal a broken world now globally immediately:  We can immediately convert deadly  heating “climate carbons” of artificial remains of combustion of fossil fuels into living carbons…..because absorbent green/photosynthetic/living watersheds of native buffer regions with deep roots absorb climate carbons from our air to convert those molecules into less destructive molecules, into living carbons that become financial assets instead of climate carbon financial liabilities for us.

Also….photosynthetic green absorbent watersheds nurture life and living systems of critical but uncountable flows and cycles of by for cooling air cycles, o2, cooling water cycles H2o transpiration, cooling life cycles absorbing CO2 and other carbons to convert from heating molecules into green leaves, wood, rich organic topsoil of organic carbons that absorb heater climate carbons from our air and cool us instead in lush, nurturing, green absorbent watersheds, heaven on earth.   Try putting a price on that.

All we need to do to convert climate carbon financial $ liabilities into living carbon $ financial assets is to protect, nurture and produce green absorbent watersheds…..to convert costly, toxic, harsh, impermeable heat island surfaces/ wastelands/ concrete/ asphalt/ metal/ glass monoliths of boxes crushing us…….into absorbent green/photosynthetic living systems that absorb dangerous/deadly climate carbons and convert hose financial liabilities/explosive risks+costs into living carbons/absorbent green watersheds/photosynthetic heaven on earth instead….to lift all up to light and laughter instead…..obvious or not, counted in cash or not…

Adam and Eve did not need a human cash system or machines to obtain what they needed to consume enough…..because their Garden for Eden produced what they needed/wanted/desired/dreamed about for them to consume….until they trampled and crushed and destroyed nature’s abilities to grow heaven on earth instead…..

Redefine “eco+nomic” as 
More than Mechanical Rates of Artificial 
Numbers of Human $ that Crush US

Our English word root, “eco-“ as in “eco+nomic” as in name and number and as in “eco+logic” as in logic/genius/intelligence/creativity/log of mathematical significance …..means “house” or “oikos” in Greek….but not every house nurtures those within.

Some houses crush and destroy those within….if they forget what they are couning.    Our human cash systems counts mechanical rates of cash that crush to divide to count and count to divide to conquer to crush the comptietion the diverse the other tne nonsame….not to share.

Life shares freely, however to survive and to thrive.

Humans need nature to nurture us so we can nurture us and nature enough to survive and thrive.

Can we?

Can we remember what we’re counting enough to count, value positive outcomes enough, to mminimize negative outcomes, to lift all up to light enough to laugh, obvious or not, counted in cash or not?

Can we learn to leave the dinosaurs in the ground and nurture nature’s hidden genetic potentials/gifts/genius enough to stop causing hell on earth and grow heaven on earth instead?

Can we think, using our upper more fragile gray matter cognitive thinking brains that take years to “learn” “develop” shape to learn scientific literacy with nature’s guidance to “educate” and “socialize” and ….. enough to find a safer future for all to share….instead of igniting deadly explosive lower brain primitive emotional button firestorms that engulf and destroy and suck all down into gravity/hell  easy cheap quick?

We can balance nature's budget of critical but uncountable flows, cycles, productivity of by for lifting life up to light enough......to balance human budgets consuming rates of deadly cashflow floods.

Can we nurture nature's critical but hidden genetic potentials in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self enough to grow 1) abundant riches to count and also to produce enough 2) critical but uncountable flows, cycles, positive outcomes enough for all to share freely to lift all up to light.....light, energy/synergy, air cycles O2, water cycles H2O, rich, organic topsoil and soil+maker production and productivity to grow green exponentially enough to grow countable food and shelter to keep our human cities alive day to day and minute to minute?

Can we balance nature’s budget of
Positive productivity of critical flows  

Balance human budgets consuming cash?

Humans have used human cash systems as an important tool to build great human cities and great human civilizations for thousands of years.......But deadly privatized, shortsighted, blinding cashflow floods of  a fossilized cash-driven 1% can also crush and destroy the fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils to grow positives enough through time to keep our human cities alive and thriving day to day and minute to minute.....generation to generation and beyond.....obvious now or not, counted in private cash now or not....

Can America learn to balance nature's budget of fragile but critical productivity of by for life to lift All life up....instead of counting only simple, easy, cheap,quick, linear rates of mechanical human rates of private/immediate/short-sighted/obvious/emotion-driven/blinding cashflow floods, cash, of by for "pro-life" labels wrapped in my American flag of by for human cashflow floods crushing life, causing their own extinction?


Remember that amazing hidden genetic potentials in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system, cell or self or nation or globe wants to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce goodness enough to share freely, to fill in hungry voids, to lift all up to light of our sun enough to laugh, to share freely to grow heaven on earth instead.

But nature’s critical flows of light, energy/synergy, air cycles O2, water cycles H2O, rich organic topsoil and soil+makers grow green abundance to grow countable food and shelter we need to nurture positive potentials in all enough to grow upwards toward light of our sun.

Gardeners learn to control weeds by planting healthy, vibrant genetic potentials of positive outcomes instead to grow upwards toward light of our sun to help all to thrive….even the cash-driven.

Human cities need human cash systems to invest in positive but uncountable genetic potentials to lift all up to light……enough to stop crushing nature’s potentials, abilities, will to grow upwards toward light enough to produce enough to nurture us now and generations from now and beyond.

Remember that Adam and Eve did not need a human cash system of mechanical rates of cash to crush life on earth until they trampled and crushed the ability of nature's Garden of Eden to grow enough, to produce enough for them to consume.....

In short:

·     Leave the dinosaurs & deadly privatizing cashflow floods in the ground at all costs to stop causing hell on earth .......& Harvest Free, Infinite, Green Flows of Nature's Genius Producing Positive Wonders Of By For All to Share Freely Enough Beyond the Obvious to Lift Life Up to Light & Laughter & Wholeness Instead

·     Redefine “eco+nomics” as more than empty mechanical fossil fuel rates/numbers of private bank accounts crushing to divide to count, counting to divide to conquer to crush the competition/other/diverse/nonsame of human cashflow floods that crush life on earth, that crush logic on earth, causing extinction of bees and us and stupidity

·     Redefine “eco+nomics” to learn to value irony, the uncountable invaluable….. but uncountables beyond the obvious of one private bank account now…..  to grow heaven on earth instead, to satisfy basic biological critical needs, wants, deisres, dreams of by for many on earth with critical but uncountable flows & cycles far beyond the obvious enough to produce enough critical but uncountable flows & cycles and productivity enough for life to consume enough to lift the many up….to produce enough to consume enough continuously…to consume enough to produce enough continuously….the basic “supply and demand” definition of our word “eco+nomics”  (Samuelson,  Krugman  ): to value nature’s amazing but hidden genetic potentials, genius, logic, productivity of positive outcomes through time….

·     Harvest free, infinite, immediate, safe, affordable, renewing, uplifting,100% Renewable Energy Now, Efficiency/Conservation/SafeRecycling/Storage/Smarter&GreenerCities&Grids&Vision&WisdomOfNature to lift all up to light instead, to grow heaven on earth instead….obvious or not, counted in cash or not….to prevent negatives such as extinction please

·     Convert harsh/impermeable/heat island/consumptive/cash-driven surfaces to green/absorbent/photosynthetic watersheds of native vegetative buffers of deep roots to 1) activate whole earth systems to cleanse and nurture life on earth instead, to recharge dying aquifers & rehabilitate dying whole earth systems uncountable….to 2) activate dying whole earth systems  enough to function and produce positive outcomes again, to balance nature’s budget of critical, safe, nurturing flows enough 2a) light of our sun 2b) energy/synergy other than dead dinosaurs 2c) functional/productive/cleansing/nurturing air cycles of by for life to consume enough  of O2 production enough to lift the many up, 2d) functional/productive/cleansing/nurturing water as H2O cycles of by for life to consume enough to lift many up and 2e) functional/productive/cleansing/nurturing life cycles of photosynthetic production of living green/blue O2 inalieanble from respiratory production of living red CO2 of by for life to consume enough to produce enough

·     Grow smarter, greener, more nurturing cities to filter, cool,  nourish, satisfy, nurture, heal broken worlds, growing smarter, greener, more caring populations…to balance quantities/numbers of numbers with qualities/logic/significance for life & logic on earth.... of outcomes…now and generations from now.....and more.....harvesting 100% Renewable Energy/Efficiency/Storage now to satisfy all energy needs on earth by 2030 (IRENA 2016) or before (by 2050 (100.org/Jacobson 2015)) or before ..instead of crushing nature’s ability to grow upwards to produce enough to nurture us with stupid toxic self-destructive empty fossilized cashflow floods crushing us….enough for all to win now and generations from now….by harvesting nature’s genius instead
·     Balance nature’s budget of nurturing positive but hidden genetic potentials, genius in all enough to grow and produce 1) abundant riches to count and also 2) critical but uncountable flows anad cycels of the invaluable of life’s productivity enough to lift all up to light, to fill in hungry voids of the negative, to Balance human consumption of deadly cashflow floods crushing us…to stop crushing us

·     Care enough to protect your own future, your own family's future, your own nation's future, your own private future now and generations from now.


We Can Learn to Balance Nature's Budget of Critical/Uncountable Productivity of Positives ....to Balance Human Budgets of Self-Destructive Cash Consumption ASAP.......to 

End/Minimize/Reverse our Climate911/ 6th Extinction/Anthropocene....that Jerry Falwell blames on my god erroneously....that Falwell labels erroneously as "Armageddon" "Apocalypse" "Rapture" "Revelations" "Second Coming Of Christ" that Exxon and other fossil fuel profiteers have caused of by for privatized cash profiteering for the fossil fuel industry....at our expense.....to

Lift All Up to Light Instead...Now and Generations from Now ...and Beyond....

Thank you for helping to slow/end/reverse Climate911 to win a future.

Your children thank you.

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