Friday, April 21, 2017

Heal Our Broken World Please: Redefine our word "eco+nomic" as more than mechanical rates of private cash now to stop crushing life and lands on end Climate911/6th Extinction

My religion taught me that every action causes an outcome....that positive actions cause positive actions slowly to lift all up to light of positives far from the obvious now & generations from now and beyond....but that negative actions cause negative outcomes to suck all down into negatives, into gravity, into finites terminally... easy cheap quick...

Heal Our Broken World Please:  Redefine our word "eco+nomic" as more than mechanical rates of private cash now to stop crushing life and lands on end Climate911/6th Extinction to win & produce any positives of any definition damn it...

But negatives also cause deadly crisis mismanagement for the many already blinded by their own myopathy, blinding self-centered ego+nomics that refuse to see far beyond the obvious to see anything other than consumption......while driving all in metallic spheres speeding through public space blinded, crashing and crushing vulnerable public worlds, vulnerable but critical public infrastructure foundations, crushing & destroying nature's fragile but critical but uncountable living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems cell or  self or globe.....crushing life and logic on earth....causing Climate911, causing our own 6th Extinction, our own Anthropocene that Jerry Falwell blames erroneously on my god.

But if humans caused the mess...then humans can clean it up:

* Redefine our word "eco+nomic" as more than mechanical rates of private cash now to win & produce any positives of any definition damn it...

* Shift now from cash-driven fossil fuel addictions & leave the dinosaurs in the ground now at all costs....

* Shift now to a 100% Renewable Energy Efficiency Storage Logical Economic Renaissance 100% Doable by 2030 (IRENA 2030)...

* Convert impermeable toxic heat islands into absorbent, green, photosynthetic, nurturing watersheds recharge and heal dying aquifers, oceans, water activate dying air cycles, dying water cycles, dying life cycles enough to resuscitate us, heal a broken world please....


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