Wednesday, April 19, 2017

America Can Not Afford to Self-Destruct

By Holly M. Berkowtiz
4 19 17

Some assume erroneously that we need a metal scale and weights and rates of cash to balance a budget.   Wrong.

Some assume erroneously that hard, impermeable, strong metal machines mean infallibility enough to last longer than life.  Wrong.

Ironically,  a spider’s web is stronger than human steel unit per unit.

So we need to ask if we really can rely on our everyday sensations of touch, smell, taste, hearing, seeing as reliable indices of life’s “truth” and “fact”…..

Numerous religions warn us that we need to count more than cash to grow heaven on earth?

We need positive outcomes enough to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of the many now and generations from now….obvious to one private self now or not….counted in mechanical rates of private cash of only one obvious now or not.

Every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole want to reach up toward light of our sun to produce positives enough to fill in hungry voids of the negative, to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, lift all up to light now and generations from now.....obvious now or not....counted in private cash now or not....

If we reach far beyond the obvious, the immediate, the privatized walls and barriers of only one obvious now…..I know that we can learn to balance nature's budget of life's amazing productivity of positives forever to lift all up to light now & generations from now …… with human budgets of cashflow flood consumption now sucking all down….enough to heal a broken world.

It’s hard to see beyond the obvious.  I know because the earth looks flat every day when I get up in the city.

But I know it’s not flat….because earth taught me to see the curvature of the ocean as the sun set.   

Scientists and public representatives helped America to document the bright blue planet rising over our moon that we call “home” ….our planet that has turned an oily black since 911 in 2001.

Strangely, though….in less than 2 decades, humans have crushed the ability of an entire planet to support life as a derelict alchoholic destroys its ability to support its family.

Exxon knew more than 40 years ago that burning fossil fuels would cause “carbon emissions” that would become climate carbons of carbon dioxide/ CO2 and also CxyzLOG #@$(*#(%*#@($* that would become financial liabilities, risks, costs that would grow through time accumulating in our shared air to crush our public health, our earth….to cause “global warming” that has morphed into climate heating, baking, drowning, desertification, melting poles, rising seas, massive megasuperstorms such as Sandy and Haiyan, the most powerful storm to hit land in human history, sweeping entire houses off of their foundations while I pay my so-called “public representatives” to deny that fossil fuels are causing Armageddon…while 99.99% of peer-reviewed scientists agree that human fossil fuel emissions of industrialization of the last 150 years, the last 40 years have caused “global warming”….and that humans need to act now to keep global heating below 1.5 to 2 degrees C since the beginning of our “Industrial Revolution” about 150 year ago.  James Hansen of NASA has warned us that even a 2 degree C rise in temperature would cause earth to become “another planet” while my fossil fuel representatives seized totalitarian control of Washington DC to crush America.

We need our "Rule of Law" to protect the innocent from the cash-driven, blinded, privatizing, private selves limiting their counts and values to mechanical rates of cashflow floods into one private bank account of fossil fuel fools.

I have discovered that, ironically, America’s human cash system limits its counts to the obvious, the immediate & shortsighted, the private, privatized, privatizing walls and barriers and forces that confine us in our cities….blocking critical access we need to discover nature’s amazing wonders far beyond the obvious, the critical but uncountable flows of our sun’s light, energy everywhere, air cycles, o2, water cycles, h2o, rich, organic topsoil cycles growing green photosynthetic cycles of by for growing absorbent green watersheds to heal a broken world.

But some just don’t get it and limit their counts to mechanical rates of private, privatized, privatizing, deregulating, cost-shifting cashflow floods into only one private bank account of by for only one obvious now….as Pavlov’s dogs pushed the levers….as B.F. Skinner knew that a cash-driven few could control the many, as slave-owners assumed erroneously that the cash-driven few can push the many down to lift the private self up, that the cashdriven few can take from the other to get for the private self, that the cash-driven few assume erroneously that privatized cash profiteering justifies all……but it does not…and numerous religions warn us to reach far beyond the obvious enough to learn to count more than cash…and to value the invaluable, the uncountable but critical flows, cycles, positive productivity of  nature, of life producing critical flows, cycles, positive productivity of by for uncountable inalienable indivisible “blessings” we need to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute….with liberty & justice for all….of by for health, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” impossible to count in mechanical rates of private cash of only one obvious now crushing life and laughter.

But slave owners just don’t’ get it.

Tyrants self-destruct.

Those of a cash-driven fossil fuel industry of fewer than only 1% sit at the top of a segregated pyramid scheme of scams and secrecy….crushing with force our public worlds of vulnerable public infrastructure foundations under the private self…..and also crushing with forces of the negative our fragile but critical web for all life below our public worlds ….nature’s critical but uncountable web for all life producing critical but uncountable, fragile flows & cycles & positive exponential productivity enough… that a cash-driven 1% crushes both the ability of our public worlds and our governments to function ….and also crush the ability of nature to produce enough for all life to consume enough……and crush the ability of all life to consume enough to produce enough…..causing mass catastrophes of starvation and other discomforts that Jerry Falwell and Rand’s fans blame on my god erroneously.

America can not afford to self-destruct…..obvious or not, counted in private cash now or not…..and can not afford to allow a cash-driven fossil fuel industry of fewer than only 1% to crush and destroy America and earth.

Fact:  Every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living ecosystem, logical economy wants to reach up toward light of our sun freely enough to produce

1) abundant riches to count in human terms and also to produce

2) critical but uncountable flows of by for light to activate hidden genetic potentials, genius enough to lift all up to light exponentially, energy/synergy, air cycles, O2, water cycles, H2O, rich, organic topsoil and soil+maker production and productivity enough to grow green photosynthesis enough to lift life up to light enough to laugh….to free the self from confines of negative forces that crush life on earth.  In other words, positive potentials of by for growing life’s amazing wonders of nature challenge the negative forces of desperate selves of cashdriven forces that try to crush and enslave the many of by for artificial numbers of cashflow floods crushing life and logic on earth.

Fact:  Ironically, fragile but critical, hidden, abundant green photosynthesis of living plants, green leaves, wood & microorganisms of rich organic topsoil convert nasty climate carbon molecules of carbon dioxide as CO2 and CxyzLOG*_#)@(*#$(#@$(*  from financial liabilities that are now causing our own extinction…..into living carbons of wood, green leaves, rich, organic topsoil.

But strangely, ironically, human cashflow floods of war and fossil fuels crush the ability of living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce enough to keep our human cities alive day to day and minute to minute…..illogically….obvious or not, counted in cash or not.

Ironically, the tiniest molecules of life on earth produce the most critical flows of critical oxygen as O2 to keep life on earth alive…..far from the obvious…. to convert deadly climate carbons into valuable living carbons that humans have forgotten to value ironically… keep life on earth living now and generations from now….as life on earth has evolved for millions, billions of years.

But some just don’t get it and limit their counts to mechanical rates of human cash numbers of cashflow floods into private bank accounts of by for only one obvious now…..sucking all down.

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