Keep nature in charge of photosynthesis....and stop crushing nature's abilities to reach up toward light of our sun enough nature can grow heaven on earth instead.
Invent tools to convert deadly climate carbons of fossil fuel contamination into less deadly inventions.....but do not use the "photosynthetic leaf" invention as an excuse to crush and destroy green, photosynthetic, absorbent watershed whole living systems on earth.
Nature does it best:
Nature's amazing but hidden, uncountable genetic potentials, genius in
every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system cell or self
or globe wants to reach up toward light of our sun and other critical but
uncountable flows of energy, air cycles, o2, water cycles, h2o, rich, organic
topsoil and soil+maker production + productivity exponential enough to grow
uncountable green & synergistic power of photosynthesis exponentially, a
wonder of nature to turn our deadly climate carbon costs and explosive risks
into living carbons instead, critical wood, green leaves, rich, organic topsoil
of by for inalienable flows and cycles and wonders impossible to replicate in
simplistic human labs.
"Mechanism behind the electric charges generated by photosynthesis -A step towards artificial photosynthesis"
Human labs would stop at the linear,
finite reactions funneled into
human houses stopping in the trash can, wasted.
Humans have assumed that mimicking nature's wonders is easy,
cheap, quick....limiting our counts to mechanical rates of private cash into
only one private bank account of by for only one private self of only one
obvious now in very finite terms.
But infinity hides so far from human psyches stuck in private
selves in private walls of private nows….stuck in now and here and self.
But nature's amazing wonders of life's critical but
uncountable flows, cycles, positive productivity connect all living cells and
selves and wholes into whole functional systems impossible to count or even
understand from private human eyes.
America needs 3 types of "accounting"...of
"public accounting" that differentiates between motives, goodness,
structures and functions at which magnitude….to enable privatized humans to begin
to understand what hides far beyond the obvious in infinite flows, cycles,
productivity uncountable of nature’s wonders that humans need to protect to
consume enough.
Private selves don’t want to see public/longterm/complex
worlds or nature’s infinitely intricate and vast worlds of nature’s positive
productivity impossible to count in human rates of cash…
Public worlds of longterm, complex infrastructure
foundations need government to manage the many diverse enough to survive now
and geneartions from now.
Our fragile but critical, hidden but infinitely intricate
and vast links, nodes, strands, flows and cycles and positive productivity
connect every living cell, self and system on earth to hold our fragile web for
all life intact….obvious to one private self now or not…..counted in private
rates of human cash that crush life and logic or not.
Every system needs critical flows and cycles and logic and
positive productivity to survive now and geenrations from now and more.
But some justdon’t get it…and limit their counts and brains
to mechanical rates of private cashflow floods of by for one private bank
account of by for only one private self now……blinding the self and the many as
the whole speeds carelessly, thoughtlessly to self-destruct.
Human cities of private selves of private bank accounts
manufacturing private rates of private cash of by for one private self, family,
corporation limits the self to the private self as worthy….conspiring to erect
thick walls and barriers to keep the private self in and the other out ….to
crush the other to lift the private self up, to take from the other to get for
the private self to win, to assume erroneously tha tprivateized cash
profiteering justifies all.
Can humans balance nature’s budget of amazing infinitely
intricate and vast productivity of nurturing wonders…..enough to balance human
budgets of deadly cashflow flood consumption?
Let nature do the work and grow in value for us through time
to grow heaven on earth instead.
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