Friday, October 27, 2017

Ecological Economics: Protecting Our Environment Means Protecting Our Uncountable Democracy

When I was a young child, I wondered why green grass reached up to touch the sun.

When I was a young adult, I learned that every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system, cell, self or globe wants to reach up toward light of our sun enough to ...

1) produce abundant riches to count in human terms........and also to

2) grow and produce critical but uncountable, hidden flows, cycles, positive productivity of by for life to consume enough to produce enough positives to lift all up to light....inspiring many....

I learned that life produces enough for life to consume....and that life consumes enough to produce enough critical but uncountable flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials, genius, logic, creativity to adapt, positive productivity enough to fill in hungry voids of the negative, enough to lift all up to light enough to laugh.....

But I also learned that some just don't get it, blind their selfs, and refuse to count or even see ....or reach far beyond the obvious to discover the amazing wonders of nature far beyond obvious/linear walls and barriers of our linear cities blinding us....and refuse to reach beyond the obvious to discover the critical but uncountable flows that nature produces, that nurture humans day to day and minute to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute....

Humans have spent the last 150 years, the last many millineum stripping photosynthesis from earth ....probably not realizing or caring that photosynthetic production of oxygen as O2, as fragile oxygen double bonds, O=O keep humans alive minute to minute.

Even ancient civilizations learned the connection between breathing and con+science.....but humans continued to strip green photosynthesis from earth stupidly.

Can we learn to honor the most critical ancient biochemical process for life on earth, green photosynthesis we need to lift life up to light enough to grow life's production of photosynthesis enough to slow, end, reverse our 6th extinction that fossil fuel addictions have caused in the last 150 years, a blink in geological time tables?

Can humans activate and grow abundant green absorbent photosynthetic watersheds enough to convert dead fossil fuel climate carbons to living carbons green absorbent watersheds instead to convert dead climate carbon financial liabilities to living carbons, financial assets instead.... green absorbent trees, wood, deep roots, tall arms, green leaves, rich organic topsoil to absorb dead carbons and convert to living carbons remove dead, deadly fossil fuel emissions from our climate and convert the notsocovert agents causing hell on earth to angels of relief stop causing hell on earth and grow heaven on earth instead?

Can humans act now asap immediately to stop causing hell on earth and grow heaven on earth instead?

* leaven the dinosaurs in the ground
* redefine our word "eco+nomic" as more than mechanical rates of private/privatized/privatizing cashflow floods into private bank accounts crushing life on earth.......enough to value the invaluable, the critical but fragile flows, cycles, positive productivity of by for life on earth impossible to count in cash...
* harvest free infinite 100% Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Storage 100% doable by 2030 (IRENA 2016) 2050 ( 2016) if fossil fuel fools would help prevent extinction or get out of the way
* convert harsh impermeable heat islands green, absorbent, photosynthetic watersheds activate dying light cycles, activate dying energy cycles, activate dying air cycles o2, activate dying water cycles h2o, activate dying topsoil and soil+maker cycles, activate dying photosynthetic cycles (green plants of forests, wetlands, oceans, climates, prairies, functional structures and functions of whole unbroken/unprivatized/unsegregated) ecosystems), activate dying respiration cycles (animals) to balance nature's budget of positive productivity of critical but uncountable flows, cycles, potentials, productivity enough to balance/nurture human budgets consuming cash.
* "Just End the Lies"....JEL......the Biblical Lies of artificial virtual illusion and mirage of mechanical rates of private privatizing cashflow floods used to lure the many unsuspecting into cash-driven electric worlds to become subjected to absolute either or dictates of thick, dense boundaries definition our worlds, words, brains......used to ignite deadly emotional button firestorms driving us.....controling Skinner and Pavlov controlled their dogs....

Life's critical but uncountable flows of our sun's inalienable light, indivisible flows & cycles of life's energy, air cycles, o2, water cycles, h2o, rich, organic topsoil growing green photosynthesis to lift all up to light....enough to fill in hungry voids of the negative and also to grow green photosynthesis to lift all up to light of our sun easily enough to consume enough....and to consume enough to produce enough to consume enough to satisfy basic critical needs of any living self ...the real definition of "eco+nomics"....

I learned, discovered that ironically.....our human cash system counts the most critical flows for life the least...and the least critical stones, walls, forces of the negative the most, ironically, illogically....motivating many to crush life on earth.

My religion taught me that every action causes an outcome....that positive actions cause positive outcomes to lift all up to light very very slowly far from the obvious....

My religion also taught me also that negative actions cause negative outcomes to suck all down easy, cheap, quick, blinding and dumbing the many confined in human walls and barriers.

As a young adult, I learned that young children use negatives to cause positive outcomes....assuming erroneously, manipulating many to skew the system.

As an artist, I saw our sun's light hit the fragile but delicate, infinite details of a wildflower and grains glowing with infinite promises of hidden genetic potentials, genius of by for life growing upwards toward light, life and logics' uncountable meanings far beyond the obvious....

I learned that life's green photosynthesis of green plants reaches up toward light of our sun enough to produce enough critical but uncountable, inalienable, indivisible flows, cycles, positive productivity to fill in hungry voids of the negative, to satisfy basic critical needs of any living self, to lift all up to light now and generations from now and more....far from the obvious....

But some just don't get ....and limit their counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private, privatized, privatizing, segregating metal boxes, of by for cashflow floods of by for only one private self now into only one private bank account of fossil fuel fools....blinding the many...speeding crashing stupidly.....crushing life on earth....

Can Americans learn to count more than mechanical rates of private, privatized, privatizing cashflow floods into only one private bank account blinding many....enough to learn to value the invaluable, critical but uncountable flows, cycles, potentials, positive productivity of by for life to lift all up to light?

If we can, then we can slow, end, reverse the 6th Extinction that our blinded cash-driven fossil fuel addictions have caused in the last 150 years, the last 40 years....

Can we learn to count more than rates of cash to value the invaluable?

Our English word root, "eco-" as in "eco+nomic" means "house" or "oikos" in Greek....but not every house nurtures those within.   Some houses crush and destroy those within.

Humans need nature to produce enough for us to consume enough, to nurture us in our houses enough to call that house a "home"...

But some just don't get it.....and limit their counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private cash, cashflow floods into only one private bank account of by for only one private self now.....crushing life on earth.....crushing logic on earth.

But humans need nature to nurture produce enough critical but uncountable flows, cycles, positive productivity of light, energy, air, o2, water, h2o, topsoil, green photosynthesis, food, shelter to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute...obvious to one private self now or not...counted in mechanical rates of private cash that crush life on earth or not....

As cash-driven forces seized totalitarian control of the engines of industrialization and urban sprawl for the last 150 years, forces of destruction have crushed and destroyed the ability of fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems such as forests and wetlands and oceans and whole ecological economic systems to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce enough for the many to consume enough....and for many to find enough to consume enough to produce enough to grow and build public peace and prosperity enough to grow democracy too.

I have also noticed that nations and regions that crush the ability of nature to grow peace and prosperity grasp desperately for hatred, division, strife, war that accelerates the tailspins crushing the fragile living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole fragile selves, cell or self or nation or globe also crushes the ability of any to survive or thrive....cracking, crumbling, deteriorating, disintegrating (vs integration), chopping/privatizing, deregulating/causing an "outlaw"nation.......of violence causing violence.....negatives causing negatives sucking all down into gravity and graves easy cheap quick....

Our English word root "eco-" as in "eco+nomic" as in "name" and "number" and as in "eco+logic" as in "logic" and "intelLEGent" and "log" of mathematical significance, meaning far beyond the obvious.....means "house" or "oikos" in Greek (~ "eco")....but not every house nurtures those within:

Some houses crush life and logic to crush their ability to nurture those within.....a cash-driven privatized/shortsighted/blinding obvious few assuming erroneously that one private self needs to take form the other to get for the private push the other down to lift the private self up....and that privatized cash profiteering of by for only one private self now justifies all.

But those privatizing, shortsighted, blinded selves are wrong, very, very wrong.....wrong scientifically, wrong mathematically, wrong eco+nomically, wrong eco+logically, wrong EGO+nomically, wrong morally and often wrong legally....though a cash-driven few still conspire to rewrite human books/elecctrons of human history, human science, human law to sell the immoral of by for privatized/shortsighted/bglinding cashflow floods into privatized/deregulated bank accounts of fossil fuel fools of by for fewer than only our expense....crushing life on earth.

Our English word, "eco+nomic" means more than mechanical rates of human cash crushing to divide to count to fill one private bank account with empty numbers for one self to consume....more than counting to "divide to conquer"...more than "crushing the competition" ....

Any "economy" of any human city needs to nurture life enough to grow upwards toward light of our sun enough to produce enough to to consume enough and also to consume enough to produce enough.....obviuos to one self now or not....counted in mechanical rates of private cashflow floods that crush life on earth or not....

Human city expansion, industrialization, sprawl, addictions to fossil fuel combustion has caused the deadly levels of dead climate carbons causing climate heating baking drowning at this time in history.

Humans have caused deadly levels of dead fossil fueled climate carbon levels to rise to dangerous, deadly heights causing massive, Biblical heating, baking, drowning, destabilization of entire global earth systems, climate, oceans, watershed cycles dying, critical flows and cycles of by for life on earth blocked, crushed, poisoned by human forces of hate and hubris.

Humans need nature to produce enough critical but uncountable flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials, genius, logic enough, light, energy, air, o2, water, h2o, topsoil, green photosynthesis, food, shelter enough to fill in hungry voids,  to produce positive outcomes now and generations from now and more, abundant riches to count and also to produce critical but uncountable flows and cycles of by for life, enough light to activate hidden genetic potentials, genius, free energy to coordinate life's amazing mysteries far beyond the obvious...

Humans need whole earth systems of critical but uncountable, inalienable, indivisible, integrating, uplifting, balancing, buffering inalienable  flows & cycles of light, energy, air, O2, water, H2O, life's productivity to keep earth livable now and generations from now and more of ancient intelligence....if humans can stop crushing life on earth damn it.  

Humans need our global critical flows and cycles of sunlight, energy, air cycles, o2, water cycles, h2o, rich organic topsoil and soil+makers to grow green photosynthesis for lifting life up to light....., to move nutrients to consumers enough to produce wastes that become nutrients for other organisms consuming the uncountable bu critical free flows and cycles of air, O2, free flows and cycles of water, H2O, free flows and cycles nurturing life producing rich organic topsoil and soil+maker production and productivity of by for life to grow green photosynthesis lifting all life up to light exponentially. inalienable from animal respiration and uncountable flows and cycles of logic, of whole living global systems balancing nature's budget of positive productivity so that humans can balance human budgets consuming cash...obvious to private persons now or not...counted in mechanical rates of private cash now or not...

Consuming cash?

What happens when humans consume cash?

Life needs critical but uncountable flows, cycles, genetic genius, positive productivity to nurture life enough to function as a whole living system, cell or self or nation or globe inalienable, indivisible, critical flows and cycles activating critical productivity of by for life to produce enough to consume enough, to consume enough to produce enough to balance any budget.....counted in cash or not, cell or self or globe indivisible.......

Nature's critical flows and cycles of climate and oceans inalienable balances nature's budget of positive productivity enough to balance human budgets consuming cash.....enough to lift life up to light enough to activate hidden genetic potentials enough to produce positives enough to fill in hungry voids enough to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams enough to laugh with vision and cause public peace and prosperity instead of grow heaven on earth....

America can not afford to crush nature's ability to lift all up to light.

But our human cash system powering fossil fuel fools crush life and logic on earth.

Humans have used human cash systems as an important tool to build great human cities and great human civilizations for thousands of years.....but human cashflow floods of human cities can easily crush and destroy nature's fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems and whole global systems of flows and cycles that equalize critical climates and oceans for justice.....that justify deadly inequalities for enable leaders to listen to even the smallest voices because they may have been the ones to have seen the iceberg.

We need to leave the dinosaurs in the ground and redefine our word "eco+nomic" as more than mechanical rates of human cashflow floods crushing life on end the 6th extinction that human combustion of fossil fuels causing climate carbon emissions that have hit dangerous levels, heating, baking, drowning our climate and oceans and causing polar regions to melt, more and more intense and frequent megastores, rising seas, our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene and more.....even mass migrations from lands no longer able to produce enough to support life.

Life of green photosynthesis producing oxygen as O2 for animals to consume, animal respiration producing living carbon dioxide for living animals to consume reciprocally.....has evolved over millions, billions of years to very very specific biochemical structures and functions extremely sensitive to infinite continuums of flows in a fine-tuned environment.

But just 150 years ago, humans discovered that powerful combustion of fossil fuels, of dead dinosaurs could build great, growing human cities globally, America leading the way.....fossil fuel combustion powering cashflow floods, cashflow floods the circulatory system of erections of fossilized human cities in America, our standard of excellence becoming the rates at which we speed forward, still.

The rates of privatized cashflow into private bank accounts became the standard of our word "eco+nomic" especially in 1980 when US President Reagan's "Reaganomics" set the standard for economic life in America, "privatization"...."deregulation"....."tax cuts tax cuts tax cuts" crushing government becoming the solution for any problem....."supply-side economics" really demand-side driven by cashflow floods into corporate bank accounts....

My mother taught "home economics" that she learned in the 1940s that fueled Republican US President and US General Dwight D. Eisenhower's "bread and butter politics"....meaning that American families were called on to help shape American policy in DC.

But after 1980, the power in America shifted from our American family's "bread & butter politics" of by for our American family's health safety, well-being impossible to count in mechanical rates of corporate cashflow floods....that have become our nation's standard of "economics" in the 40 years since 1980...

We need to leave the dinosaurs in the ground to stop causing hell on earth to balance any budget enough to produce any positive outcomes of any definition.....labeled "eco+nomic" or not....

Count more than mechanical rates of private cash, immediate/shortsighted, obvious/walled/blinding cashflow floods crushing life on earth.

Count uncountable outcomes of by for life also.

Remember that Adam and Eve and their Garden of Eden did not need a human cash system or cash-driven industrialization or privatized cashflow floods into privatized bank accounts for only one private self.... until they trampled the ability of nature's amazing living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems to reach up toward light of our sun to produce enough to consume enough to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of any....and cashflow floods do not satisfy basic critical needs because humans can not eat or drink coins or electrons.

Also, humans have used human cash systems as important tools to build great human cities and to build great human civilizations for thousands of years.....but if humans forget that they need to produce enough to consume.....then deadly private/privatized/privatizing cashflow floods easily crush and destroy the fragile but critical abilities of tiny but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems, cell or self or nation or globe to grow upwards toward light of our sun enough to survive and to thrive, to produce enough to consume consume enough critical flows of light, energy, air, o2, water, h2o, topsoil, green photosynthesis enough to grow enough food and shelter to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute..

So human cities rise and fall.

So human civizliations rise and fall.....because private, privatized, privatizing human cities limiting their counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private, short-term/shortsighted, obvious linear urban walls and thick, dense barriers blind their many selves, numbing, dumbing, dulling, nullifying the values that nature grows for us.....crushing life and logic on earth.

Our English word root, "eco-" as in "eco+nomic" ...'-nomic" as in "name" and "number" to balance....."quaLity" of logic  with  "quaNtity" of number ....."name" (uncountable) or "number" (as in rate countable) ....and as in "eco+logic" as in "logic" and "intelLIGent" and "quaLity" and "log" of mathematical significance of quaLity.......means that our "ecoNOMy" needs to balance both quantities of numbers and quality of logic of what we're counting to remember what we're counting.....enough to produce a more positive future to lift all up to light instead.....instead of causing hell on earth.

If we forget what we're counting....we could crush life and the ability of our environment to produce the supplies we need to consume to survive.

I can cut an apple into 1000 pieces.....but it is still only one "apple" linguistically, legally, logically in "quality" as a word, as a "name" impossible o count in cash linguistically (of many many values or descriptions of certain factors one person notices,many noticing different perceptions).....and in addition, whoever cut it has wasted much time, effort, money and the entire apple becomes inedible unless cooked immediately.....because the apple oxidizes and rots much faster now.....turning it brown, causing it to become inedible quickly within a day...wasting that many waste much.

Benjamin Franklin warned us that "haste makes waste".....

That is why Benjamin Franklin warned us and other founders of our nation that an informed, educated population keeps democracy alive.....that democracy of by for all can not survive if our population blinds its self with thick, dense, shortsighted, privatizing, blinding walls, barriers, deadly cashflow floods of speedy careless rates crushing life....crushing logic/quality... of by for filling only one private bank account with deadly cashflow floods of by for only one private self now.

Others who signed our US Constitution and other important documents probably understood that democracy is much like a fragile but critical, hidden web for all life that needs nurturing of nature to nature's amazing photosynthesis produces critical flows of our sun's critical but uncountable, "indivisible" "inalienable" light, life's energy, air cycles and O2 to breathe, water cycles and H2O to drink and rich organic topsoil and soil+maker production and productivity enough to grow green photosythsies to lift life up to light, to produce countable food and countable shelter to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.

Founders of our nation were probably in closer contact with the soil and green that fed them.....often noticing the amazing productivity of nature's genius in a new nation with amazing natural resources that has made America a great nation for more than 200 years.

But as our many segregate from the fragile but critical topsoils, crushing those fragile but critical topsoils and soil+makers and cycles and cycles of water and cycles of air far beyond the obvious....the many have learned to crush our critical but fragile resources of nature...instead of cultivating and nurturing us.

That makes me very, very sad.....especially because our children and future generations need us to learn to cultivate public peace and prosperity, the ability of our earth to grow life enough to lift all up to positives enough ....instead of crushing life on earth.

And that is what has happened in the last 150 years of cash-driven fossilized industrialization and dead climate carbon emissions  that have now caused global climate heating baking drowning, washing entire communities off of their foundations (Katrina, Sandy, Haiyan et al )...

Most stunning, the privatized and cash-driven fossil fuel profiteers that have caused Climate911, their own 6th Extinction/Anthropocene have seized totalitarian control of our US Government in Washington DC.....claiming to have won the US Executive Branch, the US Legislative Branch, seizing power to crush the opposing voices in our US Judicial Branch....while Donald Trump does not even understand the civil government principle of "Balance Of Power" he promised to protect under oath.

Why is "Balance of Power" important?

Any system, living or not needs "Balance" to function as a whole, as a whole functional productive system to produce enough for the many to consume enough and for many to consume enough to produce enough to produce public peace and prosperity of any terms of human cash "profits" or not.....obvious to one private self now or not.....

Any system needs a neural and circulatory system to survive......our artificial industrial system of machines needing fossil fuels of by for private cashflow floods to keep all parts lubricated and filled enough to run.

Our earth, our living systems and the critical flows and cycles of light, energy, air cycles, o2, water cycles, h2o, rich organic topsoil growing photosynthesis intimately inalienable from respiration for millions, billions of years keeps our whole earth systems whole, holy sparking the con+science of life's many organisms that produce enough critical but uncountable flows, cycles for the manny to consume enough....and for many to consume enough critical but uncountable flows, cycles, positive productivity enough to lift the many up to light of our sun build and grow public peace and prosperity, heaven on earth.

For 150 years, fossil fuel profiteers and industrialists have convinced America that the mechanical rates of private cash for private bank accounts of fossil fuel industrialists means "eco+nomic" and any attempts to slow those rates of machines was not patriotic.....but they are wrong, very, very wrong, wrong scientifically, wrong mathematically, wrong eco+nomicslly, wrong eco+logically, wrong EGO+nomically, wrong morally and often wrong legally.....rewriting human books of human history, human science, human law to sell the immoral of by for privateidc cash profiteering of by for fewer than only our expense.

How can crushing living systems in America be "patriotic" when we have laws that define "criminal" as murdering those on the street?

Why does our rule of law defend criminals from murdering their own children's future, their own family's future criminally, their own nation's future treasonously, their own private future stupidly?

Can America learn to defend life of the many now and generations from now?

Or not?

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