Sunday, October 29, 2017

More Photosynthetic BlueGreen Living Oxygen as O2 Molecule Production Please as Sexy O=O Fragile But Critical O2 to Cool US photosynthetic blue/green living O2 to cool and stabilize earth's climate911....(not as oxygen as dead CO2 or CxyzOLOG*R)$*(#(@ ) – More Green O2 -> Cooler Safer Climate to Survive Damn It

I grew up on a nut farm.....and when my father and I went into the city to the ice cream shop after visiting the hardware store....I  ordered peach ice the hot summer.....the hot city streets seemed so hot....and when we returned to the green leaves and trunks and roots and rich, dark, organic carbonated topsoils of our fun nut farm.....the temperature dropped at least 5 to 10 degrees F within .5 hour after we returned from the city, Eugene, Oregon......the temperature differences at that time between hot urban streets of concrete/asphalt....and the rich, organic, living, cooling orchard near the McKenzie River in Oregon at least 5 to 10 degrees F in the 1/2 hour that we traveled from the city to the orchard by the river, one of cleanest in the world.  Later I discovered that researchers discovered and foresters cited the same temperature differences between urban blocks of a city in Georgia and the rural forested regions outside of those/that cities/city (Forester  2003?      )

Since then, I have sought photosynthetic virgin water wonderlands for comfort and entertainment during hot summers and many other times too.

Then I saw several reports from 2009 and 2015 that higher levels of oxygen as O2 has been documented during colder eras in earth's history (Poulsen 

Variations in atmospheric oxygen levels shaped Earth's climate through the ages

It is very very probable that greening earth's dying impermeable surfaces and dying oceans could easily, exponentially increase atmospheric/our  climate's  levels of the critical but undervalued cooling molecule of bluegreen photosynthetic oxygen as o2, a product of green photosynthesis of green absorbent, cooling, comforting, nurturing green watersheds of by for life can cool us to reverse deadly Climate911..... could cool earth exponentially...

America and other nations can activate 2 additional methods to lower levels of deadly climate carbons of past fossil fuel emissions:

1) Green photosynthesis of absorbent green watersheds produce oxygen as O2, as fragile double bonds to cool the air, replacing climate carbons because green leaves/trees/watersheds absorb carbon dioxide, CO2 to convert to O2 with photosynthesis...releasing O2 instead....cooling instead of heating the atmosphere.....

2) Green absorbent photosynthetic watersheds are much more absorptive and able to remove climate carbons from the atmosphere than impermeable heat islands such as urban concrete, asphalt,  parking lots and that as impermeable heat islands are converted to absorbent green photosynthetic, functional watersheds become more and more able exponentially faster and faster to convert CO2 and CxyzLOG )*%&#$_#*&%a  to O2 at a more rapid rates as the trees etc mature....nature growing in value through time (while concrete cracks and crumbles and disintegrates through time) life's ability to convert CO2 etc to O2....and as the entire watershed matures, as plants grow larger and the ecological ecosystem becomes more and more efficient as a whole functional system for holding the land intact as a whole functional system, eco+system, a whole, synergistic logical ecological economy as a whole unbroken system able to function as one, a more logical and economically efficient economy through time to save money and time and energy and to slash costly save more money for make more money for slash operating produce abundant positive countable outcomes plus produce more and more uncountable but critical flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials, positive productivity to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams to fill in hungry voids of the negative, to lift all up to the many don't crave so much so many unknowns desperately and a whole, holy system produces public peace and prosperity impossible to count in make earth more livable.    Isn't that the purpose of an "eco+nomy" cell or self or nation or globe, a whole of parts and parts of the whole inalienable?

Remember that Adam and Eve did not need harsh industrialization or human cash systems, cashflow floods crushing life or sprawl until they trampled and crushed the ability of the green plants and rich organic topsoils under their feet to produce enough 1) abundant, obvious riches to count on their fingers and eat....... and also to produce enough 2) critical but uncountable flows such as light, energy, air o2, water h2o, rich organic topsoil to grow photosynthesis and food and shelter to satisfy their basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams....obvious or not, counted in cash or not...

Adam and Eve's garden also comforted and buffered them from harm biochemically....

But the last 150 years of our human "Industrial Revolution" and urban sprawling have crushed the ability of earth's fragile but critical, undervalued living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems/ecosystems/ecological economics of green absorbent watersheds photosynthetic,inalienable to produce enough oxygen as O2 too cool the hells that cash-driven human toxic deadly fossil fuel fueled invasions of critical green watersheds.....crushing the ability of life to survive on earth....causing our earth's 6th extinction/Anthropocene (after the humans that caused it)....our Climate911, the hell that cash-driven industrialization and urban sprawl have caused.

The last 40 years, Exxon needed US President Reagan's "Reaganomics" to ram fossil fuels down America's throat forcing America to pay.....the last 40 years blinding America to keep America addicted to deadly fossil fuels....that fossil fuel fools have blanketed our once healthy lands and waters with slimy dirty deadly oily sludge they want us to think means "profit" to lure us in to deadly explosive Climate911, "global warming" that has morphed into global climate heating, baking, drowning consuming all on earth.

Humans have used human cash systems as a very important tool to build great human cities and great
human civilizations for thousands of years.....but deadly forces of the negative of deadly cashflow floods, industrialization, urban sprawl can also crush and destroy life's fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems.....

Our word root "eco-" in "eco+nomic" as in both name and number.....and as in "eco+logic" as in logical and intelLIGent and legal and log as in methamatical/scientific significance beyond the linear......means "house" or "oikos" in Greek (~eco).....but not every house nurtures those within.  Some houses crush and destroy those within....causing an entire whole system to crumble.

Humans need nature's, life's amazing productivity potentials to produce enough critical but uncountable flows, cycles, productivity of critical but uncountable flows and cycles of our suns's light, life energy, air cycles o2, water cycles h2o, topsoil cycles, photosynthetic cycles lifting all life on earth up to light of our sun enough to produce enough to consume or not, to consume enough to produce enough to balance nature's amazing but  hidden productivity enough to balance human budgets consuming cash.  

Consuming cash?   

How can that be?

Humans need nature's amazing positive productivity to produce enough critical but uncountable flows and cycles of light, energy, air o2, water h2o, topsoil and soil+maker production and productivity to grow green photosynthesis and fruit and laughter enough to lift all up to light enough to nurture us to turn a house of walls into a more comforting, nurturing, supportive, satisfying, fulfilling home enough to produce productive people enough to "profit" in public terms.
Some just don't get it....and assume that they only need to count mechanical rates of private cash into only one private bank account of by for only one private self of by for only one obvious now.......assuing erroneously that the private self needs to push the many down to lift the private self up.....assuming erroneously that the private self needs to take from the other to get for the private self....assuming erroneously that privatized cashflow flood of by for only one private self justifies all....but it does not....and they are wrong, very, very wrong, wrong scientifically, wrong mathematically, wrong eco+nomically, wrong eco+logically, wrong EGO+NOMICALLY, wrong morally and often wrong legally....

But some just don't get it and blind their selves with mechanical rates of private/privatized/privatizing, direfulated/deregulation/outlae, shortterm/shortsighted, obvious/confining/linear/flat/thick/dense/artificial walls and barriers blinding the cash-driven self, blocking safe affordable access for the self and many to safe, affordable public infrastructure foundations and critical but uncountable flows and cycles of critical public information and critical public resources that any need to prevent our 6th shed the fake "climate denier" walls of obstruction.
If you don't understand the euphoric rush of endorphins during an adventure in a green photosynthetic wonderland.....".just do it....".'s a no-brainer.....because cool, green wonderlands of nature's abundant productive native/virgin uncut watersheds heal a broken earth....obvious to any who enter:
Scientific www,

"More Oxygen...Colder Climate.....
"To understand the future, we have to understand the past. The two large increases in the oxygen content show, at the very least, that the temperature decreased. We hope that these results can contribute to our understanding of the complexity of  change. I don't believe that humans have a lot of influence on the major process of oxygen formation on a large scale or on the inevitable ice ages or variations in temperature that the Earth's history is full of. But that doesn't mean that we cannot do anything to slow down the current  trend. For example by increased forestry and other initiatives that help to increase atmospheric and oceanic oxygen levels," explains Professor Robert Frei, who, along with his research team, has worked on the project for three years so far. ......"
Source: University of Copenhagen
(google search oxygen o2 cooling climate 2017 ;  9 10 09)
Read more at:

America and other nations, including the United Nation need a Green Photosynthetic Operation ......a War On Climate Heating Baking Drowning WOCHBD to install green photosynthetic absorbent watersheds globally, even in the ocean to replace the deadly wounds of photosynthesis on the oceans and lands slaughtered in the last 150 years of earth under human industrialization, urban sprawl and massive oil spills on the ocean that spread to only 1 molecule thick, killing ocean plankton, ocean plankton at one point producing 50 % of the oxygen in our atmosphere....but what is that percentage now that humans have destroyed plankton with oil spills?

But some just don't get it....or can not find an escape from the totalitarian linear cash-driven fake confines that block our public access to those amazing wonderlands of by for growing life's wonders, cool, green water cycles air cycles inalienable from our air and green leaf droplets breathing, respiring, photosynthesizing  refracting our sun's light enough to lift all up to light.
Life's green photosynthesis of absorbent green watersheds buffers temperature extremes to keep green absorbent watersheds livable for life....and when humans chop and privatize and crush and destroy green photosynthesis of life....then humans crush and destroy the ability of life to nurture life...causing destruction exponentially instead.

Every spring, in May, I am amazed by the bright blue clarity of the amazing sky above me painted with white, happy, whispy clouds dancing......indicating that green photosynthetic explosions of spring in the northern hemisphere in forests, wetlands, gardens shifts into overdrive filtering our air enough to convert deadly dead carbons of our deadly winters.....into living, growing, filtering photosynthetic wonders of by for life lifting all up to light of our wood, green leaves, roots, rich organic topsoil and soil+makers absorbing dirty deadly dead carbons such as fossil fuel emissions of a long cold liabilities because they cause climate heating, baking, drowning....and photosynthesis converting those financial liabilities into financial assets, benefits, financial gains as green, growing trees of nature's amazing wonders, wood, rich organic topsoil green leaves to activate dying air cycles, dying water cycles, dying life cycles exponentially to lift all up to light enough to heal a broken end our 6th extinction damn it.

It is very possible that if humans converted impermeable heat islands of our urban cities to green absorbent watersheds instead growing photosynthesis and green cooling watersheds exponentially......that humans could slow, end and reverse exponentially our Climate911, the 6th Extinction/Anathropocene that humans have caused in the last 150 years of fossil fuel driven industrialization, burning of fossil fuels of by for urban sprawl.

It is possible that life's photosynthetic process of green absorbent leaves absorbing climate carbon financial liabilities to turn into green absorbent watersheds, wood, green leaves, rich, organic topsoils, to filter, cool, cleanse flows of both water and watersheds, plants converting dead climate carbons that are causing "global warming" that have morphed into climate heating, baking, drowning build living carbons to cool earth instead, to activate dying air cycles, activate dying water cycles, activate dying life cycles between respiration of living o2 and photosynthesis of co2 (and more).....convertint CO2 and CxyzLOG ($#*%&#)$(*@#& into living carbons of living things, plants to cool our air, soil, lower dead carbon levels exponentially enough to slow, end or even reverse our 21st Century Extinction Event, our 6th Extinction, our Anthropocene that human burning fossil fuels in the last 150 years has caused.....

Can we harvest nature's free, infinite, cleansing flows & cycles of renewable energy and resources enough to clean up the messes humans have made for the last 150 years...enough to stop the slaughter of life on earth?

We can.....if we learn that nature's amazing process of green photosynthesis can lift all life on earth out of the deadly hole humans have dug.

The key here is that combustion of fossil fuels causes exponential destruction of oxygen as O2 in our atmosphere to cause climate carbon emissions that cause exponential heating, baking, drowning.,,,,,,,and planting and protecting and planning a war on decertification that humans have caused in the last 150 years.

Photosynthesis heals all......activating dying air cycles, activating dying water cycles, activating dying life cycles enough to heal a broken earth exponentially.   Just read Genesis.

I know that humans have overvalued the ecological worth of industrialization and urban sprawl that crush the ability of our earth to grow photosynthesis....and human city cash systems have deliberately devalued, undervalued rural lands of green photosynthesis of by for sprawling onto those lands of by for privatized cash profiteering for those that urban developers for $.

Ironically, our human cash system counts the most critical flows for life the least....o2, h2o, topsoil, photosynthesis......and counts the least critical stones, walls, the most deadly forces of war crushing life the most......motivating too many to crush life on earth.....especially those crushing the fragile ecological ecosystems we need to grow green absorbent watersheds, photosynthesis to grow heaven on earth instead.

Several websites fail to identify the scientific species of "oxygen" as "O2" as opposed to oxygen radicals O* or O3* and other species destructive to life....instead of O2 critical for keeping humans alive minute to minute......and this is very important for addressing "climate change" heating baking drowning......because  oxygen as O2, as oxygen with a fragile double bond O=O cools earth....and oxygen connected to carbon(s) heats earth.....a critical difference as the fossil fuel industry is banking on pumping heater carbon molecules into our public air to heat our climate to deadly temperatures.....and planning to escape in private space ships.

".....Which role does oxygen content play in global warming?

A team of researchers in Copenhagen has identified this difference between oxygen as O2 cooling effects and CO2 heating effects....that is so vital for lowering climate carbon levels as a critical step for cooling our earth easily if we can green our cities:

"This question has become extremely relevant now that Professor Robert Frei from the Department of Geography and Geology at the University of Copenhagen, in collaboration with colleagues from Departamento de Geologı´a, Facultad de Ciencias in Uruguay, Newcastle University and the University of Southern Denmark, has established that there is a historical correlation between oxygen and temperature fluctuations towards global cooling.

"The team of researchers reached their conclusions via analyses of iron-rich stones,..."   (WUWT 2009)....

More oxygen – colder climate   (WUWT 2009)

Variations in atmospheric oxygen levels shaped Earth's climate through the ages

"Schematic of the influence of oxygen concentrations on global climate. Credit: Chris Poulsen, University of Michigan

Read more at:"

This image of Chris Poulsen of the University of Michigan (2015) clearly illustrates the ability of oxygen as O2 to prevent global heating caused by climate carbon molecules.....O2 a cooling photosynthesis absorbing heater carbon molecules to turn heater molecules into cooling molecules, O2...

Of course Trump and his Fossil Fuel Profiteer Fools and "busine$$" of lies are busy deleting this information....that indicates that green absorbent watersheds convert heater dead carbon molecules into oxygen as O2 using cool lower rates and intensity of massive climate heating, baking, drowning that the fossil fuel industry has caused in the last 150 years.

I learned in Oregon that the cash-driven logging industry told us that we were better off if the logging industry filled their private bank accounts with massive "clear cutting"  profit$ causing flooding downstream....omitting costs of flooding from their creative "accounting" books.....blinding us, blocking our access to critical flows of public information/scientific literacy....of by for privatized cash profiteering of by for fewer than only 1%.....

I learned in Election2016 that deadly cashflow floods can put fossil fuel fools into my US Government to crush my US Government (Norquist 1994) crush critical but fragile "balance of power" in DC......crushing critical flows of critical public information and critical public resources of by for America and earth to survive.....

But they can not destroy the facts that 1) every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system want to reach up toward light of our sun to nurture life, up toward critical but uncountable flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials, genius positive productivity of by for life of by for our whole inalienable global system on earth......that cash-driven fossil fuel politics are trying to crush and destroy.  Why?

Tyrants self-destruct because they blind their selves and all with cash-driven fossil-fuel walls of private bank accounts of by for privatized, deregulated fossil fuel profiteering for fewer than only our expense.

".....Which role does oxygen content play in global warming?

"This question has become extremely relevant now that Professor Robert Frei from the Department of Geography and Geology at the University of Copenhagen, in collaboration with colleagues from Departamento de Geologı´a, Facultad de Ciencias in Uruguay, Newcastle University and the University of Southern Denmark, has established that there is a historical correlation between oxygen and temperature fluctuations towards global cooling.

"The team of researchers reached their conclusions via analyses of iron-rich stones,..."   (WUWT 2009)....

All can help:

* care

* leave all dinosaurs in the ground now stop causing hell on earth

* redefine our word "eco+nomic" as more than mechanical rates of private cash of by for only one private bank account of cash-flow floods crushing life one earth....and count more than mechanical rates of privatized fossil fuel profiteering to leave dinosaurs in ground....and value life also damn it
* harvest free, infinite, cleaner, spill+less, healthy, renewing 100% Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Storage to spark a 100% Renewable Energy Economic Renaissance to lift all up to light instead

* plant a forest and more to convert and nurture impermeable deadly dying heat islands absorbent photosynthetic healthy thriving uncountable watersheds to activate dying light cycles, activate dying energy cycles, activate dying air cycles o2, activate dying water cycles h2o, activate dying topsoil production and productivity cycles, activate dying life cycles, flows, hidden genetic potentials/genius inalienable holding our fragile but critical web of cycles and flows inalienable intact.....Ironically....our human cash system counts critical flows for life such as green photosynthesis the least....and counts the least critical deadly forces that crush photosynthesis the most.....causing our climate911 crisis. our 6th Extinction/Anthroopocene......hell on earth....that we can easily exponentially turn into heaven on earth instead if we can redefine our word "eco+nomcis" as more than mechanical rates of private cashflow floods that crush life on earth damn it....

* Just End the Lies"  "JEL" to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable for the deadly costly JEL held the tobacco industry accountable for victims of tobacco industry stop crushing our future....

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