Monday, October 2, 2017

Economics As Worth of Numbers And Names …. To Balance Nature's Budget of Amazing Balance Human Budgets Consuming Cashflow Floods Consuming US..

By Holly M. Berkowitz, BA, RHIT, NLGE

Iowa City, Iowa

October 2, 2017

My American cash system buys me food and a house.

But it can also crush the ability of nature, of life to grow and produce enough for me to eat and drink.....invading Texas with an unheard of 50" of rain in days....socking Florida with Irma....wiping US Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands off the map almost....while other historic hurricanes and monstrous storms wait to invade us.

Can we count more than mechanical rates of private cash of only one private bank account of the cash driven GOP that has seized totalitarian control of my US White House, US Congress, US Judicial Branch while banning the word "climate change"...while filling my US House Science Committee with "climate deniers"?

Can the GOP learn to count more than mechanical rates in its own private bank account now?

Can the GOP learn to understand the meaning of the word "public" so we can balance nature's budget of positive productivity ....with GOP private bank accounts consuming cashflow floods consuming US?

I need hidden but uncountable flows of light, energy, air and water and topsoil production to grow green plants enough to grow food enough for me to eat…..obvious or not, counted in cash or not.

But those fragile, important cycles of air, water, topsoil flows, cycles and production and productivity hide far from the obvious of my everyday world, from the windows of my house.

So my American cash system of privatized profiteers sometimes, often forgets to count or value light of my sun, air cycles of O2 to breathe, water cycles of H2O to drink, important natural resources to filter and cool air and water and to produce rich organic topsoil uncountable that grows enough green photosynthesis to grow countable food for me to eat to find comfort in a livable environment….obvious or not….counted in cash or not.

My air looks empty.


But Ironically.....air that looks "empty" also keeps us alive minute to photosynthesis produces oxygen molecules as O2 to keep us alive minute to humans die within minutes without O2......O2 one of the most critical flows of nature for life on earth.....

But our human cash system counts the most critical flow for life, o2 the least....and the least critical stones, the most deadly forces the most...

Profound Ironies Hide Far Beyond the Obvious:
Can An Advanced Nation Find Them?

That's Science, Folks

Private houses and cities sit with walls and barriers blocking access for many to public worlds and to life’s infinitely intricate and vast web of life’s productivity of by for all life far beyond the obvious, nurtured, nourished by whole earth systems of climate, oceans, watersheds far from the obvious.

I had the privilege of living a childhood in Oregon to spend much of my life on ocean beaches or hiking in the mountains freely… I learned to count more than private everyday numbers in private bank accounts to learn to function.  

So I learned to question absolutes and tyrants ....such as those that told me not to explore the wilderness or the amazing clean wonders hidden there that comforted me when my soul felt stressed from dirty urban hells.

I learned that every living cell, seed, seedling, soil wants to reach up toward light of our sun enough to grow upwards freely, to produce abundant riches to count….and also to produce critical but uncountable flows, cycles, amazing positive productivity of by for life, producing, consuming freely our sun’s light, energy, air, o2, water, h2o, topsoil to grow green photosynthesis to lift in up to light enough to laugh…to produce happiness impossible to count in cash.

I learned that the “best things in life” really are free, free flows, cycles from nature’s amazing wonders of productivity growing positive outcomes, happy smiles of a child....photosynthesis inalienable from respiration as life's impossible to stuff into industrial moldes.

I have discovered that ironically, our mechanical artificial human cash system counts the most critical real flows for life the least…..and the least critical stones the most, the most deadly forces the most….motivating many to crush life on earth, sadly, tragically as we are learning in our bloody 20th & 21st centuries.

I have also discovered that every action causes an outcome…..that positive actions cause positive outcomes very slowly to lift all up to light, blessings…..that negative actions cause negative outcomes to suck all down into negatives easy, cheap, quick, curse….

My religion taught me that I and we have the power to choose to cause blessings and also curse.

But some try to block access to that information ....of by for political and cash-driven gain....

That contradicts the assumption we are taught as children that “every action causes an equal and opposite reaction” as credit causes debit and debit causes credit in a mixed up cashdriven world.

Young children often know the difference between "right" and "wrong" because they see wrongs hurting others and see goodness causing hugs and laugher impossible to count in cash.   Do grown adults become so numbed, dumbed, dulled and desensitized that they can  not understand the meaning of our word "public representative"?

But those that blind their selves with their private, short-term, obvious cashdriven world of walls and barriers confining the private self of by for choosing only private cashflow floods also blind their selves to their power to choose more positive outcomes instead to choose to cause blessings instead of curse…..obviou s or not, counted in cash or not (Deuteronomy 2005)

Can you think of ways that you can change your future?  Private....Public....Earth's Web for All Life?

Did you know that tiny but fragile cells linked to all other living cells on earth hold our fragile web for all life intact....even if some try to limit your counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of cash in their private bank accounts now.

Did you know that actions cause outcomes?

They do.

But our human cash system operated by a cash-driven 1% hoarding all private cashflow floods distorts our worlds to confuse us, the many, to cause the many to fail to oft fall enough for a cash-driven 1% to crush the many, to crush our public worlds, to crush ourweb for all life to lift the private self up…..assuming erroneously that prifateized cash profiteering justifies all….but it does not….and they are wrong, very, ver wrong, wrong scientifically, wrong mathematically, wrng economically, wrong ecologically wrong ego+nomically,wrong morally and often wrong legally…though still conspiring to reawrotie human books of human historyhuan science human law to sell the immoral of y for privatized cash profiteering in only one rpvaite bank account….at our expense….while crushing life an dlogicon earth….

More than 150 years ago, Americans and others discovered that fossilized dinosaurs could power trains and later airplanes and wars of our world that would put money into private bank accounts….so that private companies and owners could get rich.

To stay rich, the very rich changed the rules to keep winning the game.

The problem is….they forgot that if they crushed and destroyed their public world….and private worlds and life on earth, that they could no longer play the game.

They forgot that their private walls and barriers of one private world needed more than their private self and private cash bank account numbers to function…..and that ironically…that…fragile, hidden, uncountable living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils globally want to reach up toward light of our sun enough to grow and produce abundant positive outcomes exponentially …..if we don’t crush them….amazing, riches for all to share, uncountable flows, cycles, productivity of by for life, light of our sun, free energy, air cycles and O2, water cycles and H2O, rich organic topsoil and soil+maker production and productivity enough to grow green photosynthesis enough to lift all up to light, to grow heaven on earth instead….obvious to one now or not…..counted in mechanical rates of private bank accouts or not….

Some just don’t get it…..and choose to blind their private selves and many while crushing life and logic on earth…..ironically crushing their own future stupidly.

How can those clinging to self-destructive blindness of negative forces lead the many toward a safer future for all to share?

They can’t….and need to hand public leadership rights …..and public responsibility to   who understand the meaning and worth of a safe, affordable public world, a safe, affordable public infrastructure foundation build by sharing .resources enough to win a safe and affordable public and private life for the many…..and for the many to find safe, affordabvble public and private access to critical but uncountable flows & cycles & positive productivity of nature, of life far beyond the obviostemus, life’s amazing wonders of nature’s productive natural resources of many eco+systeems producing enough uncountable flows of light, energy, air,o2, water h2o, rich organic topsoil and soil+makers production and productivity to grow green photosynthesis enough to lift all up to light… fill in hungry voids of the n for many to consume enough, consuegatifeee… produce nough postiives for the many ming enough for many to produce enough to consume, to consume enough to producie enough to  survive and thrive now and generations and more from now….obvious or not, counted in cash or not….

Reach far beyond the obvious to value public worlds, obvious or not, counted in cash or not....

Reach far beyond the obvious to discover and value life's infinitely intricate and vast web for all life uncountable impossible to imagine in human terms.. 

Stop causing hell on earth now....and grow heaven on earth instead.  Count more than mechanical rates of private/shotterm/ obvious cashflow value the invaluable of by for life growing slow/end/reverse our Climate911/6th extinction/anthropocene now....

Balance Both Natures Names Uncountable &
Human Numbers Countable to
Balance Nature’s Budget Enough to
Balance Shortsighted Human Budgets of by for
Private, Blinding Human Cashflow Budgets
Consuming Cash, Deadly Private Cashflow Floods that
Crush Life & Logic On Earth….

Balance Human Names Uncountable of by for Life’s Infinitely Intricate & Vast Uncountable Worlds ……With
Human Numbers Countable to
Keep Life Alive, to
Produce Enough for Human Budgets to Consume Enough….

Human cities have used human numbers, rates of mechanical numbers of counts of human cash systems of artificial, simplistic symbols and force and stones to build great human cities and great human civilizations for thousands of years.

Unfortunately, though, artificial human cash systems of mechanical rates of human cash and force can also easily crush the ability of nature, of life’s hidden but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce enough to consume…and to consume enough to produce… amazing productivity of 1) abundant riches to count in human terms …plus productivity of 2) critical but uncountable flows, cycles, positive productivity of by for light, energy, air cycles, o2, water cycles, h2o, rich, organic topsoil to grow green photosynthesis lifting all life up to light… balance nature’s budget of positive productivity .....enough to balance human budgets consuming  deadly, mechanical rates of human cashflow floods crushing us.

Consuming cashflow floods crushing us?

Mechanical, crushing rates of empty artificial human numbers of by for privatizing kinetic forces of hate and war have motivated many to crush life for thousands of years…..cashflow floods and erroneous assumptions of by for hypnotic, obvious glittery, alluring, privatized cashflow floods of stone symbols, thick walls, force and toxics that easily crush fragile living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils of life…..

Human cities have used human numbers, rates of mechanical numbers of counts of human cash systems of artificial, simplistic symbols and force and stones to build great human cities and great human civilizations for thousands of years.....but  Human cashflow floods also crush tiny but critical living cells of life, seeds, seedlings, soils of nature, of life’s hidden genetic potentials far from the obvious, nature’s hidden genius that wants to reach up toward light of our sun to grow & produce abundant riches and uncountable flows, cycles, productivity far beyond the obvious that we cancount…..

We need to reach far beyond the obvious of private walls and even public walls and barriers to discover nature’s amazing wonders that produce critical but uncountable flows, cycles, positive productivity for us to consume…. of by for all life on earth to consume our sun’s uncountable light, free energy, air, o2, water, h2o, topsoil to grow green to grow countable food for us to consume enough…to consume enough to produce enough…..obvious or not….counted in human rates of cash or not…..

Human cashflow floods can crush nature’s critical but fragile productivity to crush our ability to consume.

Deadly human cashflow floods crush our ability to produce enough to consume enough…crushing nature’s ability to balance nature’s budget that we need to produce enough to consume and to consume enough to produce enough to balance nature’s budget uncountable and countable in human cash.

So human cities rise and fall.

So human civilizations rise and fall….mostly because most humans focus only on immediate, blinding walls and barriers to keep the other out….limiting our counts, values, religion to blinding, obvious, privatized walls, barriers, cash-driven worlds of human cash, walls, forces of the negative that crush us…that block critical flows to fill private bank accounts with private cashflow floods crushing us…...assuming erroneously that the cash-driven 1% need mechanical rates of human cash to survive and find comfort and convenience for their private self, family, corporation.

Ironically, deadly cashflow floods crush life on earth, logic of life.   

Numerous religions warn us about critical but hidden laws of moral reciprocity far beyond the obvious…. moral laws of reciprocity to enable nature, life’s hidden genetic potentials to produce enough to consume, to consume enough to produce enough “supplies” and “demands” to balance nature’s budget of critical flows cycles productivity of by for growing life on earth, moral laws of reciprocity that enable life to produce enough to consume enough, to consume enough to produce enough supplies and demands to balance critical but uncountable flows & cycles & genetic potentials & positive productivity of by for nurturing, nourishing life’s basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams we need to satisfy to grow happiness on earth……

Life’s nature, hidden genetic potentials produce 1) abundant riches to count in human terms of numbers and names and also produce 2 ) critical but uncountable flows cycles potentials productivity enough to consume enough to produce enough, to activate hidden genetic potentials in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system cell or self or nation or globe…..producing enough criticial but uncountable flows cycles positive productivity of by for life to filter, fulfill, satisfy, process, produce, consume for living cells, seeds, seedlings, selves enough….to balance human budgets enough….human budgets of humans consuming mechanical rates human cashflow floods that crush life on earth.

Humans consuming mechanical rates of human cash?   Huh?

Private, privatized, privatizing human cash-driven economics consistently devalue nature's amazing resources that we  need to produce enough to survive and thrive,......nature’s amazing but uncountable ecological economic capital….nature’s “economic capital” impossible to count in human rates of cash has enabled America to become a “great” nation in the last > 200 years……enabling America to harvest vast numbers and amounts of both qualities and quantities, names and numbers of uncountable inalienable natural resources of critical flows, cycles, positive productivity…. light of our sun, free energy, air o2, water h2o, rich organic topsoil and soil+makers enough to grow green photosynthesis uncountable to lift all up to light, to fill in hungry voids of the many, to lift all up to positive outcomes…..obvious to one private self now or not…counted in mechanical rates of private cashflow floods or not… harvest nature’s, life’s uncountable flows, cycles, positsive productivity enough to become a global “superpower” in the 20th century….

If we look closely…..Human cashflow floods crush to divide to count…..and count to crush to “divide to conquer” and to “crush the competition”…..not to share.

But life shares freely to survive and to thrive.

My religion taught me that every action causes an outcome…..positive actions causing positive outcomes very slowly to lift all up to light……and that negative actions cause negative outcomes to suck all down easy, cheap, quick…..moral laws of reciprocity….obvious or not….counted in private cash or not….

Can America step back from limiting our nation’s counts, values and religion to mechanical rates of private, privatized, privatizing, deregulating, cost-shifting, explosive risks and costs onto their own children’s futures, own family’s futures criminally, own nation’s future treasonously, own private future stupidly?

Can America reach beyond our thick, dense, privatizing, shortsighted, obvious/blinding linear/flat/impermeable/dense/thick/inflexible/deadly urban walls and barriers that confine us to deadly, boring monotony……to discover nature’s amazing wonders that hide far beyond the obvious walls and barriers of by for deadly cashflow floods that blind us, that confine and imprison us?

Can America reach far beyond the obvious private walls and barriers of overvalued urban cities to discover amazing wonders of nature ironically uplifting, renewing for our bodies and souls, unexpected in a world of commercial, cash-driven “media” and cash-driven privatizing, deregulating, cost-shifting, urbanizing Reaganomics/voodoonomics that limits our counts to mechanical rates of private cash numbers into only one private bank account of by for only one obvious now?

Ironically, we can not value nature's amazing natural resources in terms of private cash publicized.....because human cash systems crush to divide to count...and count to divide to conquer to crush the competition, the other, the diverse, the nonsamae.....not to share..

But life shares freely to survive and to nourish and nurture others because infinite cycles and flows keep the private self healthy also.....

Ironically, the key to survival in the face of the Climate911 and the 6th extinction/anthropocene that fossil fuel fools have caused….is harvesting nature’s amazing and critical flows, cycles, positive genetic potentials, positive productivity far beyond the obvious…to lift all up to light far beyond the obvious, impossible to count in cash…..surprisingly inverse to obvious walls and barriers of privatizing, immediate/shortsighted, obvivous/blinding, emotional button firestorm driven assumptions, walls, barriers, forces of the negative of the erroneous…..erroneous assumptions of those that refuse to reach beyond thick dense private walls demanding totalitarian comfort and convenience and deadly fossilizwed cashflow floods of by for only one obvious privatizing self now……at all costs….throwing all costs onto the many beyond the obvious now and generations from now …cruelly…..negative force coming back to the cruel.

But those facts hide far from the obvious, far from private, privatized, privatizing, short-term, shortsighted, far from obvious urban walls and barriers that human cities erect to keep the private self in to keep the other out…..also blocking access to critical flows of light, energy, air, water, topsoil, green photosynthesis that nature produces freely far beyond urban walls.

I converted from Christianity to Judaism becausee I saw that some abuse religion for political and cash-driven gain…to crush the many….assuming erroneously that the private self needs to 1) push the many down to lift the private self up and 2) to take from the many to get for the private self and 3) privatized cash profiteering justsifies all….

I converted from Christianity to Judaism because Judiasm inspires me to ask questions, to dig beyond the obvious, far from obvious dictates....thick, dense impermeable walls and barriers of our immediate, private urban worlds of flat thick walls and linear definitions of a flat people shaped by flat dense impermeable walls and barriers blocking aerobic flows of nature to me……cash-driven dense worlds blinding me with the anaerobic.

Enter Pope Francis and a visit to Jerusalem to inspire me to learn that Christianity, Judaism and Islam all were born to Abraham thousands of years ago after Abraham realized that nature’s amazing wonders of creation and survival and thriving grew from tiny but fragile living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems inalienable from whole earth systems of  air & climate, water & ocean currents satisfying basic critical needs wants desires dreams of any living system on earth….propbably modeled after amazing wonders of nature even beyond earth…..but earth’s whole inalienable, indivisible systems of by for air cycles O2/climate, water cycles, water cycles H2O of by for oceans, water cycles to cleanse and nourish and filter life on earth….to grow amazing wonders such as pi, our golden ratio that spans our universe miraculously…..

Religious leaders Moses, Jesus, Mohammed all separataed their selves from the pounding, crushing forces of urban chaos to try to escape to nature’s more comforting ecology, nature’s amazing house of logic, of hidden genetic potnetials in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, every whole living system, watershed, airshed, ocean, climate, current….obvious to one self or not…counted in mechanical rates of private/shortterm/obvious/cash-driven selves or not.

America needs to reach far beyond the obvious, privatizing, shortsighted walls and barriers of our cash-driven urban cities and fossil fueled industry and sprawl to discvoer the amazing wonders of nature, scientific literacy enough to heal a broken world, to stop causing hell on earth….to enable America to grow heaven on earth instead:

·    leave the dinosaurs in the ground to stop causing hell on earth…and stop blaming my god erroneously for the hell cash-driven fossil fuel fools have caused….

·     redefine our word “eco+nomic” as more than mechanical rates of private/ immediate/obvious /deadly cashflow floods of by for only one private fossil fueled bank account of by for only one obvious now….deadly cashflow floods that crush life on earth…to stop causing hell on earth….and grow heaven on earth instead…: 

Count more than cash to value the invaluable, priceless, uncountable flows of nature, positive productivity and outcomes of by for All 100%+  that we need to lift all up to light, to fill in hungry voids of the negative, to heal a broken world enough to win

·     harvest free, infinite 100% Renewable Energy Now to spark a Renewable Energy Economic Renaissance….100% doable by 2030 (IRENA2016) 2050 (100.org2015)…if fossil fuel fools would help….or get out of the way now

·     convert dying impermeable heat island surfaces to green absorbent photosynthetic watersheds to activate dying air cycles, dying water cycles, dying life & land cycles instead ….to grow native absorptive vegetation of deep roots & healthy topsoils to grow life, photosynthesis to convert dead carbons to living carbons as financial assets instead reaching high to the sun and deep into the ground to convert deadly costly liabilities of artificial climate carbons, floods, droughts, desertification, toxicicty causing Climate 911 /our 6th extinction/anthropocene to  watersheds producing positive outcomes for all instead…..absorbent, green, living carbons & watersheds instead to convert financial liabilities of fake carbons to financial assets/benefits/positive outcomes/public/private peace and prosperity/heaven on earth of critical cycles for life of living carbons instead, green leaves, wood, rich, organic topsoils enough to consume hell’s currency of hate enough to grow heaven’s uncountable inalieanbel private public lifeweb peace and prosperity on earth instead…..
   Just end the lies, the Biblical lies that the cash-driven fossil fuel industry has manufactured to keep America addicted to fossil fuels of by for filling privatized, shortsighted private corporate ceo bank accounts full of private cash of by for only one private self of by for only fewer than only our expense.....a cash-driven 1% shifting deadly explosive risks and costs onto the many, onto their own children/familyies criminally, onto their own nation treasonously, onto their own private self stupidly./...

Where's the accountability?  Are We Blinded?  Have We Forgotten what we're counting?

Does privatized cash profiteering justify all?

No it does not....and those that assume so will cause hell on earth.....are causing hell on earth of self-destruction, sucking all down damn it.

Do thick dense walls and barriers segregate us from nature’s roots that we need to grow positive outcomes now & generations from now?

Perhaps as a people emerges from nature’s nurturing gardens to build thick dense walls of human cities…..humans segregate their selves from the fragile but fertile lands, soils, selves, seedlings, seeds, living cells that humans need to produce enough to consume enough……obvious or not….counted in human cash or not….far from the everyday, obvious, privatized, linear, thick dense walls and definitions that segregate us from life….

Remember that nature’s amazing but hidden wonders, critical but uncountable flows, cycles, positive genetic potentials, positive productivity grew Eden for Adam & Eve…until they consumed, trampled, crushed nature’s amazing abilities to grow heaven on earth, crushing life on earth instead

Remember that Adam and Eve did not need mechanical rates of a human cash system or thick dense walls, force of industrialization, of bronze, silver or gold eras until they trampled and crushed their garden, their “Garden of Eden”’s ability to grow upwards toward light of our sun enough to produce enough to consume enough, to consume enough critical flows and abundant riches enough to satisfy basic critical needs wants desires dreams of any definition.

Can America Learn to Count More Than Mechanical Rates + Empty Numbers of Deadly Privatizing Cashflow Floods Blinding and Crushing US….Enough to Reach Far Beyond the Obvious Of  Obstsructive, Crushing, Privatizing Walls, Barriers of Kinetic Forces….to Discover Nature’s Amazing But Fragile Wonders of by for Life, Growing life Enough to Ask “Why?”….enough to discover amazing ironies of Divinity….. enough to stop crushing nature’s amazing productivity, to stop causing hell on earth enough to grow heaven on earth instead?

Can America learn to count more than cash, more than mechanical rates of cashflow floods of hubris crushing us?

Can America learn to count more than cash to value the invaluable, the priceless, the uncountable but critical flows, cycles, positive productivity of by for life on earth… end the Climate911, our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene that fossil fuel fools of the last 150 years has caused?[1]

America Needs to Reach Far Beyond the Obvious/Privaitizng/Shortsighted/Cash-driven Worlds of One Priate Self Now  … Discover Nature’s Amazing Wonders of Infinity and Productivity Enough to Ask “Why?” Enough to Seek Free & Open Democracy of by for Life to Grow Abundance….Instead of Crushing US

Humans and life need freedom and resources enough to reach up toward light of our sun enough to flower and produce.

Humans need freedom to ask “Why?” enough to explore wonders of nature enough to lead with vision and wisdom and scientific literacy….science and the many, our nation now to reach far beyond the obvious enough to discover amazing wonders of nature, of life of infinitely intricate and vast flows, cycles, positive productivity of by for life weaving intricate, uncountable flows, cycles, positive productivity hidden in beautiful wildflower ecosystems….. enough to consume, to consume enough to produce as both rights and responsibility…, wisdom, scientific literacy that we need to guide us, all toward a safer future for all to share…..obvious or not, counted in cash or not….  

So Benjamin Franklin and others wrote our US Constitution modeled after ironic moral laws of reciprocity that balance nature’s budget of by for life enough to balance human budgets consuming deadly cashflow floods that crush so many….

Benjamin Franklin also defended our right to reach far beyond the obvious of privatized confining walls and barriers of deadly cashflow floods… find safe affordable access to public education and public libraries and media…..critical but uncountable flows, cycles, positive productivity of by for producing critical but uncountable, inalienable, indivisible flows of uncountable critical public information and critical public resources, vision, wisdom, scientific literacy to find a safer courses through an uncertain future, any future enough to heal our broken public worlds… grow a nation crushed by privatized, cruel cashflow floods of fewer than only 1%...

The bottom line?   If we reach far beyond human walls, barriers, force to discover amazing but uncountable wonders of nature’s amazing positive productivity of by for producing critical but uncoutnable flows cycles positive productivity of by for life to consume enough….fill in hungry voids of the negative… lift all up to light enough to laugh…… to survive and to thrive….then humans can change the course of our history and satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of the many….obvious or not, counted in rates of human cash or not.

Ironically, our human cash system counts the most critical flows for life of living cells & systems the least…..and human rates of cash count the least critical stones, walls……cash counting the most deadly forces the most…crushing life and nature’s amazing productivity of critical flows of light, energy, air, water, topsoil, green, life’s reciprocity …..illogically.

Ironically, our human cash system counts the most critical flows for life of living cells & systems the least…..and human rates of cash count the least critical stones, walls……cash counting the most deadly forces the most…crushing life and nature’s amazing productivity of critical flows of light, energy, air, water, topsoil, green, life’s reciprocity …..illogically.

US President Ronald Reagan’s Reaganomics has limited our nation’s counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private/privatized/privatizing/corporate/CEO cashflow floods into private/privatized/privaitzigin private bank accounts of a cash-driven fossil fuel industry of fools, of fewer than only 1% at the top of cash-driven pyramid schemes, scams, secrecy crushing public worlds, crushing our productive web for all life that humans, that America needs to grow nature’s wonders enough, to produce enough to consume enough, to consume enough to produce enough….for more than 40 years of cash-driven Reaganomics ruling, crushing America.

Fossil fuel dictator Exxon needed Reaganomics to keep America addicted to dirty carbon fossil fuels for 40 years……even though Exxon’s own scientist(s) warned Exxon more than 40 years ago that their fossil fuel carbons would cause “global warming” that has now morphed into climate heating, baking, drowning, chaos of Climate911 since 2001…..

·     much higher concenrations/levels of carbon dioxide/CO2 and other greenhouse gases including CxyzLOG*%$_#)$@* causing deadly heating and chaos of our earth’s dying air cycles/atmosphere/climate, dying water cycles/climate/balance of whole earth systems, dying life cycles
·     heating and acidification of our oceans
·     melting polar regions
·     slowing of the Gulf of Mexico that North Atlantic nations need warm nations of the north, threatening livability of Europe and North America
·     destruction of fragile polar ecosystsems & species
·     rising seas
·     uncontrollable migrations from dying lands of chaos unable to support life, drought, flood, desertification, climate diseases/disabilities/deaths/extinction/massive violent lawle pssness deregulation privatization costshifting onto others and private self selfdestruction breakdown of civil government and civilization, advanced learning…..and crisismismanagment instead of many in a dying world
·     uncontrollable epidemics:  standard medical literature and definitions no longer accurate because mass changes in environment cause new dynamics of environment and health/disease/disability/death in unexpected/new ways not yet documented by “health care disease treatment system”


Do not blame my god for the Climate911, 6th Extinction/Anthropocene that fossil fuel industries have conspired to cause for the last 40 years [2]

Humans have caused Climate911,  our own 6th Extinction/Anthropocene, fossil fueled human industrialization, urban sprawl, ignorance, greed and apathy has caused….as humans cling to cash-driven totalitarian comfort and convenience of by for one private self to escape fears of any pain and discomfort in an artificial cash-driven world afraid of any discomfort….causing hell on earth for much of earth…..obvious or not…counted in cash or not…..

Humans need to count more than cash, more than private/privatized/privatizing, short-term/shortsighted, obvious/blinding artificial/fake empty numbers of privatized, blinding cash-driven cashflow floods… value the invaluable, priceless, uncountable but critical flows, cycles, positive genetic potentials, genius of life in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil that wants to grow upwards enough to heal a broken world.

Life does not fit into mechanical cubical impermeable molds of dictated shapes and sizes of urbanizing industrialization…..because life’s living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole functionala systems need uncountable, hidden but critical inalieanbel flows, cycles, positive hidden genetic potentials to grow positive productivity, outcomes impossible to confine in one predictable shape of only one private self or privatized urban public crushed by cash-driven assembly line pyramid schemes, scams secrecy.

America has hit a point in history that demands self-examination deep into our soul….if we can find it….to survive… change  the course of history that our deadly privatizing fossil fueled cashflow floods have caused.

America can not afford to self destruct….and needs to count more than cash to value the invaluable, the uncountable but critical positive financial assets of nature, of life hidden far beyond the tiny metallic confines that our American cashflow flood system has pushed onto the cash-driven fossil fuel industry’s GOP’s America for at least 40 years.

Our human cash systems and our discovery of the exponential power of fossil fuels fueling & powering the circulatory system of 19th and 20th century industrialization and urban sprawl has enabled America and others to build great human cities that have produced more stuff than any other time in world history.


But human cash systems of cashflow floods powering the circulation of industrialization and sprawl has also crushed nature’s fragile ability to grow upwards toward light of our sun enough to produce enough to consume, to consume enough to produce enough.

Urbanizing industrialists lured the many into our new bursting cities with tales of “streets lined with gold” to lure the many deceitfully into cheap, dirty labor trapping many in cycles of poverty and disease and death sucking many down…..rewriting Darwin’s “Origin of Species” and “Natural Selection” as an “excuse” to crush the many unsuspecting in our harsh, dirty cities consuming so many.

As the 19th and 20th centuries matured, America began to feel the public effects of cash-driven fossilized industrialization as cash-driven, dictating war profiteers and fossil fuel profiteers dreamed of unimaginable riches filling their private bank accounts….at our expense…..masqueraded as “false flag” events as an “excuse” to amplify cash-driven fossilized “military-industrial complexes” to fill private pocketbooks of a cash-driven few, fewer than about our expense…for more than a century.

My father paid the price, as he was only 90 lbs at the time of his rescue from a WWII Prisoner of War Camp.   He was awarded the US Purple Heart and Silver Star….but that did not pay for the lifelong nightmares and emotional scars impacting US.

I have dug for more than 60 years to discover earthshattering dynamics of those that want to seize totalitarian control of the many … a playground bully wants to “control thhe world” ……to crush the many for cash-driven ego….EGO+NOMICS…..tyrants blinded by one private self and one private bank account for Midas….. assuming erroneously 1) that privatized, shortterm cashflow floods into privatized bank accounts of by for only one private self defines our public word “eco+nomic”…(but that is wrong…)…...that 2) privatized cash profiteering justifies all….that 3) the private/immediate/obvious/cash-driven self needs to push the other down, the many down to lift the private self up…..because the world of that private self looks flat, linear and the only forces obvious to one cash-driven private self now  are gravity, and explosive, obvious hatred, division, strife of the negative, of the grave…….and that 4) the private self needs to take from the other to get for the private self….because the cash-driven, privatizing, shortsighted, blinding sseelf limits the world of the self to the cash-driven, private, immediate/shortsighted, obvius/blinding walls and barriers thata the private self of greed erects to keep the private self in (the anaerobic) and the other out……

America needs 4 types of “financial accounting” to slow/end/reverse our self-destruction caused by our nation’s addictions to fossil fuels….  Deadly addictions manufactured by a cash-driven fossil fuel industry for ear than 150 years of industrialization….for more than 40 years of cash-driven privatization and deregulation shifting explosive cash-driven risks and costs onto the many unsuspecting, onto their own children’s future, their own famimly’s futures criminally, their own nation’s future treasonously, their own private future stupidly…..

America needs 4 types of “financial accounting” ….for

1)         private shortterm obvious cash-driven worlds of the here-and-now everyday world of many such as urban walls and barriers dfining our spaces, such as red-yellow-green stop and go lights defining our actions and obedience to an industrial world…
2)         public longterm complex worlds of the many that use both mechanical human cash system currencies of human rates of human cash that crushes to count …… and public worlds also need nature’s hidden but critical, continuous, inalienable links between every living cell on earth and flows of nutrients connecting and nourishing, nurturing all life with light, energy, air, water to heal, critical but uncountable currencies of our sun’s light, free energy connecting all, air cyles o2, water cycles h2o, rich organic topsoil and soil+maker production and productivity growing green photosynthesis to lift all up to light every spring….
3)         Life’s infinitely intricate and vast web for all life impossible to count or even understand in human terms of quantitynumbers or qualitylogic far from the obvious of private/shortterm/obvious/everyday urban walls and barriers of cashflow floods….and life’s amazing wonders. produce enough continuously to nourish, nurture, satisfy, heal comfort ever living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system cell or self or nation or globe enough to activate hidden genetic potentials in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, nation to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce enough for us to consume enough….for us to consume enough to produce enough to balance nature’s budget of amazing productivity …to fill in hungry voids of the many…to activate hidden gentic potentials enough to lift all up to balance human budgets consuming deadly cashflw floods into only 1% of private bank accounts… 
 4) Whole earth systems of inalienable indivisible critical flows and cycles of our suns light, free energy, air cycles of climate and water, O2 cooling us, water cycles, climate aund land cooling us, life cycles life, topsoil, water, air cooling nurturing us far beyond simplistic dumb numbers of privatizing human cash systems segregating, blinding crushing us....

Numerous religions coushnt life’s uncountable flows, cycles, positive productivity such as light, energy, air, water, topsoil, green growing countable food and shelter as divine “blessings”…..

Ironi cally, the cash-driven GOP wraps its self in my American flag labeltrng any that disagree with them "traitors" and un-American......claiming the GOP is "pro-tlife" while crushing life and logic on earth....

Yea......Trump's IQ is off the charts.  Which way?

Yet the Republican GOP has placed cash-driven profiteers in my US White House, US Congress, US Judicial system to crush the ability of life to grow enough for us to consume….and to block crirtical access for the many to find enough to consume that nature’s amazing wonders produce…..conspiring to crush the ability of natur e to produce enough for us to consume….and also for us to consume enough to produce enough….obvious or not….counted in cash or not….the cash-driven GOP limiting our counts, values and religion to mechanical rates of private, privatized, privatizing, deregulating cashflow floods that crush life and logic on earth. Help! 

Save Our Ship Now, GOP, fossil fuel industry….because you have crushed the ability of life and your political opposition to function, to survive, to keep earth and your own children, family, nation, self alive.

Do you care or not?

Can you understand the concept of “whole” as in “holy” able and willing to produce enough for comfort for life…..….as opposed to “privatized” ……broken, crushed, blocked, destroyed….of by for ego+nomics of by for only one private self of only one obvious now dying.

I can cut an apple into 1000 pieces, but it is still only one apple linguistically in language, quality, legally in laws of science and the universe far from the obvious.  

America needs to count more than mechanical quantities of empty numbers, of mechanical rates of private cashflow floods that crush to divide to count and count to divide to conquer to crush America.

America needs to value the invaluable but uncountable critical flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials, genius, logic, positive productivity of by for nature, life’s genius, wisdom, logic in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole/holy living system that wants to grow upwards toward light of our sun enough to balance nature’s budget, to challenge the cash-driven cruelty of a cash-driven, dictating fewer than only 1% that assumes erronsouly that it needs to 1) crush the other to lift the private self up….to 2) take from the other to get for the private self….and that 3) privatized cash profiteering justifies all…..but it does not….and the cash-driven dictates of pyramid schemes, scams secrecy of a fossil fuel fueled GOP are wrong …..very, very wrong….wrong scientifically, wrong mathematically, wrong eco+nomically, wrong eco+logically, wrong EGO+nomically, wrong morally, and often wrong legally….though the cash-driven continue to rewrite human books and electrons to sell the immoral of by for filling private/privatized/privatizing/segregating shortsighted blinded private bank accounts of only one private self of by for only one obvious now…..throwing explosive risks and costs onto the many unsuspecting now and generations from now……above the law, moral laws of reciprocity.

But a cash-driven few can not escape from moral laws of reciprocity because they extend universally, infinitely intricatae and vast far from the obvious of human walls… produce enough for the many to consume enough…..for the many to consume enough to produce enough to heal a broken world.    Numerous religions understand that humans need to reach far beyond thick, dense human walls of hubris, of deadly crimininal cashflow floods to discover the ability of nature, of life to produce equalizing flows for justice… justify deadly disparities of large cliffs of disparity in a digital age chopping us into bits, bytes, blinding our ability to connect the disconnected to activate hidden genetic potentials of any living cell, seed, seedling, soil, system to grow positive outcomes enough for all to share….

So, balancing opposites can heal a broken world….because our sun’s light, free energy, clean, filtering air cycles, o2, water cycles, h2o, rich organic topsoil to grow green photosynthesis to satisfy respiration reciprocally on earth keeps every living cell on earth functional enough to grow, to produce enough to consume, to consume enough to produce over and over again.

Ironically, cash-driven, privatizing, shortsighted, blinding tyrants try to cause war to attack opposites to cause hell on earth (while also causing fear of the same/home)….while nature’s hidden genetic potentials/genus connects the disconnected, opposites to activate hidden gentic potentials enough to grow heaven on earth instead… produce enough critical flows to balance nature’s budget …..enough to balance human budgets crushing the self….consuming cash.

Consuming cash?

Life needs nature to produce enough to consume enough…to consume enough to produce enough to balance nature’s budget enough to balance human budgets consuming mechanical rates of deadly cashflow floods.


But some just don’t get it….and limit their counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of privatizing, deregulating, cost+risk-shifting, blinding  cash flow floods of by for only one artificial private bank account of by for only one obvious now, cashflow floods crushing life and logic on earth.

But some, many just don’t get it….and limit their counts, values and religion to mechanical rates of private, privatizing, shortsighted, obvious, blinding cashflow floods that crush life on earth….


Ironically, our human cash system counts the most critical flows for life of living cells & systems the least…..and human rates of cash count the least critical stones, walls……cash counting the most deadly forces the most…crushing life and nature’s amazing productivity of critical flows of light, energy, air, water, topsoil, green, life’s reciprocity …..illogically.

Illegally?   Human cash systems have conspired for generations, thousands of years to rewrite human books of human history, human science, human law to sell the immoral to fill privatized, shortsighted, cruel human bank accounts of by for the linear of fewer than only 1% to crush the many….a cash-driven, blinded, linear 1% of their flat world assuming erroneously that 1) the private self needs to crush, push the many down to lift the private self up…that 2) the private self needs to take from the many to get for the private self…and that 3) privatized cash profiteering will satisfy all needs, wants, desires, dreams of the private, blinded self.

But they are wrong, very, very wrong…..because deadly cashflow floods crush the ability of nature’s fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce enough to consume enough….to consume enough to produce enough….to balance nature’s budget of life’s amazing exponential produciviy….enough to balance human budgets consuming deadly cashflow floods of by for fewer than only 1%.....

Ironically, human cash counts the most critical & hidden flow for life on earth, O2 the least….cash counting photosynthetic green clean oxygen (produced by green plants) as fragile O2 to breathe counted the least….even though humans die within minutes without O2….

Ironically, human cash counts the next most critical and hidden flow for life, water as H2O to drink the next least…..even though humans die within days without H2O….

Ironically, human cash counts the next most critical & hidden flow, topsoil production the next least….rich organic topsoil to absorb deadly climate carbons and grow food assets for us to eat….even though humans die within months without food…..illogically.e,

Can America learn to count more than cash.....more than mechanical rates of private/shortsighted/blinding cashflow floods into only one private bank account blinding the GOP....enough to value the invaluableuncountable flows cycles positive productivity we need to keep life on earth alive now and generations from now and more?

We can if we want to.

[2] #ExxonKnew, Our Children’s Trust, Hansen

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