Monday, October 30, 2017

Convert Impermeable Heat Islands to Absorbent Photosynthetic Watersheds to Produce Cooling O2 End Our 6th Extinction


Variations in atmospheric oxygen levels shaped Earth's climate through the ages

Humans Need A Green Photosynthetic Offensive (GPO) to Produce More Cooling O2 Now for Life to Win
Our Climate Heating War

As Humans Continue to Lose their Game of Climate Wars on US, On Life, On Earth’s Critical But Uncoutnable Flows & Cycles Of O2 & Water for Life…..Humans need A Green Photosynthetic Offensive/GPO Now to Active Dying Life Cycles, to Activate Dying Water Cycles of H2O, to Activate Dying Photosynthetic Air Cycles On Earth, To Renew Earth With Absorbent, Green Watersheds Globally to Convert Deadly Dirty Climate Carbons into Life-Giving O2 Molecules, Flows, Cycles Nurturing US Instead to Cool Earth To End the 6th Extinction Fossil Fuel Fools of the Last 150 Years Have Caused…..Please…..Thanks!

Your Children Thank You.

For almost 10 years, the fossil fuel industry has blocked and crushed the critical public flows of critical public information that earth needs more oxygen as O2 to cool, to stabilize our climate, to cool “global warming” that has now morphed into deadly, epic, regular global climate heating, baking, drowning, shoving entire communities off of their foundations, crushing life and liberty on earth, causing our own Anthropocene, our own 6th Extiction, Climate911 mimicking “Armageddon” and “The Second Coming of Christ” and “The Rapture” by those that blame my god erroneously….fossil fuel industry climate carbon emissions of the last 150 years causing our 6th Exticition…..crushing and destroying our abilities to find freedom from want, freedom from fear on an epic/Biblical scale….throwing humans and life back into the “Dark Ages”….because the fossil fuel industry chose more than 40 years ago to value their own private, immediate cashflow into their own private, immediate private/corporate bank accounts more than they valued their own children’s futures, their own family’s futures criminally, their own nation’s future treasonously, their own private future stupidly…..

If I choose to hit a neighbor over the head with an iron skillet….I will be shoved into jail with a fine.

But if I choose to cause  the epic/Biblical effects of the fossil fuel carbon emissions that I force into my air, my public’s air, life’s aiar that all need to breathe….causing “global warming” that my own scientists warned me about that has now morphed into epic/Biblical global climate heating, baking, drowning consuming US, consuming earth….then I get to seize totalitarian control of my US Government and place the CEO of Exxon into one of the higest and most costly positions in my US GOvenrment that my political party, the GOP has claimed it wants to “drown government in the bathtub” (Norquist 1994)…

Meanwhile, America has wasted about 9 months of civil government sold to the highest bidder because the cash-driven, blinded, cruel fossil fuel industry has bought my US Govenrment to crush civil government we need to “balance the budget” of both numbers and values…..while their privatized/privatizing bought GOP that seized totalitarian control of my US government limits my counts and definition of my word “eco+nomic” to mechanical rates of private/privatized/privaitizing, deregulating/deregulated, shortsighted, blinding/obvious/glittery/virtual illusion & mirage/emotional-button dictated absolutes of either-or black or whites and no gray, no continuums, no connections between opposites that we need to connect the disconnected, the failing.

The fossil fuel industry of Trump’s and Putin’s privatized corpotrratized fossil fuel fields of fools can not allow any to see or suspect what they are up to…..because they need totalitarian obedience to absolulte dictates and cash-driven fossil fuel pyramid scheme systems of scams and secrecy dictate the laws of tyrants well.

Trump and Putin of by for representing Fossil Fuel Fools of by for fewer than only 1%      …..have both forgotten that life needs critical but uncountable flows and cycles of by for our sun’s light, life’s energy, air cycles, o2, water cycles, h2o, rich organic topsoil and soil+maker production and also productivity of the positive, of positive outcomes to lift all life up to light, to positives enough to laugh.

Both have forgotten as their impermeable supremacists of hatred division strife war have forgotten that we can not define life in absolute, impermeable terms or rates of cash, of privatized cashflow floods that crush life on earth.

Trump and Putin and Supremacists of by for Privatized Cashflow Floods into Privatized Bank Accounts Of Fossil Fuel Fools Of By For Fewer Than Only 1%......need to learn that every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system of hidden genetic potentials, genius wants to grow upwards toward light of our sun and nourishing, nurturing gentle flows and cycles of earth’s whole system, a whole earth system, holy flows and cycles and “blessings” uncountable that nurture all life enough to inspire the many, all living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils to consume enough critical uncountable flows enough to produce enough critical uncountable flows and cycles enough to fill in hungry voids to satisfy basiccritical needs wants desires dreams of the many enough to grow public peacde and prosperity contagious enough to spread across earth forever infinitely to lift all up to light forefver…..enough to laugh with vision, wisdom, free from want, free from fear forever…happily ever after.

But some just don’t get it and assume erroneously that they need private linear walls and barriers erected to keep the private self in and the other out….eaten by erroneous assumptions that privatized cash profiteering of by for only one private bank account anaerobic stuck in only one private point of view of by for only one stale obvious now………justifies all….that privatized cash profiteering for only one private self now justifies all wrongly……and that the private self needs to 1) take from the other to get for the private selrf and also needs to 2) push the other down to lift the private self up…..the private/shortsighted/blinded privatized self unable/unwilling to reach far beyond the obvious to discvoer nonlinear worlds, nonflat worlds of private/shortsighted/limiting/obvious/anaerobic  walls and barriers confining the self in flat/linear time zones of obstruction blinding the self, deceiving the private self with delusions of grandeur magnified by deadly glittery cashflow floods of a dumbed gambler falling into deadly negatives over and over again, unable and or unwilling to learn enough to want to grow upwards toward= light of our sun to nurture the self and others.

A nation needs to find the abiliy to inspire the many enough to find the freedom from want, from fear enough to produce enough to consume enough critical flows and to consume enough to produce enough critical but uncountable flows cycles potentials positive productivity to lift all  to light uncountable with laughter, laugh with vision and wisdom and caring using humor as a tool for learning to govern the many with keen, caring vision and wisdom and wit, enough to see  clearly enough to build, grow, find a safer course through an uncertain future enough to grow a more positive future for all to share, impossible to count in fossil fuel rates of private cash……enough to lift all up to light enough to succeed in any definition….obvious to one private self now or not…..counted in mechanical rates of private cashflow flods that crush life on earth or not…..

Logic of the amazing wonders of nature, hidden but critical genetic potentials, genius in every living cell on earth, in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, green photosynthesis producing oxygen as O2 of by for growing life on earth around me continues to astound me … I discovered the concept of infinity into magnificent pi of a wildflower in my yard.

But America needs to reach far beyond the obvious, thick, dense walls and barriers of private confines of our thick, dense urban walls and barriers we erect to keep our private cashdriven selves in and the other out.

Cashflow floods of human cities crush life, crushing fragile but critical, very hidden living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living organisms and eco+systems of ecological economics of by for producing and consuming critical uncountable flows and cycles of by for nurturing humans and also green forests, wetlands, prairies, oceans, our earth, our home far beyond the obvious…..deadly privatizing cashflow floods of a cash-driven 1% crushing the ability of living cells to produce enough for us to consume enough…..and blocking, obstrcutcing the ability of fragile but critical living cells to filter, consume, process, produce critical flows to give freely to any other living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole intact living sytem of parts inalienable….indivisible producing freedom from want and fear for all….

Ironically, very young children seem to understand the importance of life for us….and for protecting life from human forces of the negative….

But….ironically, our human cash system of our human cities of walls and barriers blocking flows…..limits our counts, values and religion to mechanical rates of cash of private bank accounts of by for only one private self……blinding many to worlds far beyond he obvious walls, barriers and definitions.

Ironically, our human cash system counts the most critical flows for life the least….and the least critical stones and walls and force the most….motivating many to crush life on earth.

For thousands of years, humans have used human cash systems as an important tool to build great human cities on the hill…and to build great human civilizations enlightened........but deadly human cashflow floods of blinded private selves also crush and destroy the fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves that any need to produce anything of value enough to count in mechanical rates of private cash in urban cashflow counting for profits.

Human cashflow floods can blind us and crush the ability of life o grow on earth, to produce enough to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.

So human cities rise and fall.

So human civfilziations rise and fall.

And academics and many scratch their heads wondering what is happening or not.   If the causative factors hide far beyond the obvious of private linear walls and barriers, then often humans grasp for answers in a religion…because we need faith in a better future for the self…....

Some blame my god erroneously.

Let’s look at the role of our human cash system for life….and the ability of human citiies to survive through time.

Humans have used human cash sytems of coins and symbols as an important tool for building great human cities and great learned human civilziations for thouseands of years……but privatized, shortsighted, consumptive cashflow floods can easily crush and destroy the fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils that humans need to nurture instead enough to grow enough to consume enough to keep human cities alie day to day and minute to minute… keep human worlds functional enough to survive now and generations from now….

Ironically, the ability of human cities hides in the ability of fragile, hidden but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils to reach up toward light of our sun enough to grow healthy, stabilizing roots and arms to reach up toward light of our sun enough to survive and to thrive, to nourish and nurture the abilities of others to grow freely far from want and fear…..enough to thrive, to find health “life libertay and the pursuit of happiness”  that seem critical for all…

But some assume they need to push the many down to lift the private self up.

Some assume that they need to take from the many to ghet fo the private self.

I guess they learned those erroneous assumptions in closed, anaerobic, unlighted, artificial/fake walls and barriers confining the self erected by humans to keep the private self in and the other out, a prison to confine the self in easier, cheaper, quick fixes of by for more linear, flaat walls and barriers shaping a linear, flat, mind  of thick dense barriers between definitions set in stone and concrete refusing to interact with others ouside of that one private self glittery with gold as Midas….refusing to learn about any world beyond the simple, easy, cheap, quick private/immediate/obious world of servants beyond one private cahs-driven cash-shaped, cash-molded self, thick dense linear walls and barriers of one private self that confiunes toddlers in their tantrums,that bullies others on the playgroud, that self-destructs as tyrants.

But many notice only the immediate, the private walls, the barriers, the obvious consuming us, mechanaical rates of private cash hypnotizing us, luring many astray.

A nation of privatized, hypnotized, cash-driven, blinded selves will self-desruct.   Tyrants self-destruct every time because they blind their private self with hubris and conceit refusing to explore a complex public longterm world enough to learn how toddlers grow into adults, into competent, kind, giving adults who have learned that life depends on give and take enough, on reciprocity of critical uncountable flows of nature that any need to balance any budget of anything….private, public, our web for all life.

Human cash systems  of artificial/mechanaical/dictated rates use very simple symbols to represent artificial wealth of a human city, state, nation, civilization.   But very simple symbols generalize thick dense boundaries so much that they crush the more fragile but critical details, such as breathing to sustain life, to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute… cash-driven forces assume erroneously that the private self needs to crush the neighbor to take from the neighbor to get enough for the private self to consume…..

I can cut an apple into 1000 pieces….but it is still only one apple logically, linguistically in any language, legally and in any legacy for the future…..but cash-driven pirates will try to hypnotize victims with mechanical rates of meaningless numbers to lure the many into subservience, to victimize the victims, to loot enough to push the many down to lift the private self up….to take from the other to get dforthte private self……looting and crushing life on earth….crushing the ability of life, cell or self or globe to function enough to produce enough…blocking critical flows with greed and hubris and lies blinding all….

The privatized/cash-driven/shortsighted/blinded self can easily limit counts, values, religion to mechanical and absolute walls and barriers confining standard stereotypical definitions of by for one private self ….assuming erroneously that life will become easier, cheaper, quicker with more rates of private cash to crush others.

But if America can reach far beyond our thick, dense, linear urban walls  and deaedly hypnotizing cashflow floods used to control America……to escape from the thick, dense anaerobic confines we erect to keep the private self in and the other out……then America can discover amazing wonders and logic/genius of nature far beynd the obvious (often difficult or costly to discover)…to learn that we don;’t need tyrants to rule our lives…then….we can discover that we need to discover keen vision, wisdom, empathy, scientific literacy, enlightening education of exploration, discovery, freedom from absolues enough to question the cash-driven dictates enough to guide the many through an uncertain future to lead the many toward a safer future, to produce and grow a more positive future.  

We need green, growing photosynthesis of life’s amazing inalieanbel cycles producing flows for life enough to activate criticail flows and cycles of by for life enough to produce enough oxygen as fragile but critical O2 as a fragile double bond, O=O connecting 2 oxygen mlecules unbroken to satisfy basic critical needs, wants desires, dreams of animals enough to smile…..and reciprocity of green plants producing O2 for us while also consuming carbon dioxide as living CO2 or artificial CO2 and CxyzLOG#(#)*&*# to lower climate carbon levels on earth that have hit dangerous, deadly levels causing global climate heating, baking, drowning threatening the ability of life on earth to survive, even for private selves now.

We need a Green Photosynthetic Offensive now to amplify the production of green, nurturing ecological economics of by for all to grow and produce oxygen as O2, as fragile but critical O2 as double bonded O=O easily broken by pollutants and heat and force……of by for animals to consume enough to produce enough critical flows for plants to share freely with other plants and animals on earth. [Plants “respire” at night without the sun….and animals “respire” to turn O2 into CO2 continuously….so it is essential that the numbers of green photosynthesis is magnified greatly to amplify their O2 production that we need to lower climate carbon levels heating our climate and oceans…..enough to replace with deeper layers of O2 to replace climate carbons….enough to cool earth instead of heating earth.

At this time……most of the energy media and literature focuses mostly on harvesting more Renewable Energy, 100% Renewable Energy instead of deadly dirty fossil fuels….and much of the flows of public information in America are limited to stale arguments about “clean coal” fallacies and fibs and our need for fossil fuels because the sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesnot always blow:   This is a poor “argument” for protecting fossil fuel profiteers….because reciprocity between both solar and wind produces a more reliable, stable, clean, unspillable, renewing, exponentially positive flow of energy…..because solar produces RE/Renewable Energy when wind doesn’t (mostly) and wind produces RE when solar doesn’t….negating the most frequent “argument” that the fossil fuel fools try o use to crush the boom of solar and wind harvesting in America.

The fact is that harvesting free, infinite, uplifting 100% Renewable Energy

1) slashes deadly, costly, debilitating, spillage, toxic public health, shortterm, longterm, hidden operating costs for all involved (and also exploration/drilling/marketing for a dying dirty industry that has alreadcy passed “Peak Oil” in 2005…hence 9/11 as the GOP’s “new Pearl Harbor” as an “excuse” to invade nations such as Iraq and Afghanistan with good reserves of petroleum that the GOP’s fossil fuel industry profiteers wanted to invade for profits for the fossil fuel privatized profiteers at our expense.    Evidence:  Judicial Watch discovered maps of Iraq’s oil fields at Cheney’s “Energy Policy “ meetings between US VP Dick Cheney and Fossil Fuel CEOs such as Tillerson ……so-called “Policy Meetings” for the US….by the Bush GOP White House……meaning “public policy” in any honest linguistic systems…..that were ironically, illogically closed to the American Public in the Spring of 2001…(and December 2000)…..that the fossil fuel representatives in my US White House/Executive Branch were conspiring to use to manufacture a so-called “invasion” of oil-rich nations in the Middle East…..and that they needed an “excuse” to invade those nations of by for privatized cash oil profiteering for a privatizing cashpdrien fossil fuel industry of CEOs in my US White House….of by for privatized cash profiteering into privatized fossil fuel corporate bank accounts of by for fewer than only oil+archy smeared all over us…..9/11 their “excuse” for invading Afghanistan and Iraq for oil profiteering of by for fewer than 1%....while the poor and the young and the desperate were sent to fight their war(s) of by for privatized cash profiteering of by for fewer than only 1%.....crushing us.

But our cash-driven human systems that we call “eco+nomics” limit our word root “nomic” to numbers, rates of numbers only…..forgetting what we’re counting…..

Our word root, “eco-“ as in “eco+nomic” (numbers of names, and names of numbers to balance and produce outcomes) ..and as in “eco+logic” (logic and meaning and values uncountable counted) means “house” or “oikos” in Greek (~eco)….but not every house nurtures those within.

Some houses crush and destroy those within.   

Humans need nature to nurture us so we can nurture us… we don’t self-destruct.

Cashdriven system crush critical bu uncountagle values of by for growing life on earth, such as critical but uncountable flows and cycles of uncountable flows and cycles of our suns light, lifes energy, air cycles o2 and water cycles h2o connecting all to our earth’s whole earth systems of critical inalienable flows and cycles of light, energy, air o2, water h2o, rich organic topsoil and soilmakers growing green photosynthesis enough to lift all up to light enough to fill our aatmospehre with enough oxygen as O2 enough to displace carbon molecules, enough to convert dead climate carbons to living carbons of wood, leaes, topsoil instead…..of by for whole lvign systems of earth that we need o break down deadly toxic molecules into safer, healthiermoledules of by for life inead5d….instead of destroying and crushing life on areth… lift all up to financial assets….obvious now to one self or not….counyable in mechancail rates of priate cash now or not…

Humans need nature’s amazing hidden genetic potentials/genius ironically hidden from us far beyond the obvious that help living cells to decipher complex genetic instructions about how to grow upwards, toward light and energy of our sun….our biogeochemical environment in and out guiding the interpretation of those instructions, every living cell in every living organism identical….exept for the reproductive cells within that organism…

Cashdriven houses limit their counts to mechanical rates of human cash, cashflow floods crushing to divide to count…and counting to “divide to conquer” to “crush the competition” the other the diverse the nonsame….not to share.

But life’s producers share freely, giving freely for many to survive and to thrive, to lift all up to light…to free the many from want and fear….to laugh.

Perhaps the words are right…..that money can not buy happiness.

We can use it as an important tool to build safe affordable access to safe affordable public infrastructure foundations that any need to stand on to find safe, affordable support enough to grow upwards toward light of our sun….enough to harvest light and critical flows of air, o2, water, h2o, rich organic topsoil enough to grow green enough to satisfy basic critical but uncountable needs wants desires,= dreams…..enough to laugh with joy.

Often however, human walls and barriers of thick, dense urban centers block the critical but uncountable flows of our sun’s light, life energy, critical but uncountable flows and cycles of air, o2 production, water cycles of H2O filtered by every living cell on earth…..clear clean flows critical for life renewing and refrseshing and lifting the many up to laughter…..dirty, deadly, toxic flows we call “water” and “air” poisoning us, killing our souls sucking all down amid the deadly cashflow floods we are told we need to survive.


Survive in hell?

Grow health instead.

All life, all hidden but critical living cells, every living cell of any living self, whole filters critical flows of light, lifeenergy, air cycles, o2, water cycles h2o of our whole global system of earth uncountable, critical flows and cycles for life inalienable, impossible to count in mechanical rates of human rates of human cash without crushing and destroying life. 

So human cities rise and fall.

So human civilziations rise and fall, blinding the many to the cliffs of the disparate and desperate of desperate times crushing life on earth….erecting thick walls barreirs cliffs that a privaiting few push so many from.

So human civilziations rise and fall because the many limit their counts, values, religion to mechanical rates and absiolute either or black or whites crushing gray continuums……to mechanical cliffs of either or absolutes of by for private/privatized/privatizing cashflow floods of by for only one private bank account now, only  one private segregated self now, shortterm/shortsighted, everyday routine sensual privatized touch, smell, taste regulated/dictated by absolutes of harsh pavement and concrete walls blocking acess to red lights, green lights igniting the lower primitive brain mostly as a subject to totals……and sometimes attending what we see and hear…if approved by corporate cashdrivecting profiteers….our electric consumed world by corporate cashdecided dictates of color and sounds and rhythm to sell to many of by for privateized cash profiteering of by for rfewer than only our expesnse…, life crushed by deadly chaos of wastes, crushed by deadly cashflow floods only into private/privatized/pricatizing corporate bank accounts of by for fossil fuel fool profiteer pirating elites hiding at the top 1% of the thick, dense pyramid schemes, scams, secrecy crushing many.

And some wonder why human cities rise and fall….why human civilziations rise and fall….

Humans have used human cash systems in thick dense boxes and dictates to erect/build great human cities and great human civilizations crushing fragile seeds, seedlings, soils for thousands of years.

Humans have built great human ciites shining brightly for the last 150 years of human industrialization powered by fossil fuels burning brightly, carelessly to light every corner of our artificial worlds….leavening many in the dark……as an orgy of selfcentered orgasm consuming us for more than a century as we crush the fragile…..even our own children.

But few notice the severity or deadly consequences of crushing life while wearing “pro-life” stickers that suck…..causing deadly negative outcomes now and generations from now…..sucking all down easy, cheap, quick causing epic crisis mismanagement consuming all.

Thousands of years ago, a few of ancient cicvilizations documented the links between positive actions and positive outcomes lifting all up….and negative actions sucking all down easy, cheap, quick.

But often, few listen….and limit their counts, their values, their religion to the simple, easy, cheap, hypnotic, consuming rates of private cash into one private bank account of by for only one private self stuck in only one private confine of thick dense walls and barreirs erected to keep the private self in the anaerobic, to keep the other out.

So Biblical lies of cash-driven virtual illusion and mirage engineered to fill private bank accounts of fossil fuel fools of fewer than only 1% can suck all down easy, cheap, quick….

While a cash-driven fossilized few blame my god erroneously for negative outcomes caused by a fossil fuel industry for 150 years….we have the Biblical Opportunity to change the course of human history of by for all life on earth if we care about our future enough, if we care about our children’s futures, our family’s futures, our nation’s future, our own private future enough….

If America can count more than mechanical rates of private cashflow floods into private/shortsighted/blinding bank accounts of by for fossil fuel fools of only 1%.....and learn to value the invaluable of life’s amazing but hidden critical flows, cycles, hidden genetic potnetials/genius, positive productivity of by for life to lift all up to positive outcomes now or gneerations from now and more….then we can stop cauisig hell on earth….and grow heaven on earth instead…..

But some just don’t get it….and limit their counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of fossil fuel cashlfow floods into privatizing/shosrtsighted/blinding/deadly cash bank accoutns of by for only one private fossil fuel fool now….sucking all down into Climate Armageddon.

But humans have the power to choose to cause positives or negatives, positives causing blessings far beyond the obvious to lift all up to light very very slowly far from the obvious……or to cause negatives to suck all down in the obvious easy, cheap, quick.

Unfortunately, so many limit their counts, values, religion to private, shortterm/shortsighted, everyday/obvious/blinding glittery cashflow floods into only one private bank account of a cash-drivfen fossil fuel industry/corporate leaders claiming deceitfully to “represent” the many, the public….but representing the cashdriven privatizing fossil fuel industry of by for privatized cash profiteering to fill private bank accounts of the privatiaed fossil fuel industry only….at our expense….looting America….crushing life on earth.

Unfortunately, the cash-driven fossil fuel industry limits our coutns, values, religion to mechanical rates of private cash int private bank accounts of by for a fossil fuel industry of by for fewer than only 1%.....blinding us to the negative outcomes caused by looting of America’s vulnerable natural resources undervalued by a cash-driven fossil fuel industry industrializaing America, causing urban sprawl and wars to crush the fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems that any need to grow any positives of any definition.

The cash-driven fossil fuel industries need Biblical Lies to blind America to their cash-driven addictions to fossil fuel consumption industrialzliaing America, crushing fragile living cells, seeds, seedlings that America needs to grow any crirtical flows for life to consume….enough to produce enough to consume enough….and to consume enough to produce enough to fill in hungry voids of the negative enough to lift all up to light, to freedom from want and fear.

But the fossil fuel industry knows that freedom from want and fear also threatens their abilities to fill private/shortsighted/blinding fossil fuel bank accounts with fossil fuel cashflow floods into private fossil feul bank accounts of by for a fossil fuel industry of by for fewer than only the cash-driven fossil fuel industry has conspired for more than 150 years, more than 40 years to sell the immoral to the many as a tool to lure America to keep America addicted to deadly fossil fuels, fossil fueled industrialization of our cash-driven “Indeustrial Revolution” pushing thick dense walls and baarriers of concrete, bricks, asphalt across America to smother and choke America’s rich, organic topsoils and prairies and forests and waterways of green, absorbent watersheds of the wild we need for nature’, for life to produced enough critical but uncountable flows and cycles of our sun’s light, life’s energy, critical but uncountable lfows and cycles of air, o2, flows and ccylces of water as H2O inalienable connecting all living cells in fragile, critical web for all life that cash-driven fossil fuel fools, industrializsts of urban sprawl have crushed in the last 150 years of malignant hatred, division, strife, war, the bloodiest 150 years in human history choking us.

My “Rule of Law” protects me and my children, my family, my nation from those that value private rates of privatized cashflow floods into only one private bank account of fossil fuel fools of by for only one obvious now ….while crushing life on earth.

Moral laws of reciprocity insure that nature’s flows & cycles & hidden gentic potentials/genius that activate amazing life cyles and critical but uncountable synergy of critical flows and cycles of air and water to grow nutrients of by for nurturing life on earth enough to  survive and to thrive to produce public health, health for life, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” impossible to count in cash….to activate critical our uncountable producers enough to produce enough flows & cycles & productivity of our sun’s light, energy of life, air cycles o2, water cycles h2o, rich organic topsoils and soil+makers growing green photosynthesis filtering all critical flows without pay….to keep animals alive enough to hold our fragile but critical web for all life (sharing freely critical flows and cycles connecting all producers who share critical flows and cycles freely to connect all to each other, obvious to one private self now or not, counted in mechanical rates of private cash that crush life or not….)…

Humans produce nothing without the critical but uncountable flows & cycles and hidden genetic potentials/genius and positive productivity of nature, of life that we need, that human cities need to survive day to day andminute to minute…..generation to generation and more… our nation cash survive the epic attempts to crush us.

America needs to reach far beyond the obvious to survive:

We can not crawl inside private holes  and privatized, narrow, blinding, shortsighted, destructive cracks of the unholy to hide from our inalienable, indivisible rights and responsibility of recirprocity with other living systems, cell or self or nation or globe……and we need to balance nature’s budget enough to activate hidden genetic potentials of any enough to produce enough to give to life, to earth to filter critical flows and cycles whole global systems of amazing logic/genius of life that keep our climate, oceans, watersheds functional enough to produce enough, to consume enough critical flows & cycles to produce enough critical flows & cycles of our sun’s light, life energy, air cycles, 2, water cycles, H2O to aerate and renew abundant productivity of our green, absorbent watersheds of native, photosynthetic green guardians of life enough to activate hidden genetic potentials/genius of by for life’s fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems of filtering cleansing cooling, sorting, nurturing, healing whole living systems of by for forests, wetlands, prairies, oceans and more, cell or self or nation or globe/earth to buffer us with homeostasis of by for life’s genius and protect life from extremes caused when negative forces crush life on earth…..when deadly human cash systems of deadly cashflow floods crushing us….manufacture fake forces of the negative of hatred division strife war…. that crush fragile but cirtical living cells of green photosynthesis of plants or red respiration of animals, every living cell growing living, sharing, freedom for all seeds, seedlings, soils, selves whole living systems that all need to filter all crticial flows to reach up toward light of our sun, of by for all life to activate hidden gentic potentials/genius in any cell seed self enough to produce enough energy, air, water, topsoil, green productivity enough to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute and more…and als to lift all up to light of our sun…to produce positives enough to fill in hungry voids of the negative….enough to lift all up enough to build satisfying, fulfilling, greener, smarter human cities of zero waste and zero net energy consumption….smarter cities able and willing to harvest free infinite safe 100% Renewable Energy/Efficiiency as a powerful fuel equivalent/Storage …to harvest free infinite energy of our sun and wind and gravity and geothermal and biofuels and bioenergy (smarter diets) and smarter more intelligent waste heat& resource harvesting with creative vision enough to integrate all back into our cities without harmig, without crushing life as nature wastes probably nothing……enough to lift all up to positive outcomes now and genaerations from now….

Any family, any living system needs all parts to participate to keep the whole system of inalieanbel parts functional, and any whole living system, family, self need all parts to keep the inalienable whole functional enough to produce enough critical flows for the many to consume enough…and for the many to consume enough to produce enough to fill in hungry voids of the negative enough to satisfy basaic cxritical needs wants desires dreams of any…..enough t lift all up to light enough to keep the whole systems whole….obvious to one private confined self now or not…..counted in mechanical rates of one private bank account or not…..

We need whole inalienable, indivisilble earth systems of critical but uncountable flows & cycles of our sun’s light, life energy, uncountable air cycles, O2, water cycles, H2O to activate dying life cyles of green photosynthesis nurturing red respiration of fragile but critical hidden living cells, seeds, seedlings, soil, selves enabling entire whole earth systems to keep earth livable for any living self, cell or seed or seedling or soil or self or whole living system, forest or wetland or prairie or ocean balancing flows & cycles to maintain homeostasis of by for life on earth, to keep stability alive enough to keep life on earth alive.

But some just don’t get it bedause they limit their counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private/privatized/privatizing/segregating/crushing human cash numbers of by for only one privage bank account of by for only one obvious now stuck in the anaerobic…..crushiong meanings, flows, cycles, positive outcomes uncountable of life….forcing many to embrace harsh, deadly, robotic and empty numbers of by for force of steep cliffs and drop-offs of either or absolutes of digital black or whites dictating most all actions of entire human cities, states, nations subservient to the artificial that seized totalitarian control of my US Government in Election2016…..shoving the many off the cliff because the cash-driven privatizing, blinded private self chooses not to see beyond the cliff consuming us.

But our privatizing/segregating, fossilized, cash-driven, blinding ego+nomics has driven America for more than 40 years of cash-driven voodoonomics that are blinding and crushing us as we speed carelessly, segbregating, looting, crushing our public worlds, crushing life on earth.

as in both name and number balanced….and as in “eco+logic” as in logic and intelligent and log of mathematical significance for meaning for life…..

Green phoroaynthesic production & productivity of green chlorophyll molecules synthesizing and producing the critical gas molecule, oxygen as O2, as fragile O=O is probably the most important tool we have to end and reverse the 6th Extinction of Life On Earth. our own Anthropocene/ Climate911 that dirty human fossil fuel combustion+emissions of the last 150 years have caused for US and All:

For billions of years, green living photosynthesis of vibrant green plants reaching up for light of our sun generously producing breathable O2 as fragile but critical double-bonded O=O made it possible for animal respiration (and plants) to evolve, for us to breathe so we could build our gated human cities....extremely fragile but critical red hemoglobin molecules of animal circulatory systems to pump extremely fragile bluegreen oxygen into human animal cells to survive minute to minute....for thousands of years.

But in a blink of geologic time, only 150 years, dirty humans' cash driven fossil fueled industrialization and mindless urban sprawl driven by emotional button firestorms on earth of the last 150 years or less has crushed the ability of fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce enough critical but hidden flows for life for us to consume enough. and to consume enough to produce supply enough to demand life, to demand enough to supply life uncountable, infinitely intricate and vast impossible to count in simple everyday human terms of private/shortterm/obvious worlds of only one private now, ....

We need nature's amazing productivity of life's critical but uncountable flows of oxygen as green O2 and more to balance nature's budget of amazing productivity enough to balance human budgets consuming rates of cash. Consuming cash? Consuming mechanical rates of private cash, cashflow floods?

That is....fragile but critical productivity of by for green, photosynthetic plants harvests amazing critical but uncountable flows & cycles of our sun's light on earth with synergy of life and uncountable flows and cycles of by for harvesting crirtial but uncountable flows of light, life energy, air as O2, water as H2O, rich organic topsoil growing green uncountable enough to harvest carbons from our air enough to grow financial assets such as wood, green leaf factories, rich organic topsoil that has been the foundation of life's evolution on earth......counted in religious doctrine or not.....obvious to one private self stuck in only one obvious now or not......counted in mechanical rates of one private bank account of by for only one obvious now or not....enough to lift all up to light of our sun, up to positive outcomes very very slowly....

My religion taught me that every living cell, seed, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system inalienable, indivisible with 'liberty and justice for all"....i.e. producing freedom from deadly want and fear.....profucing enough critical but uncountable flows for life to consume enough to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of any living system, cell or self or nation or globe....obvious to one private self now or not.....counted in mechanical rates of human cities or not....

My religion taught me that positive actions cause positive outcomes uncountable in cash very very slowly to lift all up to light, to positive outcomes far from the obvious......and that negative actions cause negative outcomes to suck all down easy cheap quick.

But we are taught that negatives cause positives....

Far beyond the obvious, every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self wants to reach up toward light of our sun to grow upwards enough to produce 1) abundant riches to count in cash.....and also to produce 2) critical but uncountable flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials/genius, positive productivity enough to fill in hungry voids of the negative, to satisfy basic critical needs of the many... and also lift all up to light, to positive outcomes now and generations from now....obvious to one private self now or not....counted in private cashflow floods now or not....

But a population that limits its counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private/privatized/privatizing, deregulated/deregulating, short-term/short-sighted, thick dense linear walls and barriers blocking public access to amazing wonders of nature also self-destructs....and destroys its own environment, earth's nature that any need to produce enough to consume enough and to consume enough to produce enough reciprocally......moral laws of reciprocity.

I am amazed that the most critical flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials, genius of by for life's amazing positive productivity hide so far from the obvious.....meaning that humans need to reach far beyond the obvious to discover amazing wonders of nature ....enough to learn vision and wisdom and scientific literacy and empathy enough to guide the many toward a safer future, to end our 6th extinction please.

America can not afford to self-destruct. America can not afford for our cash-driven fossil fuel industries to crush and destroy our public worlds or life on earth. That is a fact. Congress needs to debate that, though. Now.

It's not difficult for humans to change our course of history....We've corrected our course many times before.

But this time, the fossil fuel industry that caused our 6th Extinction in the last 150 years, in the last 40 years of voodoonomics {George Bush Senior Debate With Reagan] has also seized totalitarian control of my US Government to crush the vulnerable civil government of democracy of many voices [Election2016] that a we need to protect the innocent now and generations from now, that we need to protect life on earth from the dirty cash-driven crushing life on earth....... [#ExxonKnew because Exxon's own scientists warned Exxon more han 40 years ago that fossil fuel emissions, dead carbon emissions would cause "global warming" that has now morphed into global climate heating, baking, drowning consuming us and all]

Ironically, the cash-driven fossil fuel industries that have seized totalitarian control of our nation's Grand Old Party/GOP has turned the GOP into the Grand Oily Party instead.....dictating that we limit our counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private corporate fossil fuel bank accounts of by for fewer than only our nation's expense.

The basic difference between civil government of by for All, for the many, the "public" and Trumponomics is that one is based on the ability of life to grow upwards toward light of our sun enough to produce amazing positive productivity of abundant riches and critical but uncountable flows, cycles, potentials, positive productivity exponentially of by for growing public peace and prosperity.......

But the other so-called "eco+nomic" scheme of scams and secrecy limits our counts to mechanical rates of private cashflow floods into only one private corporatized fossil fuel bank account...., "Reaganomics" of the last 40 years that has morphed into "Trumponomics" assumes erroneously that privatized cash profiteering of by for only one private self stuck in only one linear, flat, anaerobic confines of now justifies all.....of by for profiteering, pirateering, cash-driven "privatization"/segregation/crusing of public worlds and life...."deregulation" of our Rule of Law to take from the other to get for the private self, to push the other down to lift the private self up as a blinded playground cruelly shift deadly risks and explosive costs and explosive ClimateArmageddon onto the other now and generations from crush even their own children's future crush even their own family's futures crush even their own nation's future crush even their own private future now stupidly....but to numbed, dumbed, dulled, nullified by forces of the negative to get it.....blaming my god erroneously.

The cash-driven fossil fuel industries and forces of malignant industrialization and urban sprawl of the last 150 years that have crushed the ability of life on earth to produce enough for us to consume.....needs to redefine our word "eco+nomcis" as more than mechanical rates of private cashflow floods into private fossil fuel bank accounts looting our lands.

They need to, we need to redefine our word "eco+nomic" as more than mechanical rates of private/privatized/privatizing, deadly cashflow floods into private cash to count more than cash.....enough to value the invaluable...

America needs to value also the invaluable, the uncountable but critical flows, cycles, potentials, positive productivity.......of by for life's green factories to synergies life's uncountable flows and cycles of by for life enough to produce critical but uncountable flows and cycles of positive outcomes.....of by for growing oxygen as fragile O=O, O2, as a very very fragile double bonded O2 as O=O easily broken .....O=O that humans need to breathe minute to minute to function enough to produce anything of value to count as "economic profits"....and critical flows of green oxygen to keep life on earth alive enough to exchange inalienable O2 and living CO2 for plants to consume to produce enough O2, for animals on earth to that animals and plants both can nourish and nurture critical but uncountable cellular functions, billions, trillions of processes day to day and minute to minute enough to exhale living carbon dioxide as living CO2....for plants to consume enough to produce living O2 enough to keep our human cities alive day to day and minute o minute.

Humans need to reach far beyond the obvious to discover evidence of this hidden far beyond urban walls:

But some just don't get it ...and limit their counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private, privatized, privatizing, short-term/shortsighted, obvious linear walls and barriers blinding all while speeding recklessly through public worlds of life, crashing, crushing life on earth with impunity.....because we limit our counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of privatized fossil fuel war profiteering of by for only one private corporate bank account of by for only one obvious public expense, crushing life on earth.

Reagan started the war on life....while wearing "pro+life" stickers to blind us.

Humans notice mostly the private world of obvious, short-term/shortsighted stimuli to ignite our emotional button flames. Those flames can easily erupt into firestorms that consume our fragile but critical upper thinking brain/cortex that we spend decades developing so we can find a safer future together.

But most don't notice the importance of tiny, fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems of green productive forests, wetlands, oceans of critical photosynthesis of O2 we need to produce enough breathable oxygen as O2, as very fragile double-bonded O=O (easily broken by pollutants and force) to breathe enough keep our human cities (of humans and life) alive day to day and minute to minute...

Ironically, the most critical living cells hide the most from busy noisy human cities that crush life on earth....and ironically, humans count the most critical but hidden flows for life the least [humans blinded by cashflow floods count the most critical function of by for living cells to survive minute to minute the least]....human cash counting living O2 production of O=O of green plants the least, and living CO2 production for animals, respiration inalienable from photosynthesis for life hide the most from many humans in human human cities count the most critical flows for life the least....and the least critical walls and barriers and forces the most, the most deadly forces of addictions and war the most.....motivating many to crush the hidden but critical producers of oxygen as O=O to breathe minute to minute.

Can America and all learn to value the invaluable of critical green photosynthesis of continuous, unbroken, safer flows of green, living O2 as O=O.....that we need to survive minute to minute?

Ironically, human cash systems count the most critical and hidden flow for life, O2 the least, cash counting green photosynthetic oxygen as easily broken O2 the least....even though humans die within minutes without O2...

Ironically, human cash systems count the next most critical and hidden flow for life, water as H2O the next least...e.ven though humans die within days without H2O...

Ironically, human cash systems count the next most critical and hidden flow for life, organic topsoil the next counting rich, organic topsoil to grow green photosynthesis to grow O2 the next least, to grow food to eat the next least.....even though humans die within months without food.

Ironically, human cash systems also count the least critical stones and walls the most, the most deadly forces of hatred, division, strife and war the most, illogically.....crushing logic and life on earth.

So humans have crushed the ability of fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems of animal respiration of living CO2 inalienable from green plant photosynthesis of living O2, life on earth....for thousands of years, but the last 150 years has put the lid on the coffin.

We and life are still alive, however.....and need humans to redefine our word, "eco+nomic" as the next most important step to end our 6th Extinction: Our word root, "eco-" as in "eco+nomic" and as in "eco+logic" means "house" or "oikos" in Greek (~eco) .....[as in "eco+nomic" as in "name" and "number"....and as in "eco+logic" as in "logic" and "log" of mathematical significance, magnitudes of meaning].....but not every house nurtures those within.

Some houses crush and destroy those within.....because the cash driven assume erroneously that privatized cash profiteering justifies all, blinded by the they assume erroneously that the private self needs to crush the other/diverse/nonsame to lift the private self up....and that the private self needs to take from the other/loot the other to get for the private self, blinded by the linear, flat walls and barriers the cash-driven erect to keep the private self in and the other out.

Ironically, humans have difficulty understanding not-so-complex information......especially that any living self needs critical but uncountable flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials/genius, positive productivity of any living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system, forests, wetlands, oceans to produce enough positive outcomes to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of any living self.

Do we assume that my god will drop life down from the heavens whenever we demand....even though humans have crushed and destroyed the once plentiful green photosynthesis that humans need to survive minute to minute?

But some just don't get it because some limit their counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of deadly private cashflow floods into private/privatized/privatizing, segregating, crushing cashflow floods crushing life on earth.....obvious to the self or not....counted in mechanical rates of private cash or not...

Humans need amazing green photosynthesis of living plants to activate dying worlds that humans have caused....cracking, disintegrating, dying human cities of deteriorating, cracking, toxic concrete walls and barriers stuck in the linear, the anaerobic blocking access for any to enough light of our sun, life energy, clean, nourishing air cycles, o2, clean nourishing water cycles h2o, clean nourishing rich organic topsoil and soil+maker cycles enough to grow green photosynthetic cycles to lift all up to light enough to laugh. Or human cities fall. Or human civilization falls.

But we have a choice to cause positives for the future, blessings instead.

We have a Rule of Law based on ancient moral laws of reciprocity documented by numerous religions....that negative stupid actions cause negative outcomes to suck all down easy cheap quick.

I know America can reach far beyond the obvious to try to understand the hidden but critical fact:

More oxygen molecules as O2, as photosynthetic O=O protect earth from rays of the sun more than carbon dioxide as living CO2 or artificial/dead/deadly CO2 + CxyzLOG#$)#)($*#%(*$ of fossil fuel emissions .....O2 building a buffer for life to protect life from 1) rays of the sun....and 2) photosynthesis produces more and more O2 to displace hurtful CO2 to cause a healthier environment for both animals and plants, to enable both plants and animals to filter the air they were meant to breathe and photosynthesize to clean and cool our air to enable life, animals and plants and topsoil of by for growing green to absorb carbon dioxide/living CO2 as they were meant to do for millions of years....instead of fake CO2 and fake CxyzLOG$**$&%#$#*$ choking the ability of both plants and animals to filter the air they were meant to filter....causing deadly rates of morbidity and mortality of both plants and animals.....[Berkowitz documentation of trees & forests dying, 2007 before Iowa Flood of 2008 to now]

Light from our sun penetrates our atmosphere easier to heat earth more when humans have stripped and crushed green plants from earth, fossil fueled human industrialization and urbanization and deadly oil spills of the last 150 years triggering an unprecedented war on oil spills can spread to only one molecule thick, suffocating the ocean plankton that were known to produce 50 % of the breathable oxygen as O2, as O=O that human cities need to survive minute to minute.

I find it dumbfounding that the "greatest" nation on earth has a population of 1/3 the total that don't want to understand that....or can't understand that basic fact of life, of survival in an era abundant with images of our blue-green-white-orange earth from space as evidence of the fragile but critical links, nodes, strands, flows, critical cycles inalienable between all living cells on earth.....that we need to hold our fragile but critical web for all life intact damn it.

Most astonishing: My US House of Representative has filled my US House "Science Committee" with so-called "climate change deniers" signaling that the cash-driven fossil fuel industry bought my US Government in Election 2016. Why? I don't need to be a genius to understand that the fossil fuel industry does not want America to understand basic principles of basic science and math that might enable logic to understand that we need to protect life on earth. So the fossil fuel industry bought my US Government in Washington DC and beyond with tacky "pro-life" stickers blinding America....while blaming my god erroneously for the 6th Extinction that they have caused in the last 150 years: 99.99% of peer reviewed scientists agree that humans have caused global "climate change" and need to act to prevent "global warming" (#ExxonKnew 2016)(State AG 2016) (Powell 2015).....that has morphed now into global climate heating, baking, drowning, chaos, hell on earth....while blaming my god erroneously damn it.

I believe in moral laws of reciprocity.....that every action causes an outcome.....positive actions causing positive outcomes far beyond the obvious or not to lift all and me up to light of my sun enough to laugh with vision and wisdom....and that negative actions caused by deadly private/privatized/privatizing/segregating, deregulating/outlaw, shortsighted, blinding cashflow flood addictions of fossil fuel fools will suck all down into hell on earth easy cheap quick...

And we have the power to change the course of our nation.

Our so-called "public representatives" need to protect and defend their "public" constituents victimized by the fossil fuel fools that bought my US Government in my DC and lift our voices up to the heavens instead of deadly climate carbons please. Thanks.

I'm puzzled why it has taken so long to discover this:   Is it possible that some assume that privatized cash profiteering for one private self now justifies all?

