Sunday, February 4, 2018

Grow Heaven On Earth Instead Please

It’s time to stop causing hell on earth while fossil fuel fool$ continue, criminally blaming my god for fossil fuel fool crimes.  

We don’t have time to point fingers or waste time counting widgets or even coins.  

We do have time to learn about natures amazing potentials to clean up the deadly messes that humans have caused so stupidly with epic lies for private profiteering at our expense.....for all to help fuse private-public-lifeweb-wholeearth+0-lawsofmoralreciprocity partnerships that we need to 1 stop causing hell on earth.....and growheaven on earth instead now asap immediately...with help from the White House and their GOP.

We do have time to look beyond our own private immediate blinding noses to help guide the many unsuspecting, the many, the innocent toward a safer future that we can grow together to nurture and lift all up to light instead.....insteadif compnspiring to crush life on earth assuming erroneously ...

We do have time to correct erroneous shortighted blinding shortsighted selfserving greedy destructive cashdriven cashflowfloods Driven deadly assumptions crushing all even the private cashdriven self and world. correct false blinding assumptions of privatizing deregulating so-called “public representatives that crush vulnerable public worlds (public infrastructure foundations) and also conspire to crush nature’s life’s amazing genius positive productivity of critical but uncountable flows cycles genius amazing positive productivity of pos pridypuctivity exponentially, exponentially when nurtured wit critical but uncountable flows cycles genetic genius diversity positive productivity creativity adaptation resilience regenerative economics instead enough to heal a very broken world, living cell or self or nation or globe.  

We do have time to discover what is “alike” and “different” in everything defined differently by all connecting all living cells on earth w unbelievably fragile critical but hidden flows cycles strands Inalienable, all life, All loves lives on earth to fill in the deadly gaps consuming us.....instead if causing deadly cliffs cinsuming al....deadly cliffs of by for either or absolutes consuming all.   Tyrants self destruct every time, falling into gravity, failing to govern justly because tyrants block and obstruct the ccritical But uncountableflows cycles genius positive productivity of by for life to consume enough for life to produce enough to consume enough to grow heaven on earth instead.....tyrants blinding desensitizing numbing dumbing dulling nullifying all even the self in a “supplyside Reaganomics “Economy” crushing productivity as slave owners crush all, crushing life and logic on earth......even the private self ........causing hell consuming their private selves also.....

We do have time for “public accounting” that counts 6 types of public worlds.....including private, privatizedprivatizing, deregulating, explosive cost&explosive risk-shifting, shortterm/shortsighted, obvious/blinding/emotionalbuttondriven, privatizedcashflowflooddriven Private corporate fossilized bank account-driven bank accounts of fossilfuel fool cashflow floods crushing life and logic and love on earth....

Have no fear:
*Harvest100%Renewables to SlashDirty DeadlyOperatingCost$SpillsPublicHealthArmageddon to StopCausingHellOnEarth
*Redefine”Economic”As>Fossilized# ...&VAlueInvaluableCriticalundervaluedButUncountableHiddenFarFromObviousLifewebFlowsCyclesliftingAllLifeUpToLightInsteadIronically
*HarvestNaturesFreeInfiniteNurturingCleansingCoolingHealingRenewingFlowsCyclesGeniusPositivePExponentialPosProductivityLightEnergySynergyAirO2WaterH2OTopsoilSoilMakerGreenLifePosProductivitySatisfyingBasicCriticalNeedsWantsDesiresDreamsOfAnyy to *GrowHeavenOnEarthInstead...obvioustooneselfnowornot,countedinprivateca$hratescrushingusnowornot
*GrowGreenPhotosynthesisEverywhereToConvertDeadlyfossilFuelFoolHeaterClimateCarbonsEGTarsandsAndNaturalGasThatIsNot”Natural”WnenItCrushesLifeOnEarth Togrow&ProduceInfiniteFlowsCyclesLifeCoolingPhotosyntheticLivingCarbons&O2Instead(phys.org2015)toLowerHeaterCarbonLevelsFarBelowClimateArmageddon 
*harvestFreeInfiniteFlowsCyclesToActivatePositiveWholeEarthSystemsLifesProducTiveCoolingPhotosyntheticGreenBlueCyclesFlowsGeniusPositiveProductivityToFillInHungryVoidsOfTheNegative(caused ByFossilFuelFool$)And...InsteadGrowPositiveButUncountableOutcomesHeavenToLiftAllUpToLight*ToGrowHeavenOnEarthInstead...


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