Notes for analysis:
Artificial negative capital of by for mechanical rates empty numbers to stack urban walls and barriers to fall....selfcentered immature privatizing greed to take from the other to get for one private self blocking public access to natures productivity, a selfishprivate self refusing that nature shares freelyto activate our Photosynthetic pump we need to grow heaven on earth instead....a cashdriven few assuming erroneously counting only rates of private cash to crishlife on earth cruelly while wearing prolife stickers hypocritically refusimpng to learn about the principle of postures pos productivity....the cashdriven blinded fossilized few the keepers of enslavement Of others crushing others nonselves failing to meet homogenous whilefearing homos.
shortsighted blinding crushing negatives,autonomic crushing rates of obvious private selves consuming cash, consuming their own selves stupidly crushing life and logic uncountable on a playground bully that wants to “control the world” with fist fights of a spoiled toddler, of autonomic reflexes of a lower more primitive brain exploding in deadly emotional button firestorms ....of by for only one private shortsighted blinding metallic self crushing life and logic on earth....on drcracking disintegrating cracking dying failing falling intopowerful negatives of nature’s gravity because the cashdriven refuse to reach far beyond the obvious enough to explore the unknown of life far beyond dictated thick dense impermeable unbendable inflexible stuck w trite cliche stereotype molded and casts dictated by the very top precipice of fewer than only fewer than 1% s pyramid scheme of scams crushing life on earth, rushing vulnerable p walls and barriers enough to discover natures wonders, secrets we need to survive anything ....
Nature’s positive productive infinitely intricate capital of uncountableRichesFarFromTheObvious
RewardingPositivesLifitingAllExponentially To
ToCoolingphotosyntheticGreenCoolingOxygenAsO2 as FragileButCriticalCooling OxygenAsDoubleBondedO=OVeryEasilyBrokenIntoDeadlyToxicRadicalsByFossilFuelCarbonsEtc+&
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