Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Tyrants Fail and Fall Every Time. Why? (rough draft to be edited. help)

I have discovered that tyrants fail and fall and self destruct every time.


Tyrants tear apart the fragile but critical lives and lands of my earth, my earth's nature that grows fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems impossible to count in mechanical rates of cash.....enough to nurture my whole earth's ability to balance nature's budget of amazing prodcuticity of positives enough to balance human budgets consuming mechanical rates of cash.

Consuming rates of cash?

I then discoverd that humans continue to crush and desteoy nature's fragile but critical abilities in every liing cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system (forests, wetlands, oceans) inalienable.....crushing the ability of life on earth to harvest nature's amazing but uncoutable flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials, genius of our sun's light, energy, synergy/symphonies of life, air flows and cycles of oxygen as O2 as O=O indivisible, water flows and cycles of water as H2O indivisible inalieanble uncountable to nurture, comfort, heal every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system, whole earth system that any need to keep earth livable day to day and miniute to mijute.....while human cashflow floods of industrialziation, urbanization, burning of Dead Heater Carbon Fossil Fuels crush the ability of life to grow upwards toward our sun.

I have discovered that ironically, our human cash system counts the most critical flows for life the least....and counts the least critical walls the most, counts the most obstructive barriers and tolls the most, counts the most deadly forces of hatred, division, strife and war the most......of by for limiting my counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of privatized human cashflow floods into only one private bank account of by for only one private self of by for only one obvoius now stuck in anaerobic urban industrial fake walls and barriers to keep the private self in the anaerobic and the other out.

So I want to be out, outside of those thick, dense, impermeable, inflexible, insensitve, harsh, violent, linear, flat walls and barriers and forces of human cashflow floods crushing life on earth.

As a child.....I wondered why grass on the ground grew upwards toward the sky in the spring.

Then I noticed that my sun lifted grass up to green in the spring.

Then I discovered that green grass and crisp blue sky with white clouds dancing in the spring felt good.

I discovered that I needed to imagine tiny living cells living inside of grass turning green in the spring enough to learn that green chlorophyll molecules consume the carbon dioxide as CO2 that I breathe minute to miinute to turn that toxin (for me) ino critical oxygen molecules as O2, as ironically fragile double bonded, easily breakable oxygen as O=O to keep me alive day to day and minute to minjute far beyond the obvious. So many don't even notice.

But I noticed.

I noticed that I feflt better when rich, abundanat, circulatory, functional forests and green photosynthetic watersheds nurtured me gently.

I noticed that I felt sick in the thick dense walls and barriers of artificial worlds pushing me down.

I noticed that our farm far from the city kept me more comfortable, buffering the tempmeratures of summer more than the thick, dense, impermeable "heat islands" of the artificial city 7 miles away.

Hell burned in California in Summer of 2017 during an epic, Biblical drought that the Republican GOP of my US Government refused to recognize.....leaving desolate remains of a former land evoking memories of images of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after my US government dropped an atomic bomb on Japan at the end of WWII.....when my father was released from a German POW camp and weighed only 70 pounds, that horror waking him with nightmares for his entire life. That impacted my life too.....even if the Republican GOP doesn't want it to.  

I have discovered 60 years later that Donald Trump and his Republican Stooges are now impacting lives of millions, billions of innocent humans and even more lives inalieanble on my earth......causing hell on earth while trying to blame my god. Erroneously.

But I have learned that every action causes an outcome in private/immediate/obvious/cash-driven worlds of private selves.....in public/longterm/complex public worlds of human cities, states, nations, governments that range from tyrants looting plundering crushing many on earth stupidly.....to a messy web for all life balacing nature's flows to satisfy basic needs far beyond the obvious impossible to count in simple, obvious, immediate rates of human cashflow floods crushing life on earth, crushing life's logic on earth.

But some limit their counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private/privatized/privatizing cashflow floods into only one private bank account of by for only one private self of by for only one obvious now....at my expense.....throwing explosive costs of explosive risks onto others in the future, onto life in the future exploding to destroy the private self even.

I have evidence that US President Donald Trump and his Republican GOP have conspired to cause hell in California in 2017 to crush his political opponents at all costs. Hell burned California last year after Donald Trump dared Korean Dictator to target California with decimation.....California hit by both arsonists (likely) and by climate heating, baking, drowning ripping apart lives and lands en masse....washing away, wiping away "civilization" as we know it even now during fires of 2018.....to crush a political opponent.

Donald Trump did not care about what was happening in California or in the American West as America burned and Donald Trump played golf at his MaraLago instead.

One by one, political opponents withdraw under suspicious circumstances in my US Government....few infvestigating clues because the clues hide so far from the obvious, so hidden by the circus consuming so many in 2017 in DC and beyond....as the Republican GOP even defends Donald Trump from charges of treason, evidence evident clearly.

Is my nation a joke now?

Or has it become a haven for criminals, outlaws, the privatizing deregulated throwing deadly explosive risks and costs onto their own children's/family's futures crimianlly, onto their own nation's future treasonously, onto their own world of earth immorallyl, onto their own private future stupidly?

That's the problem with limiting counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private cashflow floods into only one private bank account of by for only oe private self of by for only one obvious now....as "reality" becomes a fake echochamber of only voices of the self hypbnotically.....numbing, dumbing, dulling, nullifying abilities and will of any to reach far byeond the obvious enough to care.

Numerous religions warn humans about limitig our counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private/privatized/privatibzing, deregulated/deregulating/outlaw/crimianl rates of deadly desensistizing, numbing, dumbing, blinding cashflow floods into only one homogenous bank account of by for fewer than only 1% of privatized privilege stolen.

Numerous religions warn humans about blocking, obstructing access to nature's wnoders.....and warn humans to balance nature's budget of critical but uncounable flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials, genius enough to produce eough for the many to consume enough, obvious to one private self now or not...countable in cash or not, ......and for many to consume enough critcial but ucountable flows cycles genius of nature enough to activate hidden genetic potentials, genius enough to grow upwards toward light enough to produce abundant riches for many/all to consume enoug to grow heaven on earth inatead.

Remember that Adam and Eves' Garden of Eden produced enough for them to consume enough....until they trampled the ability of earth's nature, life to grow upwards toward light of our sun to produce eough to consume enough, obvious or not, counted in cash or not....

Noah probably noticed that every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole lving system, whole earth system wanted to grow upwards toward light of our sun enough to produce enough to fulfill basic critcial needs, wants, desires, dreams......and for many, the diverse many to produce eough for the many to consume enough.....obvious to one private self or not....countable in cash or not.

At that time, of Noah....in Biblical times human cities burned also, probably because they had not yet discovered the amazing genius hiding in every green plant that converts Dead Heater Carbons into Living Cooling Carbons circulating, cooling, nurturing, comforting, healing all life on earth, all living systems, cell or self or globe, any whole living system impossible to count in mecanical rates of human cash tat crus life on earth.

Still, many just don't get it....and limit their counts, values, religion to mecancial rates of private/privatized/privatizig/segregating, deregulated/deregulating/segregating, cost-shifting, explosive risk-shifting, EGO+nomics blinding the many trapped in thick dense obsructive walls barriers

God Help U.S. God Rescue Us please from the human cashdriven fossil fuel hell-makers that seized totalitarian control of my US Government in DC in November 2016 after my public US Supreme Court authorized the totalitarian privatization of my public nation in deadly cashflow floods crushing us........from the cash-powered Dead Heater Carbon Fossilized Profiteers & EGO+nonomists (Reagnomic vooodoononomists).....Reagan's failed Voodoonomics, Privatizing, Deregulating, Cost/Explosive Risk-Sifting EGO+nonomists throwing deadly risks of explosive consequences onto their own children's/family's futures criminally, onto their own nation's future treasonously, onto their own world's future immorally, onto their own private future stupidly......

Still, so many limit their counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private/privatized/privatizing, deregulated/deregulating/outlaw/criminal shortsighted, blinding artificial walls and barriers and forces of hatred division strife war crushing us, my nation, my earth, my future......a cash-driven fossil fuel industry of fools limiting their counts/our counts, values, religion to mechanical artificial rates/ empty numbers/rates of by for manufacturing artificial human cashflow floods for only private accounts now.....manufacturing deadly fossilized cashflow floods crushing life on earth, crushing life's ironically fragile logic on earth (that we need to grow heaven on earth instead)........Cash-dictated Ego+nonomists that limit our counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of human cashflow floods into only one private bank account of by for fewer than only 1% of by for only one obvious self of by for only one obvious now blinded by thick dense walls and barriers EGO+nonomists erect to keep the private self in the anaerobic drought.... and to keep the other out....at our expense consuming us, sucking all down into hell.

Some assume erroneously that privatized cash profiteering justifies all....and that private self needs to

1) push the other down to lift the private immeediate obvious self up.....to

2) take from the other to get for the private immeeiate obvious self now......assuming erroneously that privatized cash profiteering justifies all.....because the privatized immediate blinded EGO+Nonomists limit their counts, values, religion to shortsighted, blinding, privatizing, immediate, obvious, cash-driven rates of private cash into only one private bank accdount of by for only one private self of privatized blinded privilege of by for only one private blinded desensitized obvious now....at my expense, as the cash-driven fossil fuel fools crush to divide to count and count to divide to conquer to crush the competition the other the diverse the nonsame.....not to share......and

3) that privatized cash profiteering justifies all....but it does not and they are wrong because they limit their counts, values, religion to only privatized, immediate, obvious, blinding walls and barriers of artificial human cashflow floods erecting thick walls and barriers to keep the private self in and theother out......blocking abilitiy and will of the many and the private self to see, feel, hear, smell, taste, touch the worlds far byeond the obvious of nature's amazing wonders that we need to immerse our selves into to learn empathy enough to care for others.

4) erect thick dense segregating pyramid schemes scams secrecy to push the many down and lift the privileged privateized corporate self up to totalitarian confort and convenience segregated/ segregating/ sporting the privatized self of private glittery privilege from the many crushed below......assuming erroneously that all worlds are walls and barriers linear flat of forces to push the many down so machines can lift a tiny 1% to the tippy toppy of the destabilized pyramid scheme of deadly scams and secrecy engineered to segregate a cash-driven fossilized few of only 1% separate at the top enough to free a cash-driven privilzeged private few of genetic superiority untouchable out ut of touch from the many below....while sucking all up from the many below, looting the many below to funnel all looted resources up to the top, to the tippy toppy of the cash-powered fossilized pyramid scheme of scams and secrecy protecting fewer than only 1% segregated at the very tippy toppy at the top of the scheme of scams.

5) limit our counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private/privatized/privatizing mechanical rates of private cashflow floods crushing life on earth, crushing life's logic on earth to "win" to climb to the top, to push the other down causing hell on earth.....assuing that is the only option ....because a cash-driven fossil fuel industry has erected thick dense walls and barriers to imprison and enslave the many in thick dense obstruction to "control" the many to take from the many to get for the private self, to push the other down to lift the private self up in a false reality, artifically maufactured by electronic virtual illusion and morage amplified by BF Skinner and Pavolov's behaviorist findings....comparing humans/human worlds to manipulation of dogs and rates with pellets and levers.....limiting our counts to taste candy and smell of roses to cloud our minds so we wont want to explore beyond the walls...

Sucking so much from public worlds of vulnerable public infrasructure foudations of public governments necessary for "democracy".....sucking so much from public worlds of our fragile but critical, hidden web for all life and logic through mechanicla conduits throwing remains of nature, of life up to the tippy toppy 1% section of an overstuffed tippy toppy 1% of a grand pyramid scheme of scams of secrecy and privatized privilege of by for fewer than only 1% ....can casue an epic stress for any pyramid scheme, as much as a pyramid turned upside down balancing on its tippy toppy very destabilized while those at the top 1% don't even notice.....as they refused to notice the basic factts of gravity on earth.....while claiming to own my god, while claiming to own all below them.....er above them....while claiming to own and control nature with rights to crush nature, to crush life on earth, to crush nature's logic.

..blocing safe affordable access to nature's amazing wonders that any need to develop any scientific literacy of any defintion.....

I have discovered that my induistrializing, urbanizing American culture has manufactured great human cities, a great human civilization in human hihstory known for unprecedented technological achivements that numbed my grandma's ability to absorb such changes between 1902 and 1989, when she left a message on our answering machine asking if i was there possibly bedcause she did not understand that amazing technology.

My children today have also been consumed by our technological magic impossible for past geneartions to understand.

But my husband and I valued and value the rich rewards of touching, smelling, feeling, tasting, hearing, seeing the nurturing flows & cycles & genius of earth's nature that nurture, comfort, heal all senses and con+science for me.....enough to take our 2 children out to the challenging rides through nature's wonders......bicycling, hiking, backpacking, sailing, exploring, visiting the trees, the whole functional, circulatory green watersheds, whole living systems that hold our fragile web for all life intact,.....that keep each human alive day to day and mintue to minute.....obvious to one privaget self now or not....countable in mechanical rates of private/privatized/privatizign, deregulated/deregulating, shortsighted, blinding, numbing dumbing cashflow floods fossilized or not....

I saw the thick dense layers of redish orange slimy air as we drove from the moiuntains back into the valley, the "Willamette Valley" meaning valley of "bad air" in the language of the Native Americans who lived there before me......that valley trapping the air for days and weeks in inversions and other climatic tricks causing chronic respiraatory costs for many....costing too many too much.

At the same time.....I spent entire summers, years of my youth exploring the magnificent mountain ranges, beaches, forests, green absorbent healing watersheds of Oregon, free from the bad air and water caused by humans.....and learned that I don't need mechanical rates of private/privatized/privatizing, deregulated/deregulating cashflow floods into an artificial anaerobic bank vault to find freedom from stress, from pain.

I learned to value the invaluable, to count the ucountable, hidden, indivisible, inalieanble flows, cycles, genius of nature's wonders far beyond the obvious, far beyond the thick, dense walls and barriers of human cities that block access to discovery of nature's amazing wonders.....to discovery of nture's hidden but critical flows, cycles, genius hiding in lush, richly diverse green ecosystems of critical but hidden flows, cycles, genius niurturing all living organisms, plants, animals, whole living systems cell or self or globe indivisible...

I learned that our whole earth system of climate, oceans, lands need nature's amzing but hidden flows of our sun's light, energy, symergy/symphonies, air flows cycles o2, water flows cycles h2o to activate hidden genegic potentials, genius in every livnig cell, plant or animal, photosynthesis or respiration dancing intimately to nurture every living cell self whole living system on earth enough to activate positive genetic potentials enough to grow positive outcomes eough to lift all up to light.....

I learned that every action causes an outcome....that.positive actions cause positive outcomes very very slowly to lift all up to positive productive nurturing comforting healing outcomes far byeond the obvious (in the future or public spaces),satisfying basic critical needs to grow public peace and prospsierty, heaven on earth instead....and .....that negative actions suck all down easy cheap quick into deadly emotional button firestorms consuming all easy cheaap quick, causing hell on earth.

It's not difficult to understand that postiive actions cause positive outcomes far byeond the obvious and that negative actions suck all down easy cheap quick to destroy all.

so why do so many self-destruct?

I have discovered that we, humans need to reach far beyond the obvious to discover the hidden links that connect positive actions with positive outcomes far beyond the obvious difficult, impossible to udrestand in simple, easy,cheap, quick, elementary human terms of privatte/privatized/privatizing, shortterm/immeidate/shortsighted/blinding, obvious/thick/dense/linear/urban/industrial/impermeable/simple/easy/cheap/quick linear walls and barriers that define our urban industrial privatized worlds of by for counting mechanical rates of private cashflow floods of by for only one private self of by for only one obvious absolute of by for only one fleeting now.......while speeding carelessly thoughtlessly crashing crushing all through vulknerable/fragile public spaces of by for public infrastructure of our publci cities, states, nations that need nature's critical uncountable flows to survive day to day and minute to minute.......while speeding carelessly thoughtlessly through life's infinitely intricate and vast wonders of nature impossible to count in cash....crushing life on earth, crushing life's fragile but critcial logic on earth......crushing life and logic on earth.....crushing the private self......stupidly....

Yet those that cause the most harm and destruction have become the most insensitive, the most desensitzed, desensitizing, deadly forces of hatred, division, strife, war unable and unwilling to reach far beyond the thick dense walls and barriers they have erected to keep the private self in and the other out......not evem noticing that they have blocked their own private access to the critical but uncountable flows, cycles, genius of nature's amazing light of our sun, energy/synergy/symphonies of nature, air flows and cycles for o2 as O=O easily broken by toxics, water flows and cycles for h2o as critical flows for balancing nature's fragile but critical budget satisfying fulfilling basic critcial needs wants desires dreams of the imany impossible to count in cash (bcause all flows & cycles weave a very intricate fabric of by for life impoesssible to count or value in cash......enough to activate hidden genetic potentials genius of any living cell or self or whole living system eough to produce eough for may to consume enough and for many to consume enough critical uncountable flows cycles genius enough to prouce enough for all to consume.....obvious to one privatized self now or not.....countable in mechanical rates of privatized/deregulated/drushing cashflow flodds crushing life on earth or not...

So it's difficult for me to challenge America to think more about the direction we are driving our planet so carelessly, so thoughlessly.....as my so-called "public representatives" limit their respresentation to the fossil fuel industries that put them into my US Governent in DC in November 2016 after the US Supreme Court decision on the misnamed "Citizens United" that crushes and segregates the many, unsuspecting citizens, innocents instead.

But life shares freely to both survive and thrive and grow heaven on earth instead.....very ironically.

I have discovered that ironically, our human cash system privatizing blinding us counts the most critical flows for life the least.....the most critical flows for life the least......artificial human cash counting our sun's light, oxygen as fragile O2 as easily broken O2 as double-bonded O=O the least.....cash counting the next most critical and hidden flow, water as H2O the next least.....cash counting the next most critical and hidden flow, rich organic topsoil and soil+maker production and productivity the next least........cash counting the next most critical and hidden flow, green productive photosyntheisis harvesting amazing uncountable light and energy and synergy off our sun's amazing light eought to grow upwards toward light enough to lift all life on earth up to light enough to learn to laugh.

But some just don't get it....and limit their counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private/privatized/privatizing, deregulated/deregulating/criminal/outlaw, shortsighted, blinding artificial mechanical rates of human cash systems to crush life on earth, to crush life's fragile uncountable logic on earth.......life's logica and genius that any human city needs to survive day to day and minute to minute....

But many just don't get it......because ironically, the most critical but hidden flows of nature, of by for growing life on earth hide so far beyond the obvious ......far beyond the thick, dense, obvious walls and barriers of our easy, cheap, quick totalitarian machines we invented for totalitarian comfort and convenience of by for dfewer than only 1%.....at our expense.


  1. I have discovered that
    tyrants fail and fall every time:
    Tyrants limit their counts/quantities/numbers/rates, values/qualities/logic/words/meanings, religion/faith/belief/worldview to mechanical lnear absolute rates of privatized human cashflow floods that crush life on earth, that crush life's ironically fragile, hidden logic on earth.....
    Tyrants blinding their own abilities and will, blinding the abilities and will of the many to reach far beyond the obvious .....
    blocking access for the self and many to nature's wonders far beyond the obvious,
    blocking safe, affordable access for many to discover nature's abundant riches, amazing positive productivity
    enough to find a safter course into an uncertain future, any future....
    So tyrants crush safe, affordable access to nature's wonders to crush potentials for the many to grow upwards challenging negative forces
    negative forces tyrants need to assume erroneously that privatized cash profiteering justifies all
    enough to assume erroneously that the private self needs to push the other down to lift the private self up....obviously in linear walls and barriers of self
    enough to assume erroneously tat te private self needs to take from the other to get for the privae3t self....obviously in linear walls and barriers of self
    of Ego+nomics of erroneous asumptions that privatized cash profiteering justifies all because it blinds the self
    desensitizes the self and many,
    crushes the fragile but critical uncountable abilities of every living cell to breathe...
    But humans need life....
    Humans need life's amazing functional circulatory systems of every living cell, every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, every whole living system,
    cell or self or globe indivisible,
    whole living systems reaching up toward light of our sun of by for all to produce enough critical uncountable flows cycles genius for all to consume enough
    for all to consume enough for all to produce enough to saatisfy, fulfill basic critical needs wants desires dreams with uncountable currents of by for life on earth
    enough for green photosynthesis to lift all up to light enough to activate critical uncountable indivisible integrity of life flows, cycles, genius, nature, life uncountable, indivisible from us,
    whole indivisible earth systems connecting the disconnected enough to activate any,
    critical, uncountable flows, cycles, genius of nature, of life connecting, activating, stimulating all living cells, selves, whole functional circulatory systems, green or red intimately,
    each needing critical flows cycles genius connecting all,
    every whole earth system, climate, oceans, waterseds flowing, cycling, connecting the disconnected enough to activate hidden genetic potentials, genius,
    enough to produce enough critical uncountable flows cycles genius enough to connect the disconnected, to produce and consume flows cycles genius to hold our fragile web for all life intact.....
    enough to produce eough critical uncoutable flows & uncountable indivisible cycles far beyond the obvoius
    impossible to count in mechancial rates of private casflow floods crushing life on earth
    critical but uncountable flows, cycles, genius of nature's amazing productivity uncountable....life, nature's genius hidden from the obvious/immediate/private bank accounts of only one private self,
    to consume enough critical uncountable flows of light, energy, synergy, air flows, cycles o2, water flows, cycles h2o
    to activate hidden genetic potentials, genius, gifts, amazing creative adaptability enough in each, genius in green photosynthesis and red respiration intimately for life,
    for millions, bilions of years....crushed in only 150....
    every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system, whole earth system enough to lift all up to light,
    free from want,
    free from fear
    enough to learn to laugh with vision and wisdom
    now ad generations from now and mroe....
    to free all from human rates of deadly casflow floods crushing life on earth...

  2. Human cash systems teach us to limit our counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private cashflow floods into fossil fueled bank accounts of by for only one priate self of by for only one obvious now......crushing life, crushing nature's wonders....crushing their own future.
