Our English word, "con+science" means literally "with science" with the ability to reach far beyond the obvious, the privatized, the short-term, the short-sighted, the blinding mechanical rates of human cashflow floods into only one private bank account of by for only one private self of by for a privatizing fossil fuel industry that has now seized totalitarian control of my so-called "public" US Government in Election2016.....the cash-driven racketeering fossil fuel industry crushing the critical "Balance of Power" that any civil government needs to protect the many unsuspecting, the many innocent in any world, private worlds, public worlds, life web worlds, whole earth systems of uncountable flows & cycles of by for balancing climate, oceans, watersheds enough to keep earth livable mysteriously, universal worlds even farther from the obvious from subatomic micromagnitudes of infinity to far beyond the universe that some think of as "divine"....
I discovered that ironically, our human cash system counts the most critical flows for life the least....and counts the least critical the most.....the most deadly the most.....human cash systems crushing to divide to count, and counting to divide to conquer to crush the competition.....not to share...
But life shares freely to survive and to thrive now and generations and more from now.
But our human cash system of the last 40 years has conspired to limit our human counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private/privatized/privatizing, shortterm/immediate/shortsighted, obvious/emotion-driven/lower brain/primitive reflex, cash-driven/cash-dictated cashflow floods into only one private bank account now of by for only one obvious private self and point of view now.....blinding, blocking, obstructing access for any other, erecting thick dense walls and barriers to keep the private self in and the other out.....
I discovered that ironically, our human cash system counts the most critical flow for life, O2 the least.
Ironically, human cash counts the most critical and hidden flow for life on earth (of animals) the counting photosynthetic green oxygen as O2 the least....(as fragile and easily broken double bonds of oxygen as O2, as O=O) life giving O2 counted the least......even though humans (and animals) die within minutes without O2 as fragile O=O to breathe.....
Also, Ironically....human cash counts the next most critical and hidden flow for life, water as H2O the next least....even though humans die within days without H2O to drink....
Ironically, human cash counts the next most critical and hidden flow for life, topsoil production the next counting rich, organic topsoil and soil+maker production and also productivity the next, organic topsoil to grow green nutrients, food to eat......even though humans die within months without food to eat....
Most ironically, human cash counts the least critical stones and structures the most, counting the most deadly forces of war the most.....crushing life, crushing genius and creativity, crushing life's ability to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce critical flows for life to consume enough to survive day to day and minute to minute....illogically.
So, human cash systems motivate many to crush life on earth, to crush life's logic on earth.
Fact: Humans have used human cash systems as an important tool to build great human cities and great human civilizations for thousands of years.....but far beyond the obvious, deadly human cashflow floods also crush and destroy the ability of fragile, hidden but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems cell or self or globe inalienable to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce enough for the many to consume enough....and for many to consume enough to produce enough to keep our human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.....obvious to one private self now or not....counted in mechanical rates of only one private bank account now or not......with con+science or not....("con+science" ="with" + "science" ->
Fact: 99.99% of peer reviewed scientists actually agree that humans "Industrial Revolution" of the last 150 or so years has caused "global warming" (Powell, 2015).....that has now morphed into global climate heating, baking, drowning, ClimateArmageddon washing entire communities off their foundations on a regular basis that is not "normal"..... that humans have caused in the last 150 years, in the last 40 years of Biblical lies hidden by deadly cashflow floods of a cash-driven 1%, fossil fuel industries crushing us, crushing life on earth:
Fact: #ExxonKnew for more than 40 years that their dangerous climate carbon emissions of fossil fuel profiteering for fossil fuel industries profiteering..... would cause "global warming" because Exxon's own scientist(s) told them.....because Exxon's own scientists warned Exxon and other fossil fuel industries more than 40 years ago that combustion/burning of fossil fuels (great immediate blinding) energy production) would cause global climate carbons of GHG "carbon dioxide" CO2 (and also other climate heater carbons CxyzLOG&#_$(#$^@()$* such as deadly radicals such as CO* carbon monoxide, suffocating animals ) to cause so-called "global warming" (xxxxxxxxx)....that scientists agree are melting our earth's polar regions, that are now causing "rising seas" faster than expected......already causing massive flooding globally..... as Greenland and Antarctica now melting rapidly, Greenland's freshwater melt already causing the Gulf Stream to stall that Northern Europe needs to stay warm in winter .....rapidly melting polar regions and glaciers and snowpacks to melt......Greenland melting that will potentially cause seas/ceans to rise about 20 feet ..the Antarctic's melt that will cause seas to rise about about 200 feet from (potential) the melt of Antarctica (Hansen 2007), very potentially abruptly as massive chunks of ice continue to fall our Jet Stream is driving crazy to cause unprecedented spiking and deadly temperature spikes in both polar regions regularly, shifting even temperate regions into extreme weather on overdrive, repeating regularly...temperatures at the pole(s) often/sometimes warmer than in temperate Iowa.....epic Biblical global heating, baking, drowning, chaos causing rising seas, more and more frequent and intense megastorms, Frankenstorms, hell ripping entire communities off of their foundation while so-called "leaders" refuse to count the many missing, washed to sea, left homeless in wastelands producing nothing, consuming much....while the cash-driven and blinded, cruel fossil fuel industry has conspired as criminals to value their own private rates of by for privatized fossil fuel profiteering from America's addictions to fossil fuel industrialization and sprawl of our cities for more than 40 years needing Reaganomics to keep America addicted to fossil fuel fuels of by for privatized cash profiteering of by for privatized cashflow bank accounts of by for fossil fuel industries of by for fewer than only our expense crushing us and life on earth..causing our own 6th Extinction/Anthropocene/Climate911.....
#ExxonKnew......that their fossil fuel industry climate carbon emissions (of GHG carbon dioxide CO2 and also GHG CxyzLOG&#@(#& ) would grow in concentrations and levels that would cause "global warming" or global climate heating, baking, drowning....that they knew would cause rising seas causing mass migrations from all coastlines on earth, mass chaos, political uprisings and strife, deaths of many, death of much life on earth......"global warming" and global heating, baking, drowning, deadly chaos that would turn entire swaths of earth into desert, dying lands unable to grow life, lands unable to produce enough for any to consume enough, unable to consume enough to produce enough to balance any "budget" of any definition.....rising levels of climate carbons as GHG causing "global warming"...heating, baking, drowning, chaos, war for profit crushing life and logic on earth of by for all......hell on earth for private worlds, public worlds, life web worlds, whole earth inalienable systems of uncountable flows and cycles buffering life on earth, our whole universe ranging from subatomic infinity of the micro to beyond the universal, often considered of the divine for many.
But #ExxonKnew that ironically, the most critical flows for life hide far beyond the thick dense linear walls and barriers of our human cities.....and that many humans allow their emotional buttons of their primitive, lower brain dictate their priorities in a cash-driven, privatizing, shortsighted, blinding cashflow world of our everyday walls and urban barriers we erect to keep the private self in and the other out.... Exxon and other fossil fuel industries knowing how easy Skinner and Pavlov could train entire populations to respond to simple lures of positive reinforcement that satisfied a basic critical need for obvious food or drink or even for totalitarian comfort and convenience at all costs....
#ExxonKnew and Exxon (and other fossil fuel industries) learned that they needed cash-driven pyramid schemes, scams, secrecy and lies of US President Reagan's so-called "Reaganomics" of the last 40 years of our corporatocracy to crush us and to crush life on earth..... of by for "privatization" and "deregulation" and explosive risks-and-cost-shifting onto the many unsuspecting to loot America of by for filling privatized segregated bank accounts crushing us, crushing life and logic on earth for more than 40 years......of by for fewer than only our expense....."Reaganomics" that US President George Bush Senior labeled as "voodoonoomics" in his debates with Reagan decades ago:
Reagan and Bush's fossil fuel fools of by for fewer than only 1% needed cash-driven 1. "privatization" of our public worlds, crushing to divide to count, counting to "divide to conquer" to "crush the competition" the other, the diverse, the non+same
.....that ironically crush the ability of nature's living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils to reach up toward light of our sun to heal a broken world instead.
The other "3%" of "scientists" cited have most likely been paid or want to be bribed to find access to mechanical rates of by for privatized cashflow floods into their own private bank accounts of by for only one private self now, one private fossil fuel corporation, one private glory seeker, one private privatized privatizing segregating selfish self that refuses to count more than mechanical rates of private cash in only one private bank account of by for only one private self now......shortsighted, blinded by artificial glittery dirty cashflow floods crushing life on earth. True, some scientists may have failed to reach far beyond the obvious of private, shortsighted, blinding mechanical rates of private cash bank accounts of by for only one private self.....but then can they really call their private self a "scientist"?
Unfortunately, cash-driven, cash-dictated counts, values, religion of by for GOP "Reaganomics" of the last 40 years in America has taught so many, too many that
segregated, segregating, privatized, privatizing cash profiteering of by for mechanical rates of cashflow floods into only one private bank account
of by for only one private self now justifies all costs....
But it does not justify all for one private self to crush public worlds, to crush life on earth to loot public worlds, to loot life, to also crush the ability of life's fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils to reach up toward light of our sun to produce enough critical flows and abundance to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute, generation to generation and more ....if we count also the numbers/rates and names/values also of public/longterm/complex worlds that use both names and numbers.......if we count also the uncountable but critical flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials, genius in every lviling cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system that wants to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce 1. abundant riches to consume, to count in mechanical rates of human cash.....and also to grow and produce 2. critical but uncountable flows cycles hidden genetic potentials genius logic positive productivity enough to 1a. fill in hungry voids of the negative and 1b. lift all up to light, to lift all up to positives enough to produce enough positives to lift all up to light, heaven on earth satisfying basic critical needs of by for all.....obvious to one private self stuck in only one obvious now or not.....counted in mechanical rates of deadly private cashflow floods into only one private bank account of fossil fuel fools or not....
and they are wrong, very, very wrong...
(......blinding many, numbing, dumbing, dulling, nullifying life's very diverse and uncountable "values" and religions
of many)
a cash-driven fewer than only 1% of by for manufacturing deadly, crushing privatized cashflow floods of by for fewer than only 1% crushing us....
crushing us and life on earth at our their own expense stupidly....
a cash-driven Reaganomics that US GOP President George Bush Senior labeled as "voodoonomics" in his debate(s) with Reagan decades ago
limits stupidly our counts, values, religion to
mechanical rates, empty numbers crushing us and life.....
of # rates crushing to divide to count numerically only
of by for only one private self of by for only one obvious now of by for pirated privilege looting us,
private/privatized/privatizing/ pirating,segregating/shortsighted/blinding/enslaving/oppressive rates of crushing, crushing life to manufacture empty numbers of deadly dirty cashflow floods into only one private segregating bank account now.....
to hide at the top segregated 1% of a privatizing, deregulating, segregated, impermeable pyramid scheme of scams and secrecy crushing us, crushing life on earth...
deadly rates of privatizing/ segregating /crushing cashflow floods crushing to divide to count.
counting to divide to conquer
to crush the competition, the other, the diverse, the non+same, the heterogeneous while vilifying homosexuality....
life giving freely, producing abundance freely to share freely enough to survive and to thrive as a private world, as a public world, as life's infinite web for all life giving all....
But a cash-driven blinded 1% limit our counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private cash in only one private bank account of by for only one obvious our expense, crushing life and logic on earth....
Can America's fossil fuel industry that has seized totalitarian control of my US Government in Election 2016 continue to crush life and logic on earth?
No, they can not, because their blinded idiocy is crushing all life, all logic on earth that they need to produce enough to consume enough....and to consume enough to produce enough of by for any "economy" of any definition......
The cash-driven fossil fuel fools driving our nation into hell are wrong scientifically, wrong mathematically, wrong eco+nomically (as in both "name" and "number" we need to "balance" any "budget" private, public, life web or whole inalienable global systems uncountable climate oceans watersheds ).....wrong eco+logically (as "logic" and "intelligent" and in "link" that connects dots to discover log of mathematical significance and meaning enough to guide a complex, longterm, public world toward a safer future together ), wrong EGO+NOMICALLY (not logically).....wrong morally, wrong legally.....though still conspiring to rewrite human books/electrons of human history, human science, human law to sell the immoral of by for filling private/privatized/privaatizing/segregating cash bank accounts with deadly cashflow floods of by for only one private cash-driven/cash-dictated/soulless/self-centered self/corporation of by for private cash rates of by for only one private obvious our expense .....crushing us....crushing life on earth with no con+science....
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