Remember that Adam and Eve did not need machines or even a human cash system until they crushed and destroyed the ability of their "Garden of Eden" or Garden for Eden to grow and produce enough critical supplies for them to they could consume enough for them and others to produce enough for many to share freely, free from want and fear....
When will America learn to value the invaluable, the priceless, the uncountable but critical flows, cycles, positive productivity of nature's genius growing life's wonders enough to lift all up to positives, that increases in real value through time far beyond the obvious.....obvious now or not....counted in mechanical rates of private cashflow floods that crush us or not.....Can America balance nature's budget of by for positive productivity of by for uncountable flows and cycles of by for life to consume, to consume enough to produce enough to lift all up to positives........enough to balance human budgets consuming only rates of cash crushing us?
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