Monday, November 6, 2017



Dear World Leader:

Thank you for working as a “public representative” or private corporate representative to improve lives and futures/uncountable futures of many, a common, public future that we all cause really….as a so-called “public representatives” or business person/corporation or very innocent child.

The privatized public sector of private business leaders are demonstrating that America and the world can slow/end/reduce deadly heater levels of climate carbons caused by fossil fuel carbon emissions for the last 150 years of human industrialization……and harvesting private profit doing so…… harvest free, infinite, cleansing flows of Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Storage of by for All… 1) slash operating costs of any system, cell or self or corporation or nation…..and 2) to boost positive, uplifting, supportive outcomes of any system, renewing all, lifting all up to positive outcomes, counting more than cash but reaping rewards of both public and private peace and proserptiy ….while also slowing, ending, reducing our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene that fossil fuel fool heater climate carbon emissions have caused for the last 150 years of human indusrialziation/sprawl…….obvious to one private self now or not…..counted in only one private bank account or not… slash our nation’s deficit/bills/debt… build up a stronger, safer, more affordable public infrastructure foundation of by for all private selves to access enough to succeed, to “profit” privately….

But the evidence has become overwhelming that America’s privatizing, cash-driven “Reaganomic” Republican GOP has conspired to seize totalitarian control of my US Government in Election 2016 to demonstrate that “government” can not function…to crush our “Balance of Power” we need in DC to function as a nation… let fragile but critical populations of children, disabled, elderly to die on the vine so they can loot us.

America’s real public leaders, especially qualified private business leaders know, however, that:

·    humans need to harvest hidden but free, infinite flows & cycles & hidden genetic potentials/genius of by for nature’s, life’s amazing positive productivity of by for critical flows & cycles of by for our sun’s light and synergy to connect the disconnected enough to activate hidden genetic potenials in anyliving cell seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system enough to produce enough to consume enough and to consume enough to produce enough to fill in hungry voids of the negative enough to lift all up to light of our sun… satisfy basic crirtical needs, wants, desires, dreams of any living cell or seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living systems that needs intelligence/genius of potentials and a circulatory system of critical flows of sunlight, synergy, air o2, water h2o, rich organic topsoil and soil+maker production and productivity enough to grow green photosynthesis to lift all life up o light of our sun enough to laugh….

But some just don’t get it and limit their counts, values, religion to crushing, negative, mechanical rates of obvious, private, privatized, privatizing cashflow floods of empty, crushing numbers into private bank accounts of byfor only one obvious now ……crushing life, crushing us, crushing public worlds, crushing and ripping apart our fragile web for all life far beyond the obvious that any need to produce anything of value now or generationsfrom now, crushing life on earth.

My religion has taught me that every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, selve, whole living system wants to reach up toward light of our sun enough to grow upwards toward light enough to produce enough to consume enough critical flows for life…..and to consume enough to produce enough critical flows of by for life… fill in hungry voids of the negative….to lift all up to light enough to succeed in any terms, private, public, uncountable flows…far from the obvious….

Humans need life to survive….and can not afford to crush life on earth.   But a cash-driven 1% assume erroneously that privatized cash profiteering justifies all….assuming erroneously that the private self confined in thick linear walls and barriers erected to keep the private self in and the other out …..needs to 1) take from the other to get for one private self and that the private self needs to 2) push the other down to lift the private self up…..not even comprehending that the private self needs life to function enough to do anything……life’s amazing wonders hidden farbeyond the obvious of dense urban walls.

Humans need public worlds of human cities and nations to share cooperativesly enough to find safe, affordable access for the many to enough safe, affordable supplies to satisfy demands.

But Reaganomic voodoonomics assumes erroneously that humans need to consume human cash to find “happiness’  and that the god they specify will drop all they need miraculously whenever they want…..blinding humans to the vulnerable but important worlds of public cooperation and exchange and service and citizenship that hold a public world intact enough to function…..blinding may to the fact that many need to nurture nature’s productivity to produce enough for public worlds to consume enough….to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute….

So privatized, Reaganomic cashflow floods have crushed the ability of nature to produce enough in the last 40 eyars….enough critical but uncountable, hidden flows and cycles, hidden genetic potentials, genius, positive productivity of by for life to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of any, enough light of our sun, synergy, air cycles o2 water cycles h2o to nurture critical rich organic topsoils and soil+makers enough to grow green enough to lift all up to light…

Humans need to try to reach far beyond the obvious of thick, dense, impermeable, obstructive private/privatized/privatizing walls and barriers of our everyday, shortterm/immediate/shortsighted private walls and barriers and confines blinding us with our own private emotions bubbling up from below, lit by 30 second spots demanding that we buy more and more to fill private bank accounts of fossil fuel profiteers now…

It’s no secret:  You know and many know that fossil fuel emissions, climate carbon emissions of the last 150 years of human industrialization[1] have caused “climate change”  (US Climate Report 2017[2])…”global warming” that has now morphed explosively into climate/ocean heating, baking, drowning, costly hell for millions, billions regularly ….costing too many too much….real costs obvious to one self or not….counted in human rates of private cash now or not….consuming us….costs the Republican GOP are trying to hide.

Fact: “Climate Change” continues to wash entire communities off of their foundations into the sea globally,[3] baking fragile topsoils into dying deserts, into deadly extremes forcing many into desperate wars, poverty, desperate mass migrations to find any flows of air, water, food…obvious now or not…. counted in private rates of cash now or not…

But a cash-driven few so-called “public representatives” representing the fossil fuel energy profiteering schemes, scams, secrecy instead (Citizens United DOJ decision, 2014),

The evidence has become overwhelming that fewer than only 1% cruelly conspire to push our words “climate change” from media headlines around the world[4]….fossil fuel fools hoping to keep cashy fossil fueled profiteering of by for fewer than only 1% into private piratizing luxury-soaked bank accounts of by for fewer than only criminals count and value mechanical rates of piratized cashflow floods of by for one private self more than they value life, more than they value their own nation’s future, more than they value their own children’s futures, their own family’s future….criminally….more than they value their own nation’s future…..treasonously…..more tan they value their own private future…..stupidly.

The evidence has become overwhelming that ;
·    Ironically…..our human cash system counts critical but hidden flows for life on earth the least…and counts the least critical walls, barriers, forces of war the most..illogically…sadly motivating many to crush life and logic on earth….
·    Ironically, human cash counts the most critical & hidden/uncountable flow for life, O2 the least… counting green photosynthetic oxygen as O2 the least….even though humans die within minutes without O2 to breathe…(photosynthetic phytoplankton of our oceans producing/produced > 50% of breathable oxygen as O2 on earth before fossil fueled oil spill epidemics of our cash-driven fossil fuel addictions of last 40 years have destroyed O2)
·    Ironically, human cash counts the next most critical and hidden/uncountable flow for life the next least, water as H2O…even though humans die within days without H2O…(as profiteer Trump refuses to send water to American citizens in US Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands)
·    Ironically, human cash counts the next most critical/hidden/uncountable flow, topsoil production the next least….topsoil to grow green photosynthesis to grow food to eat…..even though humans die within months without food….
The evidence has become overwhelming that the GOP tries to ignite emotional button firestorms of our lower/primitive/emotion-driven brain to consume and destroy the more cognitive/thinking/analytical but fragile upper graymatter cortex of the human brain….. conspiring with the GOP’s National Rifle Association/NRA to stage shootings in America to push the words “climate change” off of our media’s headlines in America[5]…….consuming and destroying our abilities to think clearly, rationally, logically, linguistically to connect the dots, even hidden dots to hold criminals accountable for their crimes:

Why do human cash systems crush our common abilities as a whole nation to value the most critical flows, the most hidden flows we need for keeping our human cities alive day to day and minute to minute?

Have cash-driven blinded privatizing profiteers chopping us into bits crushed our abilities to value the whole as a whole functional system of parts for the whole and the whole for the many parts as a more functional living system, nation?

Humans have used human cash systems to build great human cities and great human civilizations for thousands of years…..but human cashflow floods can easily crush the ability of fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils to reach up to light of our sun enough to produce 1) abundant riches to count in cash..and also to produce enough 2) critical but uncountable flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials, genius enough to grow positive productivity to fill in hungry voids of the negative enough to lift all up to light, to positives enough to laugh……to grow free public health, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” impossible to count in mechanical rates of privatized, blinding cashflow floods crushing life on earth.

So why do humans crush and destroy the critical but hidden wonders of nature’s amazing living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems we need to produce critical but uncountable, hidden flows, cycles, supplies of light, synergy, air, o2 to breathe, water, h2o to drink, topsoils, green to produce food to eat…..?

Have humans segregated their selves from the rich, organic topsoils and life’s light, growing hidden genetic potentials, genius, a cash-driven many assuming erroneously that privatized cash profiteering of only one private bank account of by for only one obvious now justifies all and means more than life on earth?

I discovered that human migrations followed the buildup of human cities, networks of urban structures crushing nature’s fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves of our wild green forests, wetlands, steppes, productive lands of green photosynthesis, of our oceans of phyto plankton, of our climate filled with smoke killing many, ……such as the footprint of the Roman Empire visible from satellites now that show how walls and barriers have crushed life’s ability to satisfy needs of the many…….

I discovered that the growth of “Western Civilization” from the Roman times through the great migrations of the last several hundred years to North America and beyond indicate that when a culture that values flat, linear, cubical boxes as reality, as the definitions that define their worth as a people, as a person…..then that flat, linear, cubical box of absolutes crushes the fragile but critical nonlinear exponential genetic potentials of by for growing life, hidden but critical living cells, seeds, seeedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems that want to reach up toward light of our sun to challenge negative forces of the dumbing enough o grow upwards toward light to produce 1) abundant riches to count in cash and alaos to grow and produce 2) critical but uncountable flows cycles hidden genetic potentials, genius, creativity, ability to adapt and change and flex enough o survive much with strength and coursage enough to win against numbing, dumbing, dulling, nullifying forces of the many that assume they need to crush to push the many to lift the private self up…..he erroneous assuming erroneously….

For thousands of years, humans have limited their counts, values/logic/language to deadly, mechanical rates of privatized cashflow floods into only one private bank account of empty numbers to build a private house to eat at a private table to wear private luxury….while erecting thick walls and barriers to keep the private self in and the other out….to hide the world beyond private linear walls and barriers ….thick dense private walls and barriers to keep the private self in and the other out…to blind the self to the complex, to the demands of a public world….

Some don’t want the many to discvoer the diverse, amazing worlds of nature beyond the obvious that might evoke compassion and understanding for others outside of one private self…..expecially in the last 40 years of “Reaganomics” that has limited our counts, values/qualities/language/logic to counting mechanical rates of private cash into only one private bank account, fossil fueled bank accounts so that fossil fuel fools could buy my US Government in Election2016….to crush our public, to crush our fragile but critical, hidden web for all life on earth….

Fact:  I can cut an apple into 1000 rotting pieces….but it is/was still only one apple legally, linguistically, logically …..rotting because it was cut of by for more empty numbers to fill only one private bank account…..while a cash-driven Reaganomic GOP + NRA of by for many empty numbers crushing us continue to limit our counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of private cashflow floods in only one private bank account of fewer than only 1%.....and to push rotting apple pieces onto to the many subservient…..with a picture of a whole apple of electronic virtual illusion and mirage blinding us.

Dig beyond the obvious, the virtual, the illusion of riches.  

Redefine our word “eco+nomic” as more than mechanical rates of private cash crushing us.

Count more than cash.  

Value the invaluable also, the uncountable, the indivisible, inalienable but critical flows, cycles, potentials, positive productivity of by for life on earth for millions, billions of years…..that humans’ fake cashflow floods have crushed in the blink of geological time stupidly, blindly, dumbly numbing, dumbing, dulling, nullifying us with mechanical rates of cash crushing to divide to count,…..counting to divide to conquer to crush the competition, the other, the diverse, the nonsame……not to share.

But life shares freely to survive and to thrive.   Fact.

Fact:  Humans need to value nature’s amazing, hidden, uncountable but critical flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials/genius/logic enough to produce positive outcomes, critical but uncountable flows, cycles, potentials, positive productivity that any need to produce enough to consume enough, to consume enough to produce enough in a more logical economy….to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.

But when privatizing forces of deadly cashflow floods of by for filling bank accounts of by for fossil fuel fools at my expense, seizeing totalitarian control of my US Govenrment in Eleetion2016…..deadly cashflow floods crush and destroy the ability of America to stay alive……because deadly artificial rates of deadly cashflow floods care only about rates of cash for private bank accounts and nothing more….as private machines of fossil fuel fools have seized control of US.

Can America save America?

Can America’s promise, our civil Rule of Law rescue America from the stranglehold of cashdriven fossil fuel profiteers crushing us, crushing life on earth?

We need our Rule of Law of by for civil government we call “democracy” to rescue us from privatized cashdriven fossil fuel fool profiteers that have conspired to “deregulate” our Rule of Law to crush even their own children’s future criminally, even their own family’s future criminally, even their own nation’s future treasonously, even their own private future stupidly.

We need our vulnerable US Constitution of by for liberth and justice for All…..that the NRA’s GOP has torn apart…..

We need international laws and treaties, laws of science/math, laws of nature, Habeas Corpus and the Magna Charta crushed by the GOP….

We need moral laws of reciprocity that naature’s amazing productivity of critical but uncountable flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials, genius enough to produce positive outcomes for many to share freely to connect the discovnnected enough to activate hidden genetic potentials to reach up toward light of our sun to produce abundant riches + critical but uncountable flows,cycles, potentials, ppositive prodcutvity to fill in hungry voids of thte negative enough to lift all up to life, positive productifiy infinite that balances cliffs of inequality to bridge the deadly gaps, to lift all up to light enough to produce “liberty and justice for All” …….for the many to survive and produce, public and private health, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” impossible to count in cash.

·    Humans need to reach far beyond thick dense obvious private walls and barriers we build with cash to discover nature’s amazing wonders far beyond the obvious, thick, dense, crushing walls we erect to keep the private self in and the other out…to develop cognitive vision, wisdom, empathy, scientific literacy enough to change the course of our common history….to

Can America diagnose our American addictions to cashdriven fossil fuels and urban sprawl of artificial facades enough to treat our costly, deadly addictions  to fossil fuel consumption, urban sprawl that is consuming us and crushing life on earth, crushing us, causing our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene, our Climate911 on earth?

Do we care about survival and ability to thrive for our world, our nation, our own family, children, self or not?

America, we need to act now to change our own history…to stop causing hell on earth….to grow heaven on earth instead….to harvest wonders of green photosynthesis, vision, wisdom to grow upwards toward light, to lift all up to light, to heaven’s amazing positive productivity to grow public peace and prosperity now and generations for all enough to lift all up instead ….instead of blinding us, instead of pushing many down into hell, instead of causing hell on earth when you have the opportunity to win instead:

·    leave the dinosaurs in the ground to stop causing hell on earth, to stop crushing us, to stop crushing life on earth…to redefine our word “eco+nomic” as more than mecahncial rates of private cashflow floods crushing life on earth…..enough to value the invaluable, the uncountable, inalienable, indivisible flows, cycles, potentials, positive prodcutiviy, blessings produced by the divine enough to leave the cashdriven dinosaurs in the ground damn it
·    harvest free, infinite flows of nature’s flows and cycles of by for sunlight, synergy, flows, cycles, hidden genetic potentials/genius to produce enough critical but hidden/uncountable flows, cycles of renewable safe clean energy and positive genetic productivity to nurture life on earth instead of crushing life:
o harvest free, infinite, satisfying, cleansing 100% Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Storage 100% Doable ASAP to lower heater climate carbons levels on earth
o convert dying impermeable heater carbon of human cities and other “ heat islands” (Forester 2006) to turn dying lands into heaven, productive lands of nature’s green, growing photosynthetic wonders instead to lift all up to light, to heal a broken world, cooling, green absorbent watersheds, photosynthetic living eco+systems we need to 1) produce cooling o2 to cool earth and also to 2) activate dying life cycles on earth, activate dying light cycles, activate dying synergy cycles, activate dying air o2 cycles, activate dying water cycles, activate dying photosynthetic & respiration cycles we need to
We need a “War On Climate Change”  a WOCC now…..not a war on America, not a war on life on earth………to slow/end/reverse the 6th Extinction /Anthropocene that fossil fuel fool cash-driven industrialization/urban sprawl of the last 150 years for private cash profiteering has caused, that cash-driven addictions of the last 40 years of Reaganonmic “voodoonomics” has caused at our own expense [6]

Can America learn to count more than cash enough to value also the invaluable….enough to stop causing hell on earth….enough to grow heaven on earth instad?

I know we can…..because even fossil fuel fools have family, have children they care about.

I know that humans have the ability to reach far beyond the obvious, immediate/shortsighted, private/privatized, thick/dense/obvious/blinding walls and barriers that private selves erect to keep the private self in and the other out…..blocking private access to nature’s cleansing, cooling systems of by for life to survive and thrive…to clear, clean, cooling flows and cycles uncountable of our air, climate, clouds, green o2, water, watersheds, oceans, clouds, blue h2o, rich organic topsoil and green productivity we need, photosytheisis we need to lift all up to light enough, to harvest nature’s amazing flows & cycles & potentials and positive productivity satisfying basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of by for life enough…… to heal a broken world…

Can humans learn to reach far beyond the obvious walls and barriers that confine us in the linear…..enough to learn to stop causing hell on earth…..enough to grow heaven on earth instead?

[1] “global warming” (#ExxonKnew ) (Powell 2015) (Our Childrne’s Trust 2015)
[2] IPCC, Hansen (2007), Powell 2015, US Climate Change report 2017
[3] Hurricanes Andrew, Katrina,, Sandy, Haiyan (the most powerful storm to hit land in human history at tat time)…..and the Epic sequesnce in one season of Harvey (with  an unprecedented 50 inches of rain), Irma, Maria washing Americans off the map while America refuses to help even her own citizens….while catastrophic climate hits numerous other areas of our globe also….while we’re too stunned to notice….
[4] Shootings of 2015 before the Paris Climate Summit, more than 140 killed, larger than any US shooting…and also shootings to push “climate change” out of our media in San Bernadino, 2015, to push our Pope Francis’s Encyclical about “climate change” out of the media in June, 2015..   Shootings of 2017 in Las Vegas and Texas to push the words “climate change” out of our headlines ….in Las Vegas to hide Trump’s spectacular flops after epid/Biblical Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria of unprecedented 50 inches of rain in TX, Trumps’ refusal to help US Islands in Carribean….so he needed NRA’s GOP’s “shock and awe” to distract us, stun us, numb, dumb, dull, nullify us….and the Tx shooting the day that Climate Summit COP23 opened in Bonn, pushing “climate change” out of our headlines again.  Hold GOP and NRA accountable for their crimes, treason.
[5] voodoonomics gop  nra cashdriven violence
 Shootings of 2015 before the Paris Climate Summit, more than 140 killed, larger than any US shooting…and also shootings to push “climate change” out of our media in San Bernadino, 2015, to push our Pope Francis’s Encyclical about “climate change” out of the media in June, 2015..   Shootings of 2017 in Las Vegas and Texas to push the words “climate change” out of our headlines ….in Las Vegas to hide Trump’s spectacular flops after epid/Biblical Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria of unprecedented 50 inches of rain in TX, Trumps’ refusal to help US Islands in Carribean….so he needed NRA’s GOP’s “shock and awe” to distract us, stun us, numb, dumb, dull, nullify us….and the Tx shooting the day that Climate Summit COP23 opened in Bonn, pushing “climate change” out of our headlines again.  Hold GOP and NRA accountable for their crimes, treason.

[6] GOP US President George Herbert Walker Bush, George Bush Senior labeled “Reaganomics” of  GOP US President Ronald Reagan as “voodoonomics”  in Bush Senior’s debates with Reagan decades ago….but today’s GOP still cling desperately to “Reaganomics” to maximize privatized cash profiteering into privatized private bank accounts of by for a cash-driven GOP today that has forgotten what they’re counting sadly, valuing their own private bank account numbers while crushing their own children’s futures foolishly, crushing America’s future treasonously.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Exxon et al Incorporated$: Help Rebuild Grid & Infrastructure Of Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands Etc Because Your Fossil Fuel Climate Carbon Emissions Helped Cause Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria....

It's called moral laws of reciprocity far beyond the obvious:  Humans need nature to produce critical but uncountable indivisible flows & cycles of inalienable sunlight, synergy, air, o2, water, h2o cycles & flows connecting all living cells on earth.....but the cash-powered fossil fuel industry crushes nature's producers, causing deadly voids consuming us.

Cash-driven fossil fuel profiteers, fools have segregated, privatized, blocked, obstructed critical flows & cycles for life we need for growing liberty from want and fear for more than 40 years, for more than 150 years of human fossil fueled "Industrial Revolution" and urban sprawl that crushes life on earth....climate carbon emissions of fossil fuel combustion heating earth to unprecedented climate heating, baking, drowning, washing entire communities off of their foundations repeatedly in just the last 10 years.

The fossil fuel fools will deny responsibility for costs and consequences of a toddler denies stealing a cookie with its hand in the cookie jar foolishly.

This time, the thief's boss, #45 assumes it's god.

I've learned a lesson in irony:   On the surface, disasters are hell.  

Beneath the surface hide lifesaving opportunities, the case of Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands....if these Islands build a smart, green infrastructure to harvest 100% Renewable Energy, Wind, WAter/WAves, Solar 100% Doable rebuild as a smarter, greener city and land........they could free all from fossil fuel hell......If Exxon would help to rebuild infrastructure of PR and VI....because Exxon et al fossil fuel profiteering helped to cause hell of Harvey, Irma, criminals because they knew that would happen.......

If Exxon et al helped to harvest the vast, infinite, free flows of free, infinite, vast qualntities/numbers/values of 100% Renewable infinite flows from our sun and energy, of wind energy, PR and VI could shake fossil fuels from their islands enough to clean up the messes and hurricanes that fossil fuel industries have caused for the last 40 years, the last 150 years..fossilized climate carbon emissions of combusted fossil fuels causing "global warming" that has morphed into global climate heating, baking, drowning, hell regularly.....and will grow worse if Exxon and accomplices refuse to help to

1.Lower Deadly, Explosive, Heater Climate Carbon Levels  as fake CO2 or CxyzLOG#$*&@)@*& in Our SHARED Public Atmosphere/Their Illegal Sewer We Have Not Approved +
2. Boost Photosynthetic Cooling O2 Levels to Cool Earth to Slow/End/Reverse the 6th Extinction of Life on Earth/Our Own Anthropocene That Fossil Fuel Fools Have Caused for the Last 40 Years, the Last 150 Years of Humans' "Industrial Revolution" and Urban Sprawl Powered By Dirty Deadly Combustion of Fossil Fuel Emitting Deadly Heater Climate Carbons Causing Our Own Extinction Stupidly

1. Leave dinosaurs in the ground to stop causing hell on earth
2. Redefine our word "eco+nomics" as more than mechanical rates of private/obvious/shortsighted/blinding/deadly cashflow floods that crush life and logic on earth
3. Prioritize harvesting free, infinite, renewing, clean, energizing 100% Renewable Energy + Green Absorbent Photosynthetic Watersheds to * convert deadly heater climate carbons to cooling O2 and photosynthetic filtering to convert Cxyz to O2 and living carbons of trees etc that will convert liabilities into benefits for climate exponentially, more and more efficiently through time to clean up Exxon et al Inc's messes of the last 150 years, the last 40 years of voodoonomics.....obvious now or not, counted in rates of private cash now or not.....
4. Convert deadly financial liabilities of heater deadly climate carbons, explosive risks...... into longterm public financial benefits/profits of cooling o2 + abundant exponential growing production & productivity of by for living carbons in the form of green absorbent watersheds of absorbent photosynthetic cooling forests, wetlands prairies, oceans climates lands.......greening dying lands to activate dying cycles of air, water, life.....
5. Harvest Nature's Life's Amazing Green Photosynthesis of by for cooling, nurturing, cleaning life on earth.....Green Photosynthesis that Watnts to Lift All Up to Light, to Positive Outcomes for All to a Critical Tool/Function of Nature/Life's Critical but Uncountable Flows & Cycles & Synergy & Genius to Slow/End/Reverse the 6th Extinction Exxon et al Incorporate$  has produce growing green chlorophyll molecules..... to Convert deadly destructive heater climate carbons into living functional helpful carbons instead......, to turn fake toxic artificial combustion climate carbons of heater CO2 and CxyzLOG%($(*##@(*) immediately, efficiently to cooling O2 and living, filtering, intelligent carbons of living green absorbent watersheds filtering, cooling, cleaning carbons of by for growing more and more wood, green leaves, rich, organic topsoil to absorb and convert deadly climate carbons/financial liabilities immediately exponentially into beneficial/rewarding/productive/positive/financial benefits/profitable outcomes of cooling o2 + living carbons of wood, leaves, fruit, rich organic topsoil, growing, cooling whole ecosystems, cell or self or globe to increase in values through time.....producting more livable ecosystems, more productive ecological economies, more logical economies of by for all to share to lift all up to light slow/end/reverse the 6th extinction/Anthropocene Exxon et al Incorporated$ have caused for the last 150 years for the last 40 years .of voodoonomics. crushing us.
6. Just End The Lies...."JEL" of Tom Steyer's Next Gen Climate....his Next Gen campaign that was so successful to hold the tobacco industry accountable for tobacco lies.......Next Gen's JEL campaign to end the deadly lies of the tobacco industry that ruined so many lives and populations for much of a century.....the same "Public Relations" schemes, scams, secrecy and evil playbook the fossil fuel industries have learned to ram down our our expense....that put "climate deniers" into my US Government.....into my US House "Science Committee" stuffed with "climate deniers" now dismantling the critical public infrastructure such as NOAA and NASA tools for even predicting and monitoring massive climatic shifts threatening human civilization, human cities, nature's fragile but critical producers....."climate deniers" driving my US Government while blinded by privatizing/shortsighted/blinding lies, hubris, obstructing public input, blocking crushing critical flows of critical public information & resources our critical public nation needs to survive and to thrive....GOP "climate denier" pyramid schemes of secrecy and scams crushing life and logic we need to survive and thrive as a public nation.* learn that every action causes an outcome....that positive actions cause positive outcomes very very slowly to lift all up to light far beyond the obvious....many unable or unwilling to discover those rewards of positive actions such as planting green, absorbent, photosynthetic watersheds that grow in financial value through time to heal a broken in moral laws of reciprocity
* learn that every action causes an outcome ....negative actions causing negative outcomes easy cheap quick to suck all down into negatives easy cheap quick, blinding, numbing, dumbing, dulling, nullifying values of in moral laws of reciprocity
* learn that every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system, cell or self or nation or globe wants to reach up toward light of our sun enough to grow upwards toward light to produce 1) abundant riches to count in positive terms of human cash .....and also to grow and produce 2) critical but uncountable flows, cycles, synergy, hidden genetic potentials, genius, positive productivity to lift all up to positive outcomes now and generations from now and more.....and to fill in hungry voids of the many to lift the fallen up also, to nurture life instead of crushing it.
* learn to activate hidden genetic potentials, genius of life, logic connecting the connect the disconnected enough to activate hidden genetic potentials, genius in all to produce critical but uncountable, indivisible, inalienable flows, cycles, potentials, positive productivity to fill in hungry voids to lift all up to activate dying light cycles, to activate dying synergy cycles (schedules, patterns of occurrence of life), dying air cycles, o2 production, filtration, cooling, dying water cycles, h2o production, filtering, cooling, dying whole life systems cycles connecting all living cells, cell or self or nation or globe far from the obvious....impossible to count in rates of human cash....human cash crushing us....
* learn to cultivate our upper cognitive conceptual thinking brain/gray matter that takes years, decades to develop to advanced thinking skills, scientific literacy enough to see, honor, respect the rights and responsibilities of other,  the diverse, the consume in a public world,  to learn that all is alike and all is different in some learn that honor systems cost much less for longterm public systems than privatized/cash-driven/selfish/egonomic/shortsighted/deceptive/obvious but blinding greed, ego+nomics assuming erroneously that privatized cash profiteering justifies all when it does not...and the cash-driven EGO+NOMICS is wrong, very, very wrong, wrong scientifically, wrong mathematically, wrong eco+nomically (as in number/quantity and name/quality/logic/shape of meanings cognitive significance impossible to count in cash), wrong ecologically (as in logic and meaning), wrong EGO+nomically as in self-centered and greedy and destructive of whole, holy systems, wrong morally and often wrong legally...though still conspiring to rewrite human books/electrons of human history, human science/math, human law to sell the immoral of by for privatized cash profiteering of by for only one private bank account of by for only one private self our expense....crushing life and logic on our expense....throwing explosive costs and risks onto their own children's futures criminally, onto their own family's future criminally, onto their own nation's future treasonously, onto their own private future stupidly....destroying the self and many.
* to learn that our nation can not afford to self-destruct or crush life or logic on earth, causing our 6th Extinction, our own Anthropocene....
* to learn that others have rights also and we need empathy for others to produce a more functional system, a whole productive system, cell or self or nation or globe, privately, publicly, lifewebly, wholeearthsystemly, universally inalienably all connected with critical structures and functions producing enough critical flows and cycles to activate hidden genetic potentials/genius of life or to operate artificial systems with some kind of energy....enough for the self to produce enough critical flows for many of that system to consume enough critical flows and for many to consume enough critical flows to produce enough for all to consume enough to lift all up to light enough to laugh with vision, wisdom, keen scientific literacy and empathy to grow heaven on earth instead...& learn to prevent emotional button firestorms of the lower/primitive/reflexive brain of Pavlovian/BF SKinnerian reflexes controlling us that can easily consume us...such as fear and want and erroneous assumptions that we need guns/weapons for "safety" and "security" while also crushing the ability of the upper brain to negotiate for peace, public peace and prosperity uncountable....the lower primitive driven instead by empty numbers of casino cashflow floods driving us.....destroying us...
* learn to prevent emotional button firestorms of the lower brain that can easily consume us...and this is why Benjamin Franklin advised us hundreds of years ago to invest in public education, public media, public libraries and hidden but critical public flows of critical but hidden public flows of information & hidden but critical flows of public resources of by for keeping our whole public systems intact and functional with enough critical flows and logic to keep democracy alive....
* learn to stop causing hell on earth....because hell does not pay
* learn to grow heaven on earth instead to lift all up to positives enough to share freely, to lift all up to light of our sun to thrive...obvious to one private self now or not.....counted in private rates of private cash in one private bank account now or not....

America needs to act now to slow/end/reverse the 6th Extinction of Life on Earth /our own Anthropocene/Climate911 caused by fossil fuel fools, causing climate carbon emissions cash profiteering of by for fewer than only 1%....caused by escalating fake climate carbon levels as artificial/dead carbon dioxide as CO2 and dead climate carbons of CxyzLOG%*#$#@#$#_)$ that destroy life..for more than 150 years of industrialization, for more than 40 years of deadly cashflow floods of by for fewer than only 1% blinding us...blocking safe affordable access to a future, any future....

America needs to act now to
* lower heater climate carbon levels in our atmosphere ASAP to lower/reduce heating of our climate/oceans/lands/ice to * slow/end/reverse the 6th Extinction of Life on Earth /our own Anthropocene/Climate911 caused by fossil fuel climate carbon emissions cash profiteering of by for fewer than only 1%....caused by escalating fake climate carbon levels as artificial/dead carbon dioxide as CO2 and dead climate carbons of CxyzLOG%*#$#@#$#_)$ that destroy life..
* increase cooling photosynthetic O2 levels, rates of climate carbon reduction + rates of O2 levels increased to cool us and earth to * slow/end/reverse the 6th Extinction of Life on Earth /our own Anthropocene/Climate911 caused by fossil fuel climate carbon emissions cash profiteering &Biblical lies/Deceit/Propaganda of by for deadly cashflow floods of by for fewer than only 1%....caused by escalating fake climate carbon levels, fossil fuel emissions as artificial/dead carbon dioxide as CO2 and dead climate carbons of CxyzLOG%*#$#@#$#_)$ that destroy life..
* slow/end/reverse the human caused 6th extinction that fossil fuel heater climate carbon molecules have caused.......
* clean up our messes:  If humans caused the messes, then humans can clean it up

America needs to reach far beyond the obvious to find the abilities and will to harvest nature's amazing wonders, flows, cycles, synergy, hidden genetic potentials, genius, exponential positive productivity to lift all up to light......enough to heal a broken world.

First, America needs vision and wisdom and caring/empathy enough to learn to understand and satisfy basic critical needs wants desires, dreams not only of the self, but others heal a broken world.....that ironically sharing freely causes positive exponential growth in a living system......while many blinded by thick dense, linear, dying cracking walls and barriers find out the hard way that negative actions in dead dying walls and barriers only crack, disintegrate, decompose, destruct life and nonliving worlds, structures.....and that

Our English word root, "eco-" as in "eco+nomic" [as in name and number] and as in "eco+logic" [as in logic and intelligent and log of mathematical/scientific significance spanning many orders of magnitude beyond the obvious private self] means "house" or "oikos" in Greek"....

But not every house nurtures those within.

* demand 5 types of "public accounting" for 5 types of functional worlds impacting human worlds;
1) Private, ShortTerm/Immediate/Shortsighted, Cash-driven Worlds Of By For Mechanical Rates of Private Cash Definition our Word "Eco+Nomic"
2) Public, Longterm, Complex Worlds that Need Both Private Cash-Driven Counting + Nature's Web For All Life Infinitely Intricate Vast Uncountable In Human Terms of Numbers or Worlds.....Public Worlds Ranging From Messy Democracy of Civil Government (Ancient Dream) to Privatized Tyranny of Privatizing Tyrants Limiting Their Counts + Our Public Counts to Medh animal Rates of Private Cashflow Floods into Only One Private (Fossilized) Bank Account Of By For Only One Obvious Now...At Our Expense, Crushing Public Worlds, Crushing Our Web For All Life At Our Expense....
3) Life's Infinitely Intricate & Vast Web of Critical But Uncountable Flows & Cycles of by for All Living Cells of Whole Living Systems to Consume Enough to Produce enough Critical Uncountable Flows Enough for Many to Consume Enough to Produce Enough Critical Unountable Flows for All to Consume enough Critical Flows of by for All to Produce Enough 3a) Abundant Riches to Count In Rates of Human Cash + to Produce Enough 3b) Critical But Uncountable Flows, Cycles, Hidden Genetic Potentials, Genius, Caring, Positive Productivity to 3c) Fill In Hungry Voids of the Negative/Hatred/Division/Strife Causing War That Crushes Life Logic....and also 3d) Nature's Amazing Photosynthetic Green Productivity Growing Upwards toward Light to 3e) Photosynthetically Lift All Upwards of by for All Life to Lift All Up To Nurturing Light of Our Sun, to Nurturing Air of Photosynthetic Living CO2->O2 and Respiratory O2 -> Living CO2.....3f) Ironically, Very Critical but Hidden Functions Of Life Easily Broken By Human Industrial Burning Combustion of Fossil  Fuels, Longterm Persistent Careless Nuclear Risks Causing Mutation$ and Sprawl Crushing Life ....Very, Very Fragile Processes Of By For Life On Earth Easily Broken By Clumsy, Toxic, Rogue Fossil Fuel Combustion Causing Fake Industrial/Urban/Artificial CO2 (non-living) CO2+ Incomplete Combustion of deadly carbon monoxide, CO and Many CxyzLOG$&%*#$()#$(*#$& Rogue Molecules 4)  to crush life and fragile living biogeochemistry on earth Easy, Cheap, Quick When Humans Value Private/Shortsighted/Blinding Cashflow Floods More than Life & Logic On Earth
4) Whole Earth Systems Inalienable, Indivisible, Uncountable of Critical but Uncountable Flows, Cycles, Patterns, Design of Infinitely Intrixcate & Vast Wonders Of Nature's Mysteries Far Beyond the Walled Barriers of Human Confines and Definitions and Thoughts Limited to Sensory Red Light Green Light On and Off Human Neural System Stimulation Of Buy For Privatized Cash Bank Accounts Of By for Only One Private Self Now of by for Only One Private Point Of View Funded by Privatized/Corporatized/Fossilized So-called "Public Representatives" That Have Sold Their Selves to the Cash-driven Crushing Life and Logic On My Earth.
5) Universal Worlds From Far Beyond SubAtomic Worlds to Far Beyond the Universe Impossible to Understand in Any Human Terms or Imagination....far Even From the Ironic....

To accomplish these 1) lower heater climate carbon levels to lower heating of climate, oceans, lands....and also to 2) increase photosynthetic O2 cooling molecules with activation of live cycles on earth, activating dying air cycles, activating dying water cycles,  3) harvest nature's amazing flows & cycles & genius activating dying life cycles, activating whole earth cycles to 4) restore some kind of stability & function of by for living systems of whole earth systems can function together as a whole again.....5) activate dying whole earth systems and whole earth living systems that we need to function as a whole earth, 6) to learn that our earth breathes as a whole living organism, susceptible to crimes against it as humans on street fall victim a breathing functional whole productive system,  7) to keep  fragile but critical, hidden earth systems alive as a whole circulatory system as critical as human circulatory systems for life....8) whole earth systems of earth's light cycles, synergy cycles (coordination between diverse systems), inalienable integrating air producing living Green O2 <=> living Red CO2 cycles,  inalienable integrating water cycles,  inalienable integrating life & logic cycles and also whole inalienable holy cycles of the divine of our whole unique earth systems different from any whole in the universe of by for life.....9)  that we need to buffer & protect  life and whole earth systems of light synergy air o2 water h2o topsoil and soil+maker and photosynthesis  inalienable integrating on earth to protect whole functional earth systems (hidden from the obvious )from segregating negative crushing disrupting deadly forces of extremes crushing life and logic on earth... dazedly catastrophic explosive extremes that humans have caused in a blink of geologic time, 10) restore justice and liberty from deadly want and fear and cash-driven forces of the negative that has caused extinction on earth in the blink of geologic time.....11) ironically stupid forces crushing genius of nature that crushes the ability of the stupids to consume enough to produce anything, therefore crushing even "private economics" + "public economics" + life web economics" that means supplies to satisfy demands, demands to consume forces of the negative privatizing cruel worlds ... threatening extinction for all life and logic on earth  illegally, criminally.......and ....12) Americans need to instead lead the world as "great leaders" to clean up the messes that our deadly addictions to fossil fuel combustion/nuclear risks has stop causing hell on earth.

Criminals cause hell.

Heres prevent hell.

Prevention pays, damn it:

* reach far beyond the obvious, beyond the blinding, flat, shortsighted,private thick walls barriers that block critical flows of nature of by for privatized cash profiteering of by for only one private self......crushing our "environment" and nature's abilities to produce enough for us to consume enough
* leave the dinosaurs in the ground now to
* stop causing hell on earth sucking all down easy cheap quick blinding so many stupidly, pushing many into desperate needs, wants, war....crushing us even more
* grow heaven on earth instead to lift all up to positive outcomes far beyond the obvious, obvious or not, counted in human rates of cash or not:  Count outcomes of actions also
* redefine our word "eco+nomic" as more than mechanical rates of private/privatized/privatizing cashflow floods crushing life and logic on earth to *stop causing hell on earth
* harvest free, infinite 100% Renewable Energy/Synergy/Life's Uplifting Cycles (sunlight, water, photosynthesis) ASAP to
* replace our deadly addictions to deadly fossil fuels combustion/sprawl/nuclear risks/self-destruction....with positive actions, vision, wisdom to and
* work together as a winning team to build shared, productive, resilient, renewing, healthy public infrastructure to lift all up to light instead of pushing all down + growing green absorbent watersheds of by for
* slowing/ending/reversing the 6th Extinction that fossil fuel climate carbon emissions have caused.....enough to harvest free, infinite renewing flows & cycles of 100% free, infinite Renewable Energy ASAP instead to activate hidden genetic potentials to lift all up to light more easily...instead of spending so much time, effort, money battling negative forces, public health crises caused by a cash-driven 1% causing hell on earth...

My religion has taught me to reach far beyond the obvious to discover amazing ironies that stimulate cognitive thought and compassion, that activate hidden genetic potentials, that connect the disconnected enough to activate hidden cycles of by for life's potentials to grow upwards toward nurturing light of our sun, toward nurturing flows and cycles of air o2, water h2o, rich organic topsoil and soil+makers enough to grow green photosynthesis, o2 production of by for animal respiration to function enough to produce enough living co2 to keep plant photosynthesis alive day to day and minute to minute.....year to year and generation to generation (7th) and more...

But some just don't get it....and limit their

immediate/shortterm/shortsighted, private/privatized/privatizing/segregating/walled, obvious/everyday/sensory-driven-consumptive, emotion-driven/consumptive, cash-driven/dictated/crushing everyday worlds of only  one private self assuming erroneously that privatized cash profiteering justifies all...when it does not if we also count longterm public outcomes for our city, state, nation, globe...., if we also count infinite life-web outcomes of by for all life on earth.....if we also count the impact of deadly dirty fossil fuel cashflow floods on our whole, uncountable whole earth systems inalienable, indivisible flows, cycles, amazing synergy of nature's worlds of our sun's light on earth, synergy with life, air cycles and green photosynthesis producing o2 for us to breathe and integrate all...water cycles and green photosynthesis to connect all, the disconnected enough to activate hidden genetic potentials, genius/logic in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system enough to lift all up to light enough to produce 1) abundant riches enough to count in simple human terms of the obvious....and also to produce 2) critical but uncountable flows & cycles inalienable of air, o2 for us to breathe minute to minute....of water, h2o for us to drink day to day.....of rich, organic topsoil and soil+makers production and productivity enough to grow green photosynthesis to lift al up to light enough to laugh in any produce food enough to keep humans alive month to fill in hungry voids of the negative of hate division strife war cash-flow floods crushing us cruelly opposite of good.....evilly.....because prevention pays huge dividends....obvious or not, counted in cash or not....

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Harvest Free Infinite Safe Affordable Renewable Energy Wind Water Solar to Slash Explosive Risks&Cost$, to Win Positive Outcomes Now & Generations From Now...To Lift All Up

The Grand Oily Party Does It Again!

Thanks, Grand Oily Party of Iowa.....You have again clearly demonstrated the cash-driven, fossilized, deadly criminal motives of a cash-driven few, fewer than only 1% ......conspiring as criminals......I. looting the many, looting America, II. looting and crushing America's fragile but critical inalienable uncountable but productive living systems of our vulnerable public worlds that we need to protect instead of looting and worlds..

My religion taught me that we need to nurture nature and the many to activate positive genetic potentials, genius of by for our fragile but critical living systems, every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system of hidden genetic potentials, genius that any need to produce enough of any thing to consume.....and to consume anything enough to produce produce both supply and demand of any so-called "eco+nomy" that the gop limits to mechanical rates of private cash in only one private bank account of by for only one obvious now.

Has the "Mob" seized control of the GOP.....privatizing/shortsighted/blinded/dumbing criminals that assume erroneously that Ameria's world is flat, linear, dense, impermeable of by for thick, dense walls and barriers the private self erects to keep the private self in and the other out......thick dense destructive walls and force that crush, block, destroy the fragile but critical flows, cycles, positive productivity of nature's living systems, cell or self or globe far from the obvious that any need to consume enough to produce enough of anything of value.....of by for human cities to survive day to day and minute to minute.....

I came to Iowa because
* of the rich, productive integrity (integration) of by for growing green photosynthesis of by for life's amazing productivity of the positive we need to produce public peace and prosperity impossible to define in rates of cash,
* growing, producing photosynthesis, green and molecules of oxygen as clean cooling O2......uncountable but rewarding private and public prosperity and peace, life and light and laughter (i.e. "happiness") that grows on rich, organic topsoil of this agricultural "economy" of Iowa ....
* nature growing, producing a rich, abundant, rewarding agriculture "economy" that the GOP is ripping apart of by for cash-driven tarsand and cash-driven invasion privatized cash profiteering crushing us, cruhing our rich organic topsoil and life that we need to produce anything positive of anything.....

But the cash-driven, fossilized Grand Oily Party that seized totalitarian control of my US Government in DC in Election2016 is also crushing life and logic in Iowa.....
* the GOP clinging to deadly "privatization"/segregation/crushing public worlds......causing disintegration/privatization/segregation...crushing life on earth, crushing vulnerable public worlds of the many....crushing nature's crush nature's abilities to produce enough for us to consume enough to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.....
* the GOP clinging to Voodoonomic "privatization"/segregation/crushing of vulnerable public worlds that need "public representatives" to "represent" their public constituents legally....not crush their constituents as criminals
* the GOP clinging to voodoonomic "deregulation" of our Rule of Law....our US Constitution, our international laws and treaties, our laws of science, our laws of nature, our laws of moral reciprocity that we need to balance nature's budget of amazing productivity of 1) abundant riches to count and 2) critical but uncountable flows, cycles, genius, amazing positive productivity enough to satisfy basic critical needs wants desires dreams of any living self on earth, cell or self or nation or globe.....enough to grow satisfying peace and proserptiy of by for all on earth....obvious now to one self or not....countable in private rates of private cash of by for only one obvious now or not.....
* the GOP clinging to voodoonomic deadly explosive risk-shifting and explosive cost-shifting onto their own children's futures criminally, onto their own family's futures criminally, onto their own nation's future treasonously, onto their own private self's future stupidly.....very stupidly destroying the tyrants self destruct every time ...
* the GOP clinging to the orgasmic thrill of igniting emotional button firestorms of the lower, more primitive brain next to the spinal cord that can overwhelm the ability of the more fragile, thinking, cognitive gray matter of the upper brain to think clearly, to investigate inconsistencies between critical but hidden details enough to keep our Rule of Law alive, our Rule of Law we need to protect the innocent now and generations from now from cash-driven profiters that seized totalitarian control of my US Government in Election2016 with cashflow floods of by for fossil fuel war profiteers that care about nothing but filling private/privatized/privatizing deregulated/deregulating/outlaw short-term/immediate/shortsighted, obvious/blinding/blinded cash rate bank accounts of empty numbers of deadly cashflow floods of by for fewer than only 1% crushing us, crushing and looting the public nation they wanted to claim to represent......representing a privatizing/shortsighted/blinding/crimtinal fossil fuel cabal of war profiteers......causing hell on earth.....crushing life and logic and us on earth....causing our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene/Climate911 to profit privately now at all criminals.

Where is our Rule of Law, moral laws of reciprocity we need to protect the innocent now and generations from now?

Have the criminals won.....erecting thick dense walls and barriers to block critical flows for life that nature produces for free far from the obvious?

My religion also taught me that tyrants self-destruct every time.....because they blind their selves and many with hypnotic, glittery, blinding cashflow floods into only one private bank account of by for only one private self claiming "divine rights of kings" at the top of an oppressive, dense, cruel pyramid scheme of scams and secrecy and malignant lies crushing the many, looting the vulnerable, unsuspecting public below of towns, cities, states, nations, our world.......and also crushing and ripping apart our fragile but critical web for all life below our publics, ripping apart our fragile web for all life to loot and crush nature's amazing positive productivity....crushing the ability of nature, of life to produce enough critical but uncountable flows and cycles and positive productivity exponentially (and abundant countable riches) that tyrants crush the ability of nature to grow enough to produce enough for the many to consume enough and the many to consume enough to produce keep any human city alive day to day and minute to minute, generation to generation and more....

Tyrants try to crush fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems such as nature's positive productivity of by for growing life and logic on earth....because they fear any question that they sense threaten totalitarian absolute control of only one cased-riven self over all the many the diverse the non+same of any stripe....

Tyrants don't like questions or differences pointing out problems with anything a tyrant tyrants manufacture faulty artificial systems that fail every time.....closed, cash-driven, artificial/manufacturing/metallic, assembly line absolute totalitarian sameness ......homogeny.....crushing any differences, any questions we need to correct a deadly, erroneous course anywhere, downward....tyrants crushing and crashing every in self-destruct.

But some just don't get it....and cling to the decep[tive glory and glitter of hypnotic, blinding cashflow floods of by for casino-driven stupidity of "rigged" systems conning so many every day, every many voting for tyrants......assuing erroneously that cash-driven tyrants care about the basic biological critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of their private self and the many.....when artificial cash-driven mechanical/artificial bank accounts of mechanical rates of empty numbers care only about more and more numbers crushing more and more to seem powerful to the many deceived.

Many assume erroneously that more and more numbers means more and more riches....but they are wrong......because human cash systems crush to divide to count....and count to divide to conquer to crush the competition, the other, the diverse, the non+same....not to share......not to share freely that is life's and nature's tool for producing enough for the many to consume enough....and for many to consume enough to produce enough to fitll in hungry voids of the negative enough to lift all up to light, to grow heaven on earth satisfy basic critical needs wants desires dreams of the many enough to grow public peace and prosperity on earth for all to share freely, free from want, free from fear.

Tyrants want to cause desperate needs, wants instead.....because tyrants want war, hatred, division, strife, war to cause more deadly cashflow floods into private/privatized/privatizing cashflow driven private bank accounts of by for only one self-centered ego+nomy now....

Have we crushed our own abilities to save us from our blinding, privatized, cash-driven selves?

Can the many understand the dynamics of our addictions to privatizing, shortsighted, blinding cashflow floods of by for deadly toxic fossil fuels (and privatized cash bank account numbers) that are crushing/destroying US?

Can America demand to protect nature's amazing but hidden/fragile/critical positive productivity potentials we need to grow heaven on earth instead?

Why can't the GOP any child learns early in school (hopefully)....... that every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self wants to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce 1) abundant riches to count in cash....and also to grow and produce 2) critical but uncountable flows cycles hidden genetic potentials, genius, positive productivity and outcomes now and generations from now.....instead of clinging desperately to empty numbers of deadly cashflow floods crushing all on earth?

The Grand Oil Party has blinded the self and our many selves and the many, our public with deadly lies subsidies by public taxpayers to fill private/privatized/privatizing, shortsighted, blinding fossil fuel corporate bank accounts with deadly cashflow floods that fossil fuel industries use to manufacture Biblical lies to keep America addicted to fossil fuels as block and crush critical flows of critical but uncountable/qualitative public information and public resources that our nation needs to slow/end/reverse the 6th extinction/Anthropocene that the fossil fuel industry has chosen to cause as criminals for the last 150 years, the last 40 years of limit our nation's counts, values, religion to mechanical rates of by for privatized cashflow floods of by for fossil fuel fools into only one private/fossil fuel/nuclear/blinding bank account crushing us with deadly cashflow floods......keeping us trained with Pavlovian/Skinnerian red lights, green lights of by for cashflow floods for fewer than only 1% controlling our lives mechanically, blocking and crushing safe affordable access for the many to nature's amazing green productivity we need to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams....knowing it or not.

Fossil fuel cash-driven forces have blocked, obstructed safe affordable access for the many to nature's amazing wonders of amazing positive productivity of critical but uncountable flows & cycles of by for our sun's light, synergy, air cycles of by for nurturing O2 inalienable, water cycles of by for cleansing, nurturing, cooling water as H2O as ocean, clouds, rain/snow, streams/river or from our urban taps inalienable....growing rich, organic topsoils and soil+makers we need to grow green photosynthesis to lift all life up to light of our sun enough to activate hidden genetic potentials, genius/logic/smarts in any living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole living system enough to reach up toward light of our sun to consume enough critical flows of light, synergy, air o2, water h2o, rich organic topsoil+soil+maker nutrients enough to grow life's amazing positive productivity to fill in hungry voids of the negative enough to lift all up to light of our sun to produce positives exponentially share freely hold our fragile but critical, inalienable web for all life intact forever.

Humans need to reach far beyond their thick, dense, impermeable walls and barriers of private, privatized/privatizing, shortterm/immeidate/shortsighted, obvious/dumbing/

Humans have used human cash systems as an important tool to build great human cities, to build and grow great human civilizations......but deadly human cashflow floods can also crush and destroy the ability of life's fragile but critical living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems of healthy green ecosystems, ecological economies of green photosynthetic forests, wetlands, prairies, green absorptive native watersheds, waterways, wilderness, oceans, climate, lands, life on earth, cell or self or nation or globe

So human cities rise and fall.

So human civizliations rise and fall because 1) humans segregate their selves from the rich diverse non+same potentials/hidden genius of nature of by for producing positive productivity of by for growing amazing positive productivity not so far from the simple easy cheap quick corporate cash driven limiting obstruction crushing hateful negatives win sucking all down easy cheap quick....2) humans crush and destroy life's fragile but critical inalienable living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole living systems that any human city/nation needs to produce enough for humans to consume enough to thrive in peace and humans block and crush the critical processes of nature that humans need to survive and thrive......foolishly crushing nature that feeds them....

My religion taught me that every action causes an outcome....positive actions causing positive outcomes very slowly hidden from the obvious to lift all up to light slowly, to grow positive outcomes of by for all o share freely, to fill in hungry voids of the negative to lift all up to light enough to grow heaven on earth instead....

My religion and reaching beyond the obvious to discover irony of the logical and illogical also taught me that negative actions cause negative outcomes sucking all down easy cheap quick while cash-driven fossil fuel war profiteers laugh at us for more than 100 years.

My religion taught me that nature grows amazing wonders that hide scientific evidence that humans need to nurture nature so that nature can nurture us as the Garden of Eden nurtured Adam and Eve thousands of years ago.

Adam and Eve did not need a human cash system or urban walls and barriers until they crushed the ability of nature, of Eden to grow upwards toward light of our sun enough to produce enough for them to consume enough to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams enough.....and to consume enough to produce enough to balance any budget of any definition.

Perhaps the GOP needs to redefine their word "eco+nomic" as more than mechanical privatized rates of cashflow floods into fossil fuel war corporate bank accounts of by for fewer than only 1%.

The Grand Oil Party needs to reach far beyond the obvious thick dense walls and barriers and negative forces they erect to 1) block critical safe access for the many to critical but uncountable flows, cycles, potentials, positive productivity of by for nature, for life to consume....2) crush nature's amazing positive productivity or access for the many to that productivity .....3) erecting thick dense illogical/artificial/fake/overvalued tolls of by for a cash-driven 1% to profit privately from nature's critical free positive productivity.....or to crush it to force the many to pay the GOP fake/artificial/deadly tolls to access artificial imitations of nature's genius to fill private bank accounts of by for fewer than only our expense crushing us, crushing life on earth.

GOP.....why are you blinding your selves? The GOP has a great heritage of great leaders, Abe Lincoln who battled slavery, Teddy Roosevelt who fought criminal monopolies and fought to protect priceless lands, Dwight D. Eisenhower who warned us about the deadly "military industrial complex" that has seized totalitarian control in America to crush "bread & butter politics" of American families.

America, have you turned into a massive machine of by for a "military industrial complex" of by for media of by for fossil fuel war profiteering at our expense crushing us, crushing life, crushing logic on earth of by for filling privatized fossil fuel war profiteer bank accounts of by for fewer than only 1% our expense?

Thank you, many of the GOP who understand that we can win financially (counted in cash or not) by harvesting free, infinite Renewable Energy of Wind, Water, Solar to slash operating costs and boost positive outcomes (counted in cash or not).....obvious to one self now or not....counted in mechanical /private/immediate/obvious rates of private cash or not.

We need leaders of vision, wisdom, empathy and scientific literacy to guide the many more safely toward a safer but uncertain future.....

We do not need the blinded to drive us into negatives please.


Your children thank you.