Saturday, August 5, 2017
Green Photosynthetic Sinks To Turn Deadly Climate Carbons Into Critical Living Carbons, Green Photosynthesis Now + 100% Renewable Energy Now Ito End Our 6th Extinction Now
The key to ending the 6th Extinction/Anthropocene that human industrialization/fossil fuels/voodoonomics has lowering climate carbon levels of CO2 and also Cxyz&$#(_&#*$.. to convert fake/artificial carbons as Cxyz to living carbons of plants that convert many C species into living carbons to absorb C financial costs/risks and turn those carbons into financial gains/assets/positive outcomes/profits for any system, obvious or not, counted in private cash of only one private self now or green and resuscitate our dying lands, waters, air so life can survive damn it...and green photosynthetic absorbent watersheds are the key to absorbing these "pollutants".....
What are we waiting for?
Renewable Energy can satisfy all energy needs on x 11,000 (ETOM 2013)....wind x 10 (AWEA 2015)....water and waves, waves x 5 (aquamarine 2016) kick our deadly addictions to Biblical lies of a cash-driven fossil fuel industry desperate to take to get for the private self, to push the other down to lift their own private self up, assuming erroneously that privatized cash profiteering for one private self in one linear/flat /blinding/obstructive world of thick/dense/impermeable walls and barriers now justifies all.....But it does not....and they are wrong, wrong scientifically, wrong mathematically, wrong eco+nomically (balancing both name/meanings and numbers/rates of definitions of both quantity and quality to produce a more balanced, sane system)...wrong eco+logically (as in logical, intelligent, legal, logistical, legacy....etc).....wrong morally as in moral laws of reciprocity and often wrong legally.....while rewriting human books/electrons of human history, human science, human law to sell the immoral to crush their own children's/family's futures criminally, their own nation's future treasonously, their own private future stupidly.
That is not very smart.
America needs to act now as a winning team....not as an insane find someone to drive our ship safely, to stop self-destruction as Trump, Incorporated has conspired to do.
Fact: America needs leaders of vision, wisdom, scientific literacy to grow a more positive future, economy, public of both private and public and life web peace and prosperity now and generations from now.
But Trump's GOP voters assume erroneously that privatized cash profiteering justifies all.....butthey are wrong, very ,ver wrong, and are causing America to crash.....obvious now or not....counted in private rates of private cash of only one private speeding sphere crushing public worlds or not....
America needs to act now to slow/end/reverse the 6th Extinction/Anthropocene/Climate911 on earth that fossil fuel cash-driven industrialization of the last 150 years has caused, that Biblical lies of Exxon's + other fossil fuel fools' cash-driven/dictated Reaganomics/voodoonomics has caused us and earth....
* redefine our word, "eco+nomics" as more than mechanical rates of private/shortsighted/blinding cashflow floods crushing life on earth....and learn to value the reach far beyond the obvious to discover nature's amazing wonders enough to learn to nurture nature so nature can nurture us and life on earth please thanks....
* leave the dinosaurs in the stop causing hell on earth......Count more than mechanical/artifical/human-dictated/pyramid scheme scam secrecy of private rates of cash that crush and destroy us, that crush life and logic on earth.......and also
* count and value life and logic uncountable obvious and far beyond the obvious, public longterm complex worlds, life's infinitely intricate and vast wonders that produce critical but uncountable flows cycles positive productivity to fill in hungry voids of the negative, to grow heaven on earth now and generations from now.... impossible to count in cash , also to produce critical but uncountable flows cycles positive productivity to grow heaven own earth, positive outcomes of our actions also now and generations from now to lift all up to light...
* harvest free infinite flows of free infinite 100% Renewable Energy, Solar, Wind, Water, Waves to slash $ operating costs of any system, including LT public/private health costs, inefficiencies/obstructions of pollution, ...100% Renewable Energy 100% doable by 2030 (IRENA 2016), by 2050 (100.org2015)...if fossil fuel fools would help with their energy expertise ....or get out of the way in DC etc
* convert impermeable surfaces decertified wastelands to absorbent green watersheds instead....photosynthetic, cultivating heaven on earth to absorb precipitation and runoff, activate homeostasis./buffering/nurturing/nutrient production, hidden genetic potentials/nature's genius in every living cell that wants to grow upwards toward light of our sun to produce 1) abundant riches to count and also 2) critical but uncountable flows cycles positive productivity of light energy synergy air o2 water h2o rich organic topsoil and sailmakers and green photosynthesis and nature's logic/genius to grow countable food and shelter to keep our human cities and nations alive day to day and minute to minute (as humans die within minutes without o2, within days without h2o, within months without food)....Yet our human cash system counts the most critical and uncountable flows for life the least....and the least critical flows the most, the least critical structures and stones the most, the most deadly forces of the negative, of war the most, illogically.....human cashflow floods crushing life and logic on earth
* count more than cash to value the invaluable, hidden, uncountable flows and cycles and positive productivity of nature to nurture us grow heaven on earth instead...
* leave the dinosaurs in the stop causing hell on earth......Count more than mechanical/artifical/human-dictated/pyramid scheme scam secrecy of private rates of cash that crush and destroy us, that crush life and logic on earth.......and also
* count and value life and logic uncountable obvious and far beyond the obvious, public longterm complex worlds, life's infinitely intricate and vast wonders that produce critical but uncountable flows cycles positive productivity to fill in hungry voids of the negative, to grow heaven on earth now and generations from now.... impossible to count in cash , also to produce critical but uncountable flows cycles positive productivity to grow heaven own earth, positive outcomes of our actions also now and generations from now to lift all up to light...
* harvest free infinite flows of free infinite 100% Renewable Energy, Solar, Wind, Water, Waves to slash $ operating costs of any system, including LT public/private health costs, inefficiencies/obstructions of pollution, ...100% Renewable Energy 100% doable by 2030 (IRENA 2016), by 2050 (100.org2015)...if fossil fuel fools would help with their energy expertise ....or get out of the way in DC etc
* convert impermeable surfaces decertified wastelands to absorbent green watersheds instead....photosynthetic, cultivating heaven on earth to absorb precipitation and runoff, activate homeostasis./buffering/nurturing/nutrient production, hidden genetic potentials/nature's genius in every living cell that wants to grow upwards toward light of our sun to produce 1) abundant riches to count and also 2) critical but uncountable flows cycles positive productivity of light energy synergy air o2 water h2o rich organic topsoil and sailmakers and green photosynthesis and nature's logic/genius to grow countable food and shelter to keep our human cities and nations alive day to day and minute to minute (as humans die within minutes without o2, within days without h2o, within months without food)....Yet our human cash system counts the most critical and uncountable flows for life the least....and the least critical flows the most, the least critical structures and stones the most, the most deadly forces of the negative, of war the most, illogically.....human cashflow floods crushing life and logic on earth
* count more than cash to value the invaluable, hidden, uncountable flows and cycles and positive productivity of nature to nurture us grow heaven on earth instead...
Essentially....harvest nature's free, infinite flows cycles positive productivity of critical flows of light, energy synergy, air o2, water h2o, rich organic topsoil and soil+makers to grow green photosynthesis to grow and produce countable flood and shelter to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to activate earth's dying air cycles, water cycles, life cycles inalienable on earth to grow heaven on earth to produce enough for us to consume consume enough to produce enough to lift all up to shed the Biblical lies that a cash-driven 1% are using to fuel erroneous, deadly assumptions causing hell on earth.... slow/stop/reverse our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene/Climate911 that is costing us all too much..obvious or not, counted in cash or stop causing hell on earth...and grow heaven on earth instead.
It's not difficult to grow democracy of by for life on earth. Question those addicted to deadly fossil fuel cashflow floods about their real function.
Paul Krugman: Trump Isn't an Aberration—He's the Logical Conclusion of 40 Years of Conservative Lies @alternet
Paul Krugman: Trump Isn't an Aberration—He's the Logical Conclusion of 40 Years of Conservative Lies @alternet: The Times columnist traces the origins of movement conservatism. Anti-Trump Republicans love to claim Donald Trump is an aberration, a fake conservative destroying their ideals of individual liberty, small government and even smaller taxes with a cavalcade of lies. Conservative senators like Lindsey Graham and John McCain grandstanded last week about the GOP's broken health care policy and the erosion of senatorial norms. But what these speeches conveniently ignore is that Republicans have been lying to their constituents for years.
Paul Krugman: Trump Isn't an Aberration—He's the Logical Conclusion of 40 Years of Conservative Lies @alternet
Paul Krugman: Trump Isn't an Aberration—He's the Logical Conclusion of 40 Years of Conservative Lies @alternet: " The Times columnist traces the origins of movement conservatism. Anti-Trump Republicans love to claim Donald Trump is an aberration, a fake conservative destroying their ideals of individual liberty, small government and even smaller taxes with a cavalcade of lies. Conservative senators like Lindsey Graham and John McCain grandstanded last week about the GOP's broken health care policy and the erosion of senatorial norms. But what these speeches conveniently ignore is that Republicans have been lying to their constituents for years. "
Holly Berkowitz: 40 years of "Reaganomics" that George Bush Senior labeled as "voodoonomics" in his debates with Reagan have crushed our nation's natural capital of by for growing life that any nation needs to become "great"......
Holly Berkowitz: 40 years of "Reaganomics" that George Bush Senior labeled as "voodoonomics" in his debates with Reagan have crushed our nation's natural capital of by for growing life that any nation needs to become "great"......
Time for a reboot, GOP...
Reaganomic privatization crushes to divide to count divides, segregation...and counts to divide to conquer to crush the competition, the other, the diverse, the non+same of life.....
But life shares freely to survive and to thrive....Therefore change your label, "pro+life"...
Reaganomic deregulation rips apart our "Rule of Law" that we need to protect the innocent, ripping apart, shredding our US Constitution, international laws and treaties, laws of science, laws of nature, laws of moral reciprocity produced by nature's positive productivity, every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self reaching up toward light of our sun enough to produce critical but uncountable flows, cycles, positive productivity to fill in hungry voids enough to lift all up to light enough to laugh......Therefore, change your ways, GOP...
Reaganomic cost-shifting and explosive risk-shifting onto the many unsuspecting, shifts deadly outcomes onto your own children's and family's futures criminally, your own nation's future treasonously, your own private future wake up, GOP.
America can not afford to self-destruct, Steve BAnnon et al have conspired to crush America.
That's the definition of treason.
Paul Krugman: Trump Isn't an Aberration—He's the Logical Conclusion of 40 Years of Conservative Lies @alternet
Paul Krugman: Trump Isn't an Aberration—He's the Logical Conclusion of 40 Years of Conservative Lies @alternet: " The Times columnist traces the origins of movement conservatism. Anti-Trump Republicans love to claim Donald Trump is an aberration, a fake conservative destroying their ideals of individual liberty, small government and even smaller taxes with a cavalcade of lies. Conservative senators like Lindsey Graham and John McCain grandstanded last week about the GOP's broken health care policy and the erosion of senatorial norms. But what these speeches conveniently ignore is that Republicans have been lying to their constituents for years. "
Holly Berkowitz: 40 years of "Reaganomics" that George Bush Senior labeled as "voodoonomics" in his debates with Reagan have crushed our nation's natural capital of by for growing life that any nation needs to become "great"......
Holly Berkowitz: 40 years of "Reaganomics" that George Bush Senior labeled as "voodoonomics" in his debates with Reagan have crushed our nation's natural capital of by for growing life that any nation needs to become "great"......
Time for a reboot, GOP...
Reaganomic privatization crushes to divide to count divides, segregation...and counts to divide to conquer to crush the competition, the other, the diverse, the non+same of life.....
But life shares freely to survive and to thrive....Therefore change your label, "pro+life"...
Reaganomic deregulation rips apart our "Rule of Law" that we need to protect the innocent, ripping apart, shredding our US Constitution, international laws and treaties, laws of science, laws of nature, laws of moral reciprocity produced by nature's positive productivity, every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self reaching up toward light of our sun enough to produce critical but uncountable flows, cycles, positive productivity to fill in hungry voids enough to lift all up to light enough to laugh......Therefore, change your ways, GOP...
Reaganomic cost-shifting and explosive risk-shifting onto the many unsuspecting, shifts deadly outcomes onto your own children's and family's futures criminally, your own nation's future treasonously, your own private future wake up, GOP.
America can not afford to self-destruct, Steve BAnnon et al have conspired to crush America.
That's the definition of treason.
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